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Journalist who broke Pentagon UFO reveal says whistleblowers scared

Investigative journalist who broke Pentagon UFO story reveals MORE whistleblowers will come forward but they’re scared of losing their jobs, safety and their security clearance

  • David Grusch claimed the US has run a top secret UFO retrieval program
  • Journalist Leslie Kean believes that more whistleblowers could come forward 
  • She says, however that there is still a risk for safety and jobs in speaking out

The investigative journalist who broke the story of the Pentagon whistleblower who claims the US has run a top secret UFO retrieval program for decades claims more people will come forward but are currently too scared.

David Grusch served 14 years in the Air Force, where he says he was told about the program by others who were involved.

He went public last month and explained how the US is in an arms race with Russia and China to understand the extra-terrestrial life.

Leslie Kean, the journalist who helped reveal Grusch’s story, says more whistleblowers could come forward but even with hearings scheduled for Congress, some are afraid to speak out.

‘I do think there will be, there already have been other whistleblowers but the question is will they go public and that remains to be seen,’ she told NewsNation Thursday. 

Leslie Kean, the investigative journalist who broke the story of t he Pentagon whistleblower who claims the US has run a top secret UFO retrieval program for decades says more people are scared to come forward

David Grusch served 14 years in the Air Force, where he says he was told about the program by others who were involved

‘They’re very concerned for safety, jobs, there’s still a stigma against this. They don’t wanna lose [security] clearances, many have been told not to come forward by places where they work. There’s a lot of risks involved.’

For their part, the inspector general described Grusch’s complaint as ‘credible and urgent’ in July 2022 — forwarding the filing to the US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and Senator Marco Rubio’s own Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, among others.

However, despite the plan to hold hearings in Washington about this in the coming weeks, Kean says people are still afraid to come forward.

‘Everyone has their own story. If we have a hearing, perhaps some of them will show up.’ 

Grusch, 36, is a decorated Afghanistan combat officer who went on to work for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). 

His role was to act as the NRO’s representative when dealing with the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The task force was specifically set up to investigate UFOs. 

David Grusch served 14 years in the Air Force, where he says he was told about the program by others who were involved

In his most recent comments, he says the ‘non human’ intelligences have acted with malevolence – and even killed some humans. 

‘I think the logical fallacy there is because they’re advanced, they’re kind. We’ll never really understand their full intent and that’s because we’re not them. 

‘But I think what appears to be malevolent activity has happened. 

‘That’s based on nuclear site probing activities and witness testimony. 

‘While I can’t get into the specifics because that would reveal certain US classified operations, I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that,’ he said, when asked specifically if any had killed humans. 

Grusch also made the astonishing claim that the US government would do anything to protect the secret – including killing people itself. 

‘At the very least, I saw substantive evidence that white-collar crime was committed…unfortunately. 

‘I’ve heard some really un-American things I don’t want to repeat right now,’ he said. 

An image from an unclassified video taken by US navy pilots showing interactions with ¿unidentified aerial phenomena'

He claimed some of the UFOs discovered have been as large as football fields. 

Another military veteran also told that his six man unit saw a hovering UFO being loaded with weapons while he was serving in Indonesia. 

Others say they have encountered aircraft that can distort space and time.  

Grusch filed his report in July last year. At the time, the Intelligence Community Inspector General called the complaint ‘urgent and credible.’ 

‘There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,’ he said, accusing the US government of lying to the public for ‘decades’. 

‘We are most definitely not alone,’ he said, adding that ‘quite a number’ of aircraft have been discovered. 

The Pentagon denied having any knowledge of the program described by Grusch last week, but said it would follow ongoing investigations into his claims ‘wherever they lead’. 

The House Oversight Committee also says it will investigate his claims.  

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Daily Mail can be found here.