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Covid Related News: No intervention is “safe and effective” and covid era interventions have proven the opposite is true

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At the best of times, the mantra “safe and effective” is drivel.  But in the case of covid injections, it is an outright lie.  According to Dr. David Martin’s estimations at the end of last year, 300 million people could have already been killed or severely injured by the mRNA bioweapons marketed as “vaccines” against covid.

Because of their impact on pregnancy outcomes and menstrual functions, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. James Thorp suggest that a worldwide moratorium on the use of covid-19 injections during pregnancy is required.  Dr. McCullough also testified that the injections are causing “the largest blood clots we’ve ever seen.”  Steve Kirsch goes further and testifies that covid injections are not the only vaccines causing harm. 

Non-pharmaceutical interventions imposed during the covid era are also unsafe and ineffective and doctors in America have had enough of the CDC’s and WHO’s lies.

Holland’s Dr. Michaéla Schippers, Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management at Rotterdam School of Management, explores the idea that society has been caught up in a “death spiral.”  And Elsa Scheider releases two videos a day of interviews with 21 truth-tellers in her latest interview series ‘The Truth Summit 2023’.

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Unsafe and Ineffective Pharmaceutical Interventions

Safe and effective: The mantra “safe and effective” is epidemiological drivel.  “Safe and effective”, although a seductive phrase, assumes or implies that whatever you are embarking on is 100% effective and 100% safe or near enough. It’s safe to cross the road means you’ll get to the other side.  However, health interventions can’t stake such a claim.  Safe, which is the exemption from hurt or injury – no intervention can be safe. Effective could be that the intervention is successful in producing the desired or intended result and requires balancing the different effects and making a value judgement – not everyone presented with the same evidence will come to the same conclusion.  No one should be coerced; they should be educated based on impartial evidence but ultimately left to make their minds up. Read more HERE.

300 million could be killed or injured by covid mRNA bioweapons: During an interview with Man in America in November 2022, Dr. David E. Martin explained that 7% to 15% of batches had extremely severe adverse events.  “On the best case [scenario], we’re talking about death and permanent disability to 300 million people.  That is the best case,” he said. This will incapacitate another 300 million who depend on them.

The video below is a clip extracted from the interview.  As mentioned elsewhere in the interview, this estimation is based on the assumption that roughly 3.5 to 4 billion people have been injected, and somewhere in the region of 3 billion people have been injected with mRNA technology.  “We’ve turned 3 billion people into a bioweapons factory … that means we have mRNA and DNA modifications that are not only going to impact this generation but it will impact generations to come.”  You can watch the full interview HERE.

David Martin on ‘Best Case’ of Covid VAXX: ‘We’re Talking About 600 million People Incapacitated’ (3 mins)

The Impact of covid injections on pregnancy outcomes and menstrual function: A peer-reviewed study published in December 2022 and whose authors included Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. James Thorp concluded: “Pregnancy and menstrual abnormalities are significantly more frequent following covid-19 vaccinations than that of Influenza vaccinations. A worldwide moratorium on the use of covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy is advised until randomised prospective trials document safety in pregnancy and long-term follow-up in offspring.”  Read more HERE.

Pfizer’s depopulation agenda, as evidenced by its own documents: “It’s my belief that they were trying to disrupt especially female reproduction,” Dr. Naomi Wolf said. “And the question is, how do I know that? And the answer is from the structure of what they looked at. Again, I’m a literary critic, but this is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.” Read more HERE.

BioNTech faces first German lawsuit over covid injection side effects: BioNTech will go to court on Monday to defend itself against a lawsuit from a German woman who is seeking damages for alleged side effects of its covid injection, the first of potentially hundreds of cases in the country.  What’s particularly notable is that this article was published by Reuters (!).  Read more HERE.

The covid injections are causing the “largest blood clots we’ve ever seen”: “My experience with these blood clots are they’re enormously resistant to blood thinners,” Dr. Peter McCullough said on Friday at Senator Doug Matriano’s Medical Freedom Panel 2023. “Wuhan spike protein is inside the blood clots, and it’s folding, forming what’s called amyloid structures.” Read more HERE.

Want to compromise brain activity? Just add SARS-CoV-2 spike!: This latest paper published in Science Advances on June 7, 2023 entitled: ‘SARS-CoV-2 infection and viral fusogens cause neuronal and glial fusion that compromises neuronal activity’, confirms some disturbing theories as to why we have been witnessing neurological impairment and damages since SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to the public.  Read more HERE.

HIV-like DNA sequences, viral particles and breast cancer: A study by Rakowicz-Szulczynska et al. published in 1998 strongly suggested that the long-postulated breast cancer virus may, in fact, be related to HIV-1. 21 years after this study Polansky and Schwab published a review into how latent viruses may cause breast cancer, lending additional credence to the “cancer virus” hypothesis and experimental findings. Read more HERE.

The truth about all vaccines: During his testimony to the Pennsylvania State Senate last week, Steve Kirsch said: “ “All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids. It’s not just the covid vaccines.”  Read more HERE.

Unsafe and Ineffective Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

A Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) blog acknowledges face masks increase carbon dioxide levels.  When “wearing an N95 [filtering facepiece respirators] blood CO2 levels may increase past the 1-hour mark, which could have a significant physiological effect on the wearer.”  In an attempt not to incriminate themselves, the blog places a red block at the beginning of the article: “… this blog is specifically about respirators … not facemasks worn as barrier control to stop the spread of covid.”  Read more HERE.

Doctors are angry about CDC’s and WHO’s covid lies: More and more, doctors across the United States have begun questioning the covid narrative relating to vaccines, masks, lockdowns and alternative treatments and they’re speaking out.  Dr. Kat Lindley has co-founded the Global Health Project to amplify those voices and ensure that the kind of mass hysteria and misinformation peddled by elite institutions never happens again.   Dr. Lindley speaks about her program and the Global Health Project’s efforts to encourage physicians to raise their voices and restore faith in medical professionals.

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The Jimmy Dore Show: “We Were Duped” – Doctors Angry About CDC & WHO’s Covid Lies, 11 June 2023 (18 mins)

New Normal Germany Blues: The first rule of New Normal Germany is “You Do Not Compare New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany!” Actually, says CJ Hopkins, “the first rule of New Normal Germany is ‘Shut Up, Click Heels, and Follow Orders!’ I think the second rule is probably the one about not comparing New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany.”  Read more HERE.

Is society caught up in a death spiral?: Just like an army of ants caught in an ant mill, individuals, groups and even whole societies are sometimes caught up in a death spiral – a vicious cycle of self-reinforcing dysfunctional behaviour characterised by continuous flawed decision-making, myopic single-minded focus on one (set of) solution(s), denial, distrust, micromanagement, dogmatic thinking and learned helplessness.  Professor Dr. Michaéla Schippers uses this presentation to define and describe the death spiral effect and offer a positive way forward in terms of evidence-based solutions to escape it. We have embedded the video below to begin at about timestamp 20 mins. You can read the abstract of Dr. Schippers paper HERE and watch an 30-minute interview with Jordan Petersen on the death spiral HERE.

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PANDA: Is society caught up in a Death Spiral? | Prof Michaéla Schippers, 9 June 2023 (25 mins)

The Truth Summit 2023: During the two weeks 12 to 23 June, Elsa Scheider, PhD, is interviewing 21 truth tellers.  She is making available to view for free two interviews per day.  The interviews have been conducted over the last month or so.  Each interview is available to view for 48 hours, starting the day the interview was aired on Dr. Scheider’s Truth Summit schedule.   On 12 June, Day 1, her interviews explored the ‘Injustice System’ with Reiner Fuellmich and Howell Woltz.  Today is the final day these two videos are available to view.  Yesterday, on Day 2 titled ‘Medical Malpractice’, Dr. Scheider released interviews with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Tess Lawrie.  These two videos are available to view up to Thursday.  You can view a list of interviewees with links to the videos on Rumble HERE.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.