Klaus Schwab says he is eager to learn from China their vision for the world
At the World Economic Forum’s Summer Davos on Tuesday, Klaus Schwab expressed his admiration for Chinese officials saying that “we” appreciate the long-term support from “our Chinese friends.” He also praised China’s achievements in “social development.” Adding, “We are eager to learn from your vision on China and the world.”
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A Communist Davos in Summer
In 2023, the World Economic Forum returned to the convening of a “Summer Davos.” This week, starting on 27 June, the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions is being held in Tianjin, China. The theme of the meeting is “Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy”.
“The Meeting will gather over 1,500 global leaders from business, government, civil society, international organisations as well as from among innovators and academics, at a crucial time for the global economic recovery”, the World Economic Forum claimed in the lead up to the event. Although looking at the audience it appears there were few people from outside China or Asia present.
“The Forum, with its over 40 years of friendly and extensive partnership with China … We appreciate the long-term support from our Chinese friends, from many ministers who are here with us today as well thank you for your participation … Premier Li [Qiang] we are eager to learn from your vision on China and the world,” Klaus Schwab said.
Bizarrely in his speech, Premier Li refers to China, the world’s second-largest economy, as a developing nation. “China today is still the world’s largest developing country,” he said. As for the Chinese Communist Party’s (“CCP’s”) vision for the world, or the “global village,” as he called it, Li said: “We must act on the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind put forward by President Xi Jinping and jointly implement the Global Development Initiative the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative … The Chinese economy is deeply integrated into the world economy. China has developed itself by embracing globalisation and grown into a most staunch force for globalisation.”
The Global Development Initiative was proposed by China in September 2021 with the aim to support the timely achievement of all 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
China’s Global Security Initiative was proposed by President Xi Jinping on 21 April 2022. It aims to eliminate the root causes of international conflicts, improve global security governance, encourage joint international efforts to bring more stability and certainty to a volatile and changing era and promote durable peace and development in the world.
China’s Global Civilization Initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinping in March 2023, is a trio of complementary concepts in the “Community of Common Destiny.” Promoting a “community of shared future” is the ultimate objective of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. “Community of common destiny” and “community of shared future” are two official translations of the same Chinese phrase. The Global Citizen Initiative complements and interconnects with the Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative, representing China’s “wisdom and solutions for the world.”
Schwab made no mention of the draconian controls and measures imposed on the Chinese people under the pretext of the covid pandemic. Instead, Schwab ignored the appalling human rights abuses of the CCP and chose to comment only on covid responses after the horrendous zero-covid policy had ended: “In March … China adopted new covid control measures and started to boost economic development, social dynamism and international cooperation … in the first half year China has made remarkable achievements in economy, in social development, in diplomacy and in many other areas.”
Below are Schwab’s opening remarks at the Summer Davos followed by Li. If you are in any doubt that WEF is following a communist plan, it is worth hearing Li’s speech. It could have been delivered by anyone from WEF, UN, WHO or any of their talking heads – they are all following the same script. The only question that remains is: who wrote the script?
It’s worth noting that ten days before WEF’s Summer Davos meeting began, Bill Gates met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. Xi called Gates “an old friend.” Xi told Gates: “You are the first American friend I’ve met in Beijing this year.” Gates wants to help China fight malaria and tuberculosis via the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute (GHDDI), a Beijing-based group set up by Gates.
China’s Horrific Human Rights Abuses
Many have shared a clip of Schwab’s speech claiming that Schwab was praising the CCP’s horrendous zero covid policy.
The clip in the tweet above is taken from Schwab’s opening remarks at WEF’s Summer Davos meeting beginning at timestamp 5:44.
However, as we mentioned, Schwab deliberately avoided any reference to the CCP’s atrocious display of raw power to control and destroy at will. Having said that, we cannot consider the CCP’s vision for the world without mentioning this shameful period of China’s recent past.
In May 2022, China said coronavirus patients who die face expulsion from the CCP. China warned any victims of the novel coronavirus epidemic who fail to face their illness “with boldness” and then also die would no longer be considered members in good standing of the CCP.
While the world was already phasing out covid prevention measures, major Chinese cities were again placed under strict lockdowns in 2022. In the spring, shocking videos from Shanghai appeared in social and corporate media, showing residents screaming from their balconies amid another strict lockdown to prevent the spread of covid.
In the second half of 2022, there were news reports of residents committing suicide when they could not receive any health services other than covid treatment, and an entire family perished in a fire when firefighters were not allowed into their locked-down compound.
Factory workers first took to the streets to protest the strict lockdown measures and were then followed by university students in big cities in late 2022.
Read more: China Suddenly Abandoned Its Zero Covid Policy. How Did It Start in The First Place? The Diplomat, 28 January 2023
Less than two weeks after the protests first began, Chinese authorities announced they were rolling back nearly all of their zero-covid policies. On 7 December 2022, the Chinese government provided 10 new guidelines, one of which was to speed up vaccination for the elderly.
There appear to be two main reasons why the Chinese government decided to ease its “zero covid” policy. The first is the catastrophic economic loss. The second reason is thought to be a change in public sentiment
In January 2023, infuriated by nearly three years of stringent covid-19 policies, residents of nearly every major Chinese city held vigils commemorating the lives of those who had died while trapped under lockdown conditions or because they were denied potentially life-saving care. The demonstrations were also a powerful rebuke of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who has become closely associated with the suite of regulations loosely termed “zero covid.”
Read more: China’s authorities are quietly rounding up people who protested against covid rules, NPR, 11 January 2023 and The End of China’s Zero-COVID Policy and Takeaways for North Korea, 30 North, 24 February 2023
Last month, Dr. Zhang Wenhong, the director of the Centre for infectious diseases at Huashan Hospital in Shanghai and a key figure in China’s response to covid, stated in an interview with Chinese media outlets that in facing a projected covid outbreak in June, the nation “should not go too far in taking pandemic prevent measures in response,” referring to last year’s harsh restrictions and lockdowns that stunted China’s economic growth. The New York Times reported that Chinese officials appear to be attempting to get rid of the strict limitations that by the end of last year had worn out the public’s tolerance.
Read more: Covid-19 resurgence hits but China not to return to lockdown approach, WION, 29 May 2023
Sociable has noted some other CCP measures – such as mass surveillance, predictive policing, genetic profiling and social credit scores – which are worth noting when considering China’s vision for the world. You can read Sociable’s article HERE.
Social Development Has No Specific Meaning
Returning to Schwab’s opening remarks at the Chinese Davos, he used two terms worth noting: “social dynamism” and “social development”. We have no idea what social dynamism means and it is perhaps worthy of investigation and an article all of its own considering the time and lengthy text required while attempting to define “social development” below.
It’s not clear what Schwab means when he refers to “social development.” A search on both the WEF and Schwab Foundation websites for a definition of the term proves unsatisfactory. It is almost always mentioned in conjunction with “economic,” in the phrase “economic and social development,” or as a job title. And, a search on WEF’s Strategic Intelligence Platform returns one result – the United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable Development (“SDG”) Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. But nowhere on WEF’s website is there a definition or indication of what Schwab or his affiliates mean when using the term.
“Social development” seems to be a catch-all buzzword that, as we’ll see below, is foundational to SDGs.
The SDGs were established by the UN General Assembly in 2015. The 17 SDGs are integrated – they recognise that action in one area will affect outcomes in others – and claim that “development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.”
According to Wikipedia, the social dimension of sustainability is not well defined and it means something different to different groups. In other words, people interpret it as they please. This could explain why WEF and the Schwab Foundation have not defined “social development.” It, of course. also means that no one at WEF’s Summer Davos truly understood what Schwab was prattling on about – particularly those who relied on a translator to hear it in their own language. So, let’s see if we can decode his seemingly nonsensical language.
In 1946, the UN Economic and Social Council established the Commission for Social Development (“CSocD”). Since the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, CSocD has been the key UN body in charge of the follow-up and implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and its Programme of Action. The Copenhagen Declaration states:
[The] essential interdependence [of social development and social justice with peace and security] was recognised 50 years ago in the Charter of the United Nations and has since grown ever stronger.
We are deeply convinced that economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development.
We acknowledge that people are at the centre of our concerns for sustainable development and that they are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with the environment.
We reaffirm and are guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and by agreements reached at relevant international conferences, including the World Summit for Children, held in New York in 1990; the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held at Rio de Janeiro in 1992; the World Conference on Human Rights, held at Vienna in 1993; the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, held at Bridgetown, Barbados in 1994; and the International Conference on Population and Development, held at Cairo in 1994.
We commit ourselves to this Declaration and Programme of Action for enhancing social development and ensuring human well-being for all throughout the world now and into the twenty-first century. [Emphasis our own.]
Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development, UN Documents, 14 March 1995
The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, the Earth Summit, produced the Agenda 21 document. The Programme of Action mentioned in the declaration refers to Agenda 21 seven times. One of the mentions is under Chapter V titled ‘Implementation and Follow-up’:
Neither the Copenhagen Declaration nor its Programme for Action defines “social development.” The Programme for Action does note, however, that it requires a re-orientation of all of society’s values, which include two other ill-defined terms which are repeated ad nauseam today – equity and social justice:
Effectively, “social development” is not a standalone term but rather a part of the “sustainable development” word salad. And looking past the fluffy language, and simply put, sustainable development is a system for global control. It supplants decision-making at the national and local levels with global governance. It is an ongoing, and thus far successful, global coup. As openly stated by the UN, “sustainable development” is all about transformation, not necessarily “sustainability” as most people conceive of it.
Unlimited Hangout has published a series of articles on SDGs and what they really mean for each of us. The introductory article in the series states:
The reality behind most – if not all – of the SDGs are policies cloaked in the flowery language of utopia that – in practice – will only benefit the economic elite and entrench their power.
In the fine print of the SDGs, as there is considerable emphasis on debt and on entrapping nation states (especially developing states) in debt as a means of forcing adoption of SDG-related policies.
Overall … the motivation behind the SDGs and Agenda 2030 is about retooling the same economic imperialism used by the Anglo-American Empire in the post-World War II era for the purposes of the coming “multipolar world order” and efforts to enact a global neo-feudal model, perhaps best summarised as a model for “sustainable slavery.”
Sustainable Debt Slavery, Unlimited Hangout, 13 September 2022
Does Schwab’s praise of China’s “social development” and eagerness for China’s vision for the world now make sense? His remark is not praising China’s zero covid policy, he was admiring China’s measures and vision towards implementing sustainable slavery.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.