THESE are the first places reinstating COVID MASK MANDATES

Surprise, surprise. COVID hysteria is back.
Don’t be shocked if you see “mask required” signs start popping up as we make our way into the fall season.
Some places have already started requiring people to wear masks, even though “masks do not work,” says Dave Rubin.
Who’s leading the charge in the reinstatement of masks, you ask?
Schools, mostly.
One elementary school in Montgomery County, Maryland, has reinstated a mask mandate for students.
“The damage you are doing, especially to a young person – a third-grader – putting them in this thing; I cannot believe this is where we’re at again,” says Dave.
“They can’t see their friends; they can’t smile; they just bow to the system; they become little cogs in a machine,” he continues, adding that the entire ordeal “is just so evil.”
The University of Michigan has also taken action. According to the school’s new policy, students who test positive for COVID must evacuate their dorms for five days and live in a hotel room or with a relative.
“If you have a kid at a college who’s got COVID, let him spread it with a bunch of young, healthy people, and maybe they’ll have the sniffles for a little bit,” but “don’t send them to Grandma’s house, you morons,” laments Dave, pointing out the obvious flawed logic.
For now, these mandates are mostly within schools, but rest assured you’ll see more and more institutions jump aboard in the days to come. By now we know hysteria is just as contagious as the virus.
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