Covid Related News: Covid was a mass mind control operation
Covid was a mass mind control operation, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich explains in an interview with Stew Peters. In a separate interview, Professor Martin Neil describes the massive corruption of society to promote covid and its “vaccine” and how this is nothing new, it has been going on for 150 years.
A4ANZ closes its Twitter account after JikkyLeaks calls them and Qantas out for their efforts to get the Australian government to adopt “vaccine” mandates.
Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks about the threats to imprison him for his role in protests against covid measures. While in New Jersey, USA, the Governor and other officials are presented with a comprehensive document describing covid crimes and a request for a criminal investigation.
Corporate media in Scotland reports that heart attacks are becoming increasingly more common in women under 50 and “medical experts can’t figure out why.” In Ireland, corporate media is called out for being fully complicit in endorsing the unscientific and false “covid pandemic” narrative.
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The following is a collection of recent articles/interviews from a variety of sources.
Where did the flu go? In this podcast, Dr. Ahmad Malik and Professor Martin Neil discuss the greatest vanishing magic act of all time: the disappearance of flu during the covid era. All the issues – the massive corruption of society, such as vaccine harms, mandates, and inflated deaths – that we’re witnessing now with covid have been going on for a long time. “This playbook has been stuck on repeat for a long, long time,” Prof Neil said. It goes back 150 years. Watch below or HERE.
Discovering the disinformation playbook: An excerpt from ‘The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic‘ by Dr. Pierre Kory.
“When I first set foot on the battlefield, I was blissfully unaware of the rules of engagement. Hell, I didn’t even know I was fighting in a war … One thing was crystal clear to me: Something illicit was happening around ivermectin, and Big Pharma’s fingerprints were all over the crime scene … n the beginning, I truly believed that the pandemic would be over in a matter of months – just as soon as our review paper was published.” Read more HERE.
Covid was a mass mind control operation: What do transgenderism, paedophilia, and covid have in common? According to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake: It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind control.
Most of our leaders and those in positions of power are actually psychopaths. However, these leaders couldn’t have risen to power if the masses didn’t play along. This is because the general public has been dumbed down due to the collapse of our education system. We have been taught to follow orders and not think for ourselves.
Leader of Canada’s Opposition calls for an end to discriminatory covid injection mandates: The London Free Press recently published an article detailing the tribulations of a pregnant nurse who faces termination over a lingering workplace covid “vaccine” policy. The headline asks: Why are covid vaccines still mandatory?
Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre retweeted the article stating that the fastest way to get more doctors and nurses is to “end all the discriminatory vaccine mandates blocking them from doing their jobs, so they can work again.” Read more HERE.
Shut down the covid operation now! USA: Everyone around you is saying that covid is over, but it is not, not even close. A few politicians have said a few words about some vaccines not being safe, or suggested that “mistakes were made” but they are not anywhere near ready to talk about what really happened. We are not talking about medical mistakes, or even about the unaccountability of big pharma here. We are taking about crimes on a massive scale, rivalling the mass murder of civilians undertaken by the Nazis. These crimes must end, and they must end now. Read more HERE.
Artur Pawlowski speaks about threat of imprisonment by Alberta government: Artur Pawlowski was found guilty of mischief for his role in protests against covid public health measures.
12 July 2023 (36 mins)
Ireland’s corporate media are fully complicit in endorsing the “pandemic” narrative: From the outset of the “covid Pandemic” in March 2020, Ireland, like numerous other countries, introduced stringent lockdowns under the guise of preventing the spread of an alleged virus. This soon turned into Irish public broadcaster RTÉ promoting a “no jab, no entry” policy.
This enforced segregation between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, in Ireland and further afield, served as a dry-run for the introduction of mandatory digital ID, a key part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that the WEF envisages will come about as a result of the Great Reset, with the ultimate goal being a cashless society. One where the corporate-government alliance has full control over its citizen’s financial transactions, and can easily impose sanctions against those it deems to be dissidents.
RTÉ’s two-year endorsement of the introduction of such a totalitarian society has come in for little criticism since the sudden collapse of the “pandemic” narrative last January. Read more HERE.
‘Airlines for Australia and New Zealand’ delete Twitter account: The account, which started back in 2017, deleted itself in response to JikkyLeaks calling them out for advocating for ‘vaccine’ mandates. A letter obtained by Freedom of Information Act, and published by JikkyLeaks HERE, details efforts by Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (“A4ANZ”) to get the Australian government to adopt ‘”vaccine” mandates. Read more HERE.
You can read JikkyLeaks bombshell Twitter thread HERE which shows that Quantas and A4ANZ colluded to demand the Australian government enforce a nationwide vaccine mandate so they could avoid legal liability.
National ARM presents evidence to New Jersey Governor, USA: The National American Renaissance Movement (“National ARM”) has presented an 82-page Grand Jury Petition with Exhibits and an Executive Summary to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigation into the crimes of covid-19. Numerous crimes are cited and commented on, they include State crimes, Federal crimes, and violations of the Constitution and Nuremberg codes. Read more HERE.
China does use mRNA on its citizens: Many believe China won’t use mRNA on its citizens and they will only use a “traditional” vaccine. Turns out, China is very happy to use mRNA exclusive for Chinese people when the price is right. China is as bad as all other big governments. Russia, too. There is no difference. They all signed up to Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and are all marching to the same drum beat of the One World Global Sustainable Dystopia. Read more HERE.
Heart attack symptoms as more younger women are experiencing medical emergency: Heart attacks are becoming increasingly more common in women under 50 and medical experts can’t figure out why. John Hopkins Medicine reports that while rates of the condition has fallen among older adults, researchers were shocked to find they have risen among those aged 35-54, especially women. Read more on the Scottish national tabloid Daily Record HERE.
Measles outbreak in Britain as thousands of cases predicted: According to the agency’s projections, London could suffer a measles outbreak, with tens of thousands of cases predicted to spread around the city. The danger in London, according to the UKHSA, is primarily owing to low vaccination rates over several years, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in some locations and groups where coverage of the first MMR dose at 2 years of age is as low as 69.5%. [What’s their solution? More vaccines.]
The NHS is urging all families to find out their children’s MMR vaccination status by checking their child’s red book and contacting their GP practise to catch up on any missing MMR doses. The NHS additionally advises that parents should check their own vaccination records and make an appointment to catch up on any potentially missed doses. Read more HERE.
New report suggests covid was deliberately released during 2019 Military Games in China: Many of the 9,308 athletes representing 109 countries who participated in the Military World Games – held in Wuhan from 18-27 October 2019 – came back with flu symptoms. Now, a new report suggests that they may have been deliberately infected with Covid. An informant told a journalist that “one of the guys (from the Wuhan lab) was asked to inoculate people from other countries during the event so that they can be infected and carry the pathogen back to the country they came from.” Read more HERE.
165 million people pushed into poverty in 3 years: The covid-19 pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis and the war in Ukraine pushed a total of 165 million people into poverty since 2020, the United Nations has said. Because of these shocks, 75 million people will have fallen into extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $2.15 a day, between 2020 and the end of 2023 – and 90 million more will fall below the poverty line of $3.65 a day. Read more HERE.
The WHO, sovereignty, and reality: The Director General of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) reassures us that WHO’s ‘pandemic accord’ (or “treaty”) won’t reduce the sovereignty of WHO’s Member States. WHO trusts that these words will serve as a distraction from reality. Those driving the perpetual health emergency agenda are planning to give WHO more power, and individual States less. This will happen whenever WHO designates a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (“PHEIC”), or considers that we may be at risk of one. Read more HERE.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.