Covid lies are needed to sustain the medical gold rush
We are still being told the covid injections are safe. This narrative runs against the accumulating evidence of excess deaths and adverse reactions. For example, the Western Australian government has just issued a report documenting a rate of adverse reactions to covid vaccines 24 times larger than any previous vaccine.
However, there is still the rebuttal – the result of covid infection would have been devastating without the “vaccine.” Yet this argument too falls apart when you examine the data.
So how or why did medical professionals get it all so terribly wrong?
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The Pandemic Started a Medical Gold Rush and It’s Happening Now
From my own correspondence, it is clear that in the early days, there was still a significant amount of caution. Medsafe asked Pfizer a long list of questions about their safety concerns. Biotechnologists I corresponded with were willing to underline the experimental nature of the vaccine and admit there were a lot of unknowns. But this wasn’t everyone.
The Covid Pandemic Was a Moving Gravy Train and Many Were Anxious to Get on Board
For medical professionals, there were huge opportunities for career advancement and promotional payments for those willing to speak up in favour of vaccination. For the media, advertising revenue could rocket if you made the right noises. For politicians, there was public exposure on a scale never before seen. In the beginning, there was little reliable data, and the temptation to exaggerate was huge.
Mary T Bassett, New York Health Commissioner, admitted in early 2022 that she deliberately publicised very rare incidents of paediatric hospitalisations “to motivate paediatricians and families to seek the protection of vaccination” for young children who faced virtually no risk from covid-19.
Dr. Kristen Anderson wrote extensively in support of a natural zoonotic origin of covid, leading the attack against those suggesting a lab leak, in effect labelling them conspiracy theorists. His leaked private correspondence with colleagues now tells a different story, he wrote: “The main issue is that accidental escape is in fact highly likely – it’s not some fringe theory.”
Campus physician Dr. Lewis Osofsky at Santa Clara University in California has been instrumental in enforcing their vaccination requirement for students, which continues to the present day. He has been consistently denying vaccine exemptions. He also holds medical appointments, which accrue lucrative bonuses if there are high vaccine compliance rates. Read about it HERE. This is just one example among hundreds of thousands of cases, including here in New Zealand, where doctor incomes or bonuses are tied to vaccine uptake.
The pandemic has seeded a fast pace of social and professional change that is not unprecedented in history. When the Nazi party came to power in Germany, it rapidly became clear to everyone that if you wanted to advance your career prospects, you needed to join the party. Look at who is standing next to Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, our former Director General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, playing a leading role in a committee to amend the International Health Regulations to control global health policy including future pandemic measures and vaccine travel requirements.
In the new medical, political, and media climate it is always possible to lose your job and income if you ask probing questions.
A correspondent has taken me to task for referencing an article from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment entitled ‘Significant increase in memory and concentration problems among adults’, because I didn’t say that the article does not mention covid vaccines as a possible cause.
The article reports a 24% increase in GP consultations concerning memory and concentration loss in the first quarter of 2023. This is spread across all age groups over 25 years old, but the largest increase is among 45-74 year olds up 40%. The 24-44 age group is up 31%, and the 74+ up 18%.
The article admits that the source of this huge increase is unclear, yet suggests possible explanations: this might be due to the effect of lockdowns in 2021 or due to the aftermath of covid infection. Do they really think that eighteen months after lockdowns, people are suddenly losing their memory?
Moreover, the effect size appears too large to be due solely to long covid, and the results are upside down, the younger age groups are suffering more than the elderly cohort considered most at risk. Just remember, in the current official climate, as with those examples cited above, it doesn’t pay to ask questions. Luckily some are prepared to do so, but no one is answering.
Now that the true extent of adverse effects is coming out, it appears that some people will go to great lengths to protect their reputations.
On 12 May 2023, we took a snapshot of New Zealand excess deaths from the Human Mortality Database (see image below on the left-hand side). On 15 July, we took a snapshot of the same data (see image below on the right-hand side) which miraculously has been altered to the extent that it is almost unrecognisable.
The orange is excess deaths above the long-term average, the blue reduced deaths below the long-term average. My, my! I wonder if this has anything to do with the questions we keep very publicly asking?

The Pandemic is Not Stopping, It Was Too Profitable to Come to an End
When gold was discovered in Otago, people rushed there from all over the world to stake their claim. We are now witnessing a rush to offer new vaccines and drugs in the hope of huge profits. Pharmaceutical giant GSK is releasing a vaccine it calls Arevxy against common runny nose infection RSV which it says is 94% effective, although the side effects are worryingly familiar. The target populations are the over 60s and newborns. “Newborns” means that ultimately GSK hopes every baby will have to take it, in other words everyone.
The UK Sun leads with ‘JABS UP Millions to get vaccine to protect against ‘fatal’ virus that lives in 90% of Brits – are you eligible?’ promoting the Shingrix vaccine already available here in New Zealand. Good job they put the word “fatal” in inverted commas, Shingles almost never is. Although enjoying the title “vaccine,” Shingrix doesn’t actually prevent shingles, instead it is claimed to reduce the symptoms. Sound familiar?
These claims pale by comparison with those offered by Harvard scientists who announced they have discovered the elixir of youth consisting of six chemical cocktails which reportedly helped mice skin cells survive a little longer. Very timely really, considering human population longevity is rapidly reducing probably due to other chemical cocktails we are regularly given in our food and medicines.
Exaggerated tales of golden reefs were no strangers to the gold fields where disappointed miners tried to sell their dud claims to newly arrived prospectors. The idea that a chemical cocktail is going to lead to eternal life is a tired narrative that is past its sell by date. The huge gains in longevity we enjoyed during the last century were due to hygiene and nutrition, not to pharmaceutical concoctions. Don’t be tempted to swap the benefits of a natural varied diet for the promises of a pill salesperson. The medical gold rush is going nowhere except down the drain.
I am hoping you will join me in asking again and again, why are our hospitals overwhelmed? Why are excess deaths at unprecedented historical highs? Why are our politicians, medical professionals, and media remaining silent? Why are thousands injured by vaccines being gaslighted and ignored? Why is the government still telling the public it is essential to keep on getting covid vaccinations and many other novel biotech cures? The longer this goes on, the more criminally motivated it all appears.
About the Author
Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.