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First chemtrail complaint lands on desk of Public Prosecutor’s office in Malaga

Irene Quirante


Friday, 7 July 2023, 17:19

The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Malaga has received its first chemtrail complaint which claimed that the white trails left by airplanes contain chemicals that are harmful to health. It has been scientifically proven that the trails are the result of water vapour expelled by aircraft and transformed into ice.

The complaint from a foreign person claimed that “they are fumigating the skies over Malaga” and has reached the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office, the prosecutor Fernando Germán Benítez said. “We were aware that many others had arrived in Madrid, which have ended up being shelved, but this is the first one that has reached us here,” Benítez added.

The document was presented by the complainant in Madrid and was accompanied by a series of photographs showing trails in the sky. However, as it refers to Malaga, the complaint was sent to our local Public Prosecutor’s office.

“It is more than proven that it is nothing more than frozen water, so a order will be made to archive it and it the complainant will be notified,” Benítez said.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Google News can be found here.