Stanford University and the federal government teamed up during covid to censor as much true information as possible

More bombshells have been dropped concerning the federal government’s collusion with Big Tech and Big Academia to silence free speech online, particularly during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic.”
The ongoing Twitter Files saga continues to provide clarity as to why so many prominent doctors, academics, and other experts in their respective fields were censored online after trying to tell the truth about things like the lockdowns, face mask, and later the “vaccines” that were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed.
Last summer, as one example, Rhode Island physician Andrew Bostom, an epidemiologist and longtime researcher from Brown University, received a “strike” from Twitter for spreading “misinformation.” His crime? Sharing with the world government data from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that contradicts the Biden regime’s “official guidance” for covid.
Bostom wrote in a tweet, citing FDA data, that there is no solid evidence to show that Fauci Flu shots have ever prevented even a single child from being hospitalized. He wrote that the “only RCT data we have from children reveals ZERO hospitalizations prevented by vaccination vs. placebo,” this statement being the last straw that led to Twitter taking action against him.
(Related: Remember when Stanford University, UCLA, and various other fake education institutions admitted that the risk benefit to covid “vaccines” is actually negative?)
Big Tech and Big Academia colluded with Big Government to impose their Great Censorship plan for the world
Upon later internal review of Bostom’s alleged offenses, it was discovered that only one of his five Twitter violations leading up to the strike were actually valid, based on Twitter’s own rules – and even the one that did violate its policies was “legitimate but inconvenient to the public health establishment’s narrative about the risks of flu versus Covid in children,” according to journalist David Zweig, who has been dropping bombshell after bombshell about the Twitter Files in recent months.
How this type of censorship came to be the norm at Twitter involves a tangled web of government spooks from three-letter agencies who infiltrated the social media platform in conjunction with interference and collusion from academic institutions like Stanford and its Virality Project, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calling a lot of the shots from the top of the pyramid.
Journalist Matt Taibbi has published his own deep dive into how the Virality Project, launched by Stanford’s Cyber Policy Center, is tied to all of this, describing the entire scheme as “a sweeping, cross-platform effort to monitor billions of social media posts by Stanford University, federal agencies, and a slew of (often state-funded) NGOs.”
The goal was to eliminate all truth from the internet and replace it with propaganda promoting a global system of medical fascism. This appears to have been the ultimate goal of the covid psychological operation and every form of tyranny it entailed.
The Virality Project in particular served as “a pan-industry monitoring plan for Covid-related content,” according to Taibbi, who notes that YouTube, Facebook, Medium, TikTok, and many other social media sites are also implicated in this vast censorship scheme.
The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has put together an excellent report that goes into much further detail about what this vast censorship scheme entailed, and how it is still being used today to stamp out the First Amendment online.
“It’s clear that the Virality Project’s primary purpose was not to protect Americans from misinformation,” FEE’s Jon Miltimore writes.
“Its goal, as Taibbi notes, was to get the public to submit to authority and accept the state’s Covid narrative, particularly the pronouncements of public figures such as Drs. Anthony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky.”
To learn more about the government’s anti-free speech crusade, visit
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