Worldwide “Big Money” Vaxx Operation: U.S. Government Green-lights Seventh COVID Shot, In the EU, 10 Additional Vaxx Shots Contemplated

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by Michel Chossudovsky
Pfizer and Moderna are pushing for more than 14 billion doses of the mRNA vaccine Worldwide.
Seven doses per person in the US as reported in Jordan Schachtel‘s carefully documented article (see below) is equivalent to a total of the order of 2.34 billion doses, for a U.S. population of 334 million.(2022)
This whole process is “profit driven” in the billions, sustained by scientific fraud and disinformation.
Worldwide, over a two year period, more than 12.9 billion vaccine doses were administered across 184 countries (Bloomberg, September 21, 2022, see graph below).
Recorded September 21, 2022: 12.9 Million doses adminstered (mid December 2020- September 21, 2022)
Mid March 2023, the estimated number of doses administered Worldwide is in excess of 14 billion, for a total World population of 8 billion people. (1.75 doses per person for a World population of 8 billion).
The scale and social impact of this vaccine operation are beyond description. It’s a war against humanity in its entirety.
The Unspoken Truth: We are dealing with a highly profitable multibillion dollar operation which is predicated on increased levels of vaccine related mortality and morbidity.
Ursula von der Leyen: “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses”
In the European Union, Pfizer is negotiating ten additional doses the mRNA vaccine.
The price of each vaccine dose is being negotiated directly with the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von Der Leyen, who’s is known to be corrupt.
The broader objective of Pfizer’s CEO Dr. Bourla is to negotiate a 4.5 billion vaccine doses contract for a EU population of 450 million,
In other words, 10 doses per person. These are additional doses to those already purchased by the EU (In excess of 800 million).
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, April 21, 2023
by Jordan Schachtel
The FDA has decided to amend the emergency use authorizations for the original versions of the Moderna and Pfizer experimental mRNA injections that failed to do anything beneficial for coronavirus infections. The old versions are being swapped out for somewhat newer, but also expired shots that fail to do anything beneficial for coronavirus infections.
In a press release announcing the measure, the FDA said they were doing this “to simplify the vaccination schedule for most individuals” and authorize an “additional dose for certain populations.”
FDA press release
Now, it’s pretty wild that we are now on SEVEN COVID SHOTS for some segments of the population. YES, SEVEN SHOTS IN TWO YEARS. We are officially at the point where the government is too embarrassed to give the people a current tally.
Sadly, the Pfizer loyalty card meme is no longer a meme, but fast becoming an FDA authorized reality.
And yet, FDA approved shots have never made their way to market. Readers of The Dossier know we have been operating under an EUA over the course of Covid hysteria. Thanks to the great work of newfound democrat candidate for president RFK Jr and others, we know this has to do primarily with legal liability issues.
According to “The Science,” the bivalent booster is better than the monovalent shot because it targets multiple variants. What the FDA fails to mention is that according to the government’s own sequencing data, the Omicron strains targeted by the bivalent boosters no longer exist.
Here’s a screen shot of the updated CDC variant tracker that shows the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 strains being present in 0.0% of the current population.
As the data makes clear, both shots expired a long time ago. And even in the event that mRNA shots are targeted to the current strain, there’s a strong argument that the “cure” is very often much worse than the disease itself.
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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity
by Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.
“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, PDF Ebook, Pages: 164, 15 Chapters
Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.
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