Covid Related News: The spectacle, the war and WHO’s power grab
Reminding us of the “covid spectacle” we witnessed, Toby Rogers revisits the “breaking news” imagery used to achieve certain political outcomes. Vindicating lab leak “conspiracy theorists,” the Biden Administration cuts funding to the Wuhan laboratory over safety concerns.
There has been an alarming rise in people with disabilities in the UK and the USA and Dr. Peter McCullough discusses a recent paper that shows definitive proof that covid injections are causing death. Dr. David Martin describes covid as an act of war against the human race.
Steve Kirsch warns that vaccines cause autism and Dr. Suzanne Humphries warns that vaccines have never been safe. Meanwhile, WHO and Bill Gates push for peel-and-stick vaccine patches to be posted to people to increase vaccination uptake.
Speaking of WHO, a group is devising a roadmap to extract Australia from the WHO and Dr. Meryl Nass explains more about WHO’s power grab through the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty.
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Below is a collection of articles and interviews from recent days and from various sources.
The spectacle of covid: What’s striking about the iconic images from the pandemic is how contrived and artificial they now appear. These photos were presented as “breaking news” but now it seems that nearly all of the iconic images of the pandemic were elaborately staged to tell a particular story and achieve certain political outcomes. Let’s walk through some of the key pictures from the pandemic and then have a discussion about what it all means. Read more HERE.
Globalists run “Orwellian doublespeak PsyOp” to cover up out-of-control “genocide debacle”: While for the last several years the globalists have been pushing us down the road of “vax everything” despite all of the injuries and deaths we’ve been witnessing since the rollout of “the vax,” as we’re warned in the video below featuring Dr. Suzanne Humphries:
“My current opinion about ‘vaccinations’ is that they have NEVER been safe, NEVER has there been a ‘safe vaccine,’ NEVER will there be a ‘safe vaccine’ and it is NOT POSSIBLE to have a ‘safe vaccine’.”
Read more HERE.
The next phase of the US government’s war on thought crimes: Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions. Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list. If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will. Read more HERE.
Biden Administration cuts Wuhan funding: Yesterday, the Biden Administration vindicated the assertion of the likelihood of the leak by suspending funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The suspension came after Chinese researchers declined to provide the NIH with the required documentation of safety. A CNN article outlines that the WIV had lapses in safety leading up to the first human cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Read more HERE.
McGill University and Moderna to expand collaborations: This should be of major concern to every human being that got a covid injection. News of an expanded collaboration between McGill University in Canada and Moderna has just been publicised. It describes two research projects. Project #2 is “a study to characterise [lipid nanoparticles] LNPs so that their specific size and payload distribution may be better understood“. Statements it contains appear to be open admissions that mRNA shots were developed too quickly and used on the public prematurely. There is no way to interpret this other than that the grand experiment of the past two years has been used to guide research that should have preceded the global human research project. Read more HERE.
WHO proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations: Nation First’s George Christensen spoke with Debra Yuille about WHO’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. The proposed amendments have significant implications for democracy, sovereignty and freedom.
Yuille is vehemently opposed to censorship, a Digital ID and surveillance. She values individual Liberty and the right to live our lives free from Government interference and control and she is an advocate to extract Australia from WHO, ICELI, the UN and WEF. Currently, she is part of a small core group putting together a roadmap to extract Australia from the World Health Organisation. The group is called Australia Exits The W.H.O. Listen to the 56-minute podcast on Spotify HERE.
Dr. Meryl Nass has also been raising awareness about WHO’s power grab. You can watch her recent 30-minute interview titled ‘WHO Government Takeover’ on Rumble HERE and another recent interview (below) with Conservative Daily’s Christine Dolan.
In this interview, Dr. Nass discussed the amendments to the International Health Regulations. This is happening under the guise of countries not managing the covid pandemic well, Dr. Nass explained. So, they say: “The World Health Organisation needs more power so that it can direct countries how to do it better next time.” Dr. Nass believes these amendments are primarily being pushed by the United States. They tried to push through the amendments last year, Dr. Nass said, but many member states, particularly in Africa, disagreed and only one amendment was adopted.
Also, as a result of the covid pandemic, countries agreed that a Pandemic Treaty was needed. “No one’s ever explained why we need a Pandemic Treaty when we already have the International Health Regulations,” Dr. Nass said. The Pandemic Treaty overlaps with the amendments. Dr. Nass also spoke about the One Health ideology which is embedded within the proposed amendments and treaty.
WHO, CDC and Bill Gates pushing for peel-and-stick vaccine patches mailed directly to people’s homes: To get more people to accept his chemical injections, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates in concert with the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) is working on a new microneedle vaccine patch technology whereby people will be able to peel-and-stick the patches on themselves through the mail service. We are told that mRNA gene therapy technology can be implemented into these patches. Read more HERE.
Can anyone explain the alarming rise in disability in both the US and UK? Steve Kirsch spoke to Ed Dowd and they both agree that the highly alarming rise in disability data in the UK and the US is 100% consistent with the covid injection being the cause. Read more HERE. Additional reading HERE.
VAERS data shows that vaccines cause autism: Steve Kirsch did a VAERS query over all time and all vaccines to look at the total autism counts. “What I found is that the number of reports is vaccine-type dependent. This is IMPOSSIBLE to explain if vaccines don’t cause autism,” he wrote. Read more HERE.
Definitive proof the covid injections are causing death: Independent researcher Kim Iversen interviews Peter McCullough about the recent paper on autopsies after covid vaccination. Read more HERE and watch the 10-minute segment below beginning timestamp 51:05.
This Jewess Says RFK Jr is Right: Presidential candidate RFK Jr made comments at a dinner about ethnically targeted bioweapons. Mainstream media commentators claim that these comments are in themselves anti-Semitic. The two entities that initiated the attacks on RFK Jr, and that provided the media with the grist in the form of howls of DNC outrage and sober “assessments” by fully compromised medical voices, are the two entities who stand to lose the most from a President Kennedy: Big Democrats, and Big Pharma/Big Public Health/Big Medical Data. Read more HERE.
Covid was an act of war against the human race: Brian Rose from London Real interviewed Dr. David E. Martin who said: “Here’s the bad news… for 58 years the United States, the UK, in collaboration with researches across the world, planned to use coronavirus to instil the most tyrannical reform of society that this generation has ever seen. And they did it purely premeditated to make sure that we were cowed into submission.” Below is the trailer, watch the full interview and download clips HERE.
That sour tonic known as truth: Playing along with the covid narrative was immoral and it was illegal. The repetition of the bland phrase “during the pandemic” has to end too. We need to make sure that the words we speak correspond with the reality that we see around us. We must recognise, for example, that when we say people died of “COVID-19” we are acting as knowing accomplices to a crime. Lots of people died of different causes, including some who died because of the use bioweapons whose nature remains unclear even today. Read more HERE.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.