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Derry GP suspended over Covid-19 vaccine comments says she is victim of conspiracy

Dr Anne McCloskey claimed others within the medical profession and government agents have schemed against her.

She also alleged the action amounted to fraud and arbitrary damage to her reputation.

The former Aontu councillor is fighting a legal bid to extend her interim suspension from practising.

In 2021 Dr McCloskey expressed concerns in a social media video over young people taking Covid jabs.

The posting included claims about the amount of evidence that it was safe for them to be vaccinated.

A tribunal imposed an 18-month suspension after her comments attracted a number of complaints.

The General Medical Council (GMC) is seeking to have the restrictions extended pending the completion of all relevant investigations.

With Dr McCloskey self-represented in resisting the application, her supporters packed a public gallery at the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast today for an anticipated hearing of the legal battle.

She told Mr Justice Rooney: “I’m alleging fraud and misrepresentation.”

The judge, who has just been assigned to the case, stressed the need to give the GMC time to respond to her claims.

But the GP further contended: “Right from the beginning of the process which brought about my suspension there was a conspiracy by senior members of the medical profession, allied with government agents, to remove my licence to practise medicine.

“I have had my professional reputation removed arbitrarily.”

Claiming more than 20,000 people have signed an online petition to have her reinstated, she added that she has waited two years for due process.

“I have not had fairness or justice, there is just this word ‘misinformation’ and that I’m a danger to patients.”

Adjourning proceedings to later in the week, Mr Justice Rooney explained that he needed more time to examine all relevant legal papers.

Counsel for the GMC emphasised he remains ready to deal with the case.

And Dr McCloskey pledged: “I will make myself available. My diary is empty, I’m no longer working.”

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Belfast Telegraph can be found here.