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Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock deserves jail time under proposed Online Safety Bill

Image: Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock deserves jail time under proposed Online Safety Bill

Former British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has expressed support for an amendment to the Online Safety Bill that punishes misinformation regarding the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. However, he is liable to be jailed under that very amendment.

“[Anti-vaccine] misinformation is deeply harmful to public health,” Hancock tweeted on April 25. “No longer can we simply allow this dangerous rubbish to be spouted online.”

Hancock’s tweet was a response to an April 24 tweet by James Bethell, member of the House of Lords – the upper chamber of the British Parliament. The former health secretary has demanded prison sentences on those he dubs “anti-vaxxers” – including anyone who expresses skepticism about what Downing Street deems to be “misinformation.”

“Health misinformation undermines public health, and the [British] government has not learned lessons from the last two years, where misinformation had a devastating impact during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Bethel wrote.

But the Daily Expose cited several instances where Hancock spouted the same misinformation about vaccines that he seeks to penalize now. The interviews touched on the supposed “effectiveness” and “safety” of the COVID-19 vaccines, which have been called into question by critics and experts.

During a January 2021 interview with the BBC, the former health secretary claimed that the vaccines would provide protection against COVID-19 after a single dose. However, later studies disproved this – revealing that one dose offered no protection and that two doses offered little protection at all.


Hancock claimed in February 2021 that the AstraZeneca vaccine, developed in partnership with the University of Oxford, was effective against the B1351 beta variant of SARS-CoV-2. But a study from South Africa showed that the AstraZeneca shot offered minimal protection against mild and moderate COVID-19 cases. The study prompted the British government to later update its guidance on the use of the vaccine.

Moreover, Hancock also consistently assured the public that COVID-19 vaccines were safe and that side effects were rare. However, reports of severe side effects from the vaccines prompted several countries to limit their use, if not suspend the use of them altogether.

Hancock also deserves jail time for murdering the elderly

“These few examples illustrate that some of the information provided by Hancock about the COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety was not accurate or consistent with emerging evidence,” the Expose noted. “Therefore, he was spreading propaganda, lies, mis- and disinformation.”

“[They] will also serve as evidence to put Hancock behind bars if the Online Safety Bill is passed and criminalizes ‘anti-vaxxers’ and vaccine ‘misinformation.’”

The independent news outlet pointed out that the former health secretary and member of Parliament for West Suffolk also deserves to be put behind bars for killing countless elderly people during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hancock did so using two methods: Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders and the drug midazolam.

According to reports by Amnesty International and the Care Quality Commission under the U.K. Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), many care home staff felt pressured into placing DNR orders on residents. This led to unnecessary deaths and violated the residents’ rights to make informed decisions about their own care.

Aside from this, the U.K. saw a sharp increase in orders of midazolam used in care homes during 2020 – the amount being significantly higher than in years prior. The drug is primarily used for managing anxiety and seizures and is also utilized as a pre-anesthetic agent.

Midazolam causes diminished respiratory function, especially in elderly patients or those with pre-existing respiratory issues. Thus, the Expose pointed out that its unsupervised use to address COVID-19 in care homes “is not just extremely controversial … [but also] criminal.” (Related: Claim: Witnesses say UK healthcare facilities are using Midazolam to euthanize elderly.)

Both of these questionable decisions happened under Hancock’s watch. He later stepped down from the DHSC in June 2021, not because of an alleged breach of COVID-19 distancing protocol.

The Expose concluded: “The combined impact of these decisions, along with the suffering and loss of life they caused, should be considered when discussing the potential consequences of Hancock’s support for the Online Safety Bill.”

Visit for more stories about the abuses of health officials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch this clip of Matt Hancock panicking after his fellow members of Parliament asked him about the number of post-COVID vaccination deaths.

This video is from the channel The Prisoner on

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Fact: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned care homes into concentration camps where the elderly & vulnerable were given lethal injections to create the illusion of a COVID pandemic.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.