Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Great Reset

FUNVAX: It does’t get more devious than this NWO conspiratorial plot to inject every human being with a bioweapon that will effectively cancel their…..

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Via State of the Nation


Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
Exposed a Shocking NWO Criminal Conspiracy

In 2005, a highly classified presentation was given to DoD officials and military brass at the Pentagon about the top-secret FunVax Program.

A video of a short segment of that Pentagon briefing was secretly taken by a whistleblower which can be found here: FUNVAXgate: A Pentagon Scheme to Totally Neutralize the God Gene (Video).


There are at least 3 essential takeaways from that extremely revealing and radioactive presentation made by an experienced bioweapon scientist who appeared to be the point man for the FunVax project. As follows:

(1) The U.S. Military biological weapons program has been creating a vaccine that is specifically formulated to immunize targeted individuals and populations against the expression of the God gene, also known as vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). The suppression of VMAT2 has been a primary goal of US biological weapon laboratories for decades with the ostensible purpose of neutralizing terrorists who act on their religious fanaticism. However, the real goal is to inoculate people the world over against the inclination toward spiritual pursuits and/or mystical experiences (see the screenshot below). Some deep insiders have even surmised that the real purpose of the FunVax is to permanently stunt soul development.

(2) The most practical form that a VMAT2 vaccination program can take in light of the necessity for extreme secrecy is a respiratory pathogen, which could be covertly released throughout any city or nation or region of the world. This would eliminate the problem posed by those societies that are averse to vaccinations administered by injection. Religious cultures, in general, are increasingly fearful of the true intention behind immunization shots. Many folks have not only experienced and/or witnessed adverse vaccine side effects, they are also rightly skeptical of their efficacy.

(3) The proposed FunVax vaccine would be aerosolized in a manner similar to the systematic, wide area and indiscriminate spraying of chemtrails over the unsuspecting population below. Because the U.S. Armed Forces have forever denied the existence of chemtrails, most citizenries have been conditioned to falsely believe they are contrails. In this way, aerosolized vaccines can be furtively administered to the citizenry of any nation that illicitly permits chemical geoengineering operations.


*For an in-depth discussion of the FunVax vaccine, as well as the VMAT2 gene also known as the God gene, the following detailed investigation provides numerous scientific facts that lend a high degree of credence to the existence of this U.S. military bioweapon program: An In-depth Investigation of VMAT2 and the FunVax Vaccine

KEY POINT: The FunVax was initially framed as a military strategy to neutralize terrorists throughout the Middle East. It took the U.S. Military 7 years to deploy that particular bioweapon which manifested mainly in Saudi Arabia as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) from 2012 through 2020. South Korea, another country with a large American military presence which undergoes constant chemtrailing, also suffered a substantial MERS outbreak in 2015.

~ MERS is just one example of an “aerosolized vaccine” delivered via chemtrails that specifically targeted the militant Wahhabi sect of Islam in Saudi Arabia from 2012 to 2020. The Wahhabi terrorist network was created by NATO and the Military & Intelligence Communities of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis just like ISIS was in the Northern Levant. ~


The COVID-19 bioweapon was purposefully released worldwide via various means of propagation and dissemination in order to justify the roll-out of a global Covid ‘vaccine’ as a mandated measure.  However, unknown to all but a few Big Pharma insiders, each of those various types of Covid vaccines was biologically and chemically engineered as a FunVax injection designed to permanently erase the God gene.

Hence, the primary goal of OPERATION COVID-19 was to significantly diminish religiosity throughout the world community of nations, especially in those countries that are integral to the formation of a totalitarian One World Government. Those nations are primarily the Western military powers of the Anglo-American Axis that are members of both NATO and G20.

In point of fact, the New World Order agenda cannot be successfully implemented within those nations where the citizens have strong spiritual impulses and devout religious practice. The NWO globalist cabal will have an even more difficult time wherever there is a historical tradition of mysticism such as India, or an ongoing spiritual revival as experienced by the Pentecostal and Evangelical Christians throughout the West.

Therefore, the only way forward for the NWO globalist cabal was to fully activate their “Quinary Weapon System” that was designed to facilitate the VMAT2 vaccination process. See: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

Leaving nothing to chance, the perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 have now gone full-bore with each of the four weapon systems directly involved with the vaccination of all of humanity. The five main methods of immunizing individuals against the God gene since 2020 were previously posted in this exposé: Here’s the NWO Scheme to Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations.

(1) COVID-19 Bioweapon

(2) 5G Roll-outs & Existing 4G

(3) Annual Flu Vaccines

(4) Chemtrail Aerosols

(5) Weaponized Covid ‘Vaccines’

Each of these five bioweapon systems is being surreptitiously used to rapidly and synergistically administer a global VMAT2 vaccination regime, among other other malevolent purposes.

It’s true that the video above only speaks of an aerosolized VMAT2 vaccine; however, that was 18 years ago. The NWO cabal has greatly accelerated their timetable for crucial reasons concerning existential threats they now face so they have since devised the present OPERATION COVID-19 by putting their original scheme on steroids.

In other words, the Quinary Weapon System, which has been aimed at all of humanity, was disguised as a global pandemic in order to blanket the whole planet with the COVID-19 bioweapon and its fake antidotes, both of which effectively serve as VMAT2 vaccinations.

KEY POINT: Not only are annual flu shot and childhood vaccination schedules being cunningly used to deliver the VMAT2 vaccine, the principal reason for a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine is to ensure everyone receives their God gene immunity certificate. See: FUNVAXgate: Bill Gates’ Implantable Quantum Dot, Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System & Luciferase

Maximizing coverage of Earth so that every inhabitant gets their FunVax jab is the main globalist goal henceforth. In this way, the NWO cabal is able to carry out the much more complex and convoluted COVID-1984, which it must do post-haste if The Powers That Be (TPTB) are to escape the wrath of We the People.

Hence, OPERATION COVID-19 is merely the first punch in a one-two punch knockout strategy against humanity in order for TPTB to establish a Global Security Superstate; COVID-1984 (also known as the New World Order) represents the second punch.

“Just like the state-sponsored 9/11 false flag operation was used
to create the American National Security State, the Great Reset  is
being carried out to foist a Global Security Superstate on the entire
planetary civilization as a precursor to One World Government.
Every single move made by the New World Order globalist cabal
during the execution of this staged pandemic and global psyop
has been planned well in advance. That’s because the Great Reset
represents the culmination of 100 years of biowarfare waged
against the human race. It’s not just a depopulation bioweapon
as the 1918 Spanish flu was. Watch every twist and turn of this
classic Problem~Reaction~Solution operation, especially as it’s
falsely reported by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. Clock every
NWO outcome, both big and small, as each piece fits perfectly
into the pre-planned Great Reset puzzle. That’s why it’s been

— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer

(Source: COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’ to Inaugurate a Global Security Superstate)

International Banking Cartel & Crime Syndicate

The far-reaching ramifications of the Pentagon’s FunVax bioweapon program are as vast as they are highly consequential for the human race.

Were the American people to become aware of this odious ploy to snuff out spiritual pursuit and religious zeal throughout the body politic, the Department of Defense would be defunded in a D.C. flash before it was shuddered for good. Folks in all 50 states would immediately stop paying their taxes before they seriously contemplated a controlled demolition of the Pentagon.

But how did this really happen?

There is a multi-decade criminal conspiratorial plot afoot to collapse the American Republic that commenced in earnest at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the United States Department of War, now called the Department of Defense, was completely taken over with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. From that point forward, every global cataclysmic event was meticulously planned, coordinated, executed and covered up by the same genocidal cabal that owns and operates the Central Banking Cartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate.  As follows:

The Second Boer War,
Russo-Japanese War,
Sixth Cholera Pandemic
Mexican Revolution,
First and Second Balkan Wars,
Armenian Genocide,
World War I,
Bolshevik Revolution,
Russian Civil War,
Communist Genocide of USSR Christians
1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic,
The Great Depression,
Holodomor Genocide,
Chinese Civil War,
Spanish Civil War,
World War II,
The Holocaust,
Post-WW2 Starvation Of Germany,
First Indochina War,
Korean War,
French-Algerian War,
Israel’s War of Independence,
First Sudanese Civil War,
1956 Suez Crisis,
Asian Flu Pandemic,
Cuban Revolution,
1967 Six-Day War,
Yom Kippur War,
Chinese Cultural Revolution,
1982 Lebanon War,
Second Lebanon War,
Soviet-Afghan War,
Vietnam War,
1968 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic,
1973 Oil Crisis,
HIV/AIDS Pandemic,
Cambodian Genocide,
Rwandan Genocide,
First & Second Chechen Wars,
Black Monday–October 19, 1987,
Japanese Banking Crisis of 1990s,
1994 Mexican Peso Crisis,
Yugoslav Wars,
Iraq Wars,
1997 Asian Financial Crisis,
2000 Dotcom Bubble Burst,
9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
Argentina Debt Default,
War on Terror,
Afghanistan War,
Syrian War,
Libyan War,
2007 Real Estate Market Collapse,
2008 Stock Market Crash,
2009 Global Financial Crisis,
Ukraine War,
COVID-19 Pandemic,
Covid Super Vaccination Agenda,
all have one thing in common— the banksters.

It required massive funding and myriad personnel working assiduously for over a century to launch OPERATION COVID-19 followed by the Great Reset. Paying for that research funding and covering decades of government salaries were only possible because of the Federal Reserve, which was a creation of the International Banking Cartel & Crime Syndicate.

*FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE: Fiat Currency + Fractional Reserve Banking = Fake Money

This is how the IBCCS was able to co-opt and control key agencies within the U.S. Federal Government, all of which were necessary to run the many black operations and cover-ups leading up to first, OPERATION COVID-19, and then, the Great Reset. The endless thievery and financial chicanery overseen by the Federal Reserve System is also how the globalists set up and funded the now notorious Deep State. Also known as the Senior Executive Service, these traitors to the American Republic need to be immediately arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law…BEFORE THEY ARE HUNG LIVE ON THE INTERNET ! ! !

Of course, the Mainstream Media is also full of traitors just as the C.I.A., FBI, DoJ, NSA, DHS and Department of State are staffed by so many subversives. Deep State traitors also populate the CDC, HHS, NIH, FDA and Big Pharma. In fact, there are now more seditious elements throughout Deep State than there are patriots and nationalists. The globalists have literally taken over the US government lock, stock and barrel. Which is precisely why they have launched such a desperate and reckless, brazen and insane bio-attack against the entire planetary civilization to permanently expunge the God gene.


It’s of paramount importance to correctly comprehend the true complexity of the FunVax delivery system. It represents the culmination of many decades of clandestine biowarfare waged against humankind. However, now that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed this nefarious plot, the perps unwittingly let the cat out of the bag FOR ALL TIME.

The FunVax bioweapon system is using at least 4 different modalities. The perpetrators are (i) using chemtrails to spray flu viruses and aerosol vaccines, (ii) administering adult flu shot programs and childhood vaccination schedules, (iii) releasing several variants of the COVID-19 bioweapon in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities (and on cruise ships when they were operating), and (iv) utilizing the intensive 5G roll-outs to weaken the immune system as well as amplify the electromagnetic frequencies and microwave transmissions that facilitate the clandestine FunVax vaccination process. Also, the perps have planned a fifth component whereby they are (v) formulating a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine which will ensure that every individual receives the VMAT2 ‘immunization’ that will be enforced via an immunity certificate. (They essentially used our stolen tax dollars to pay for our future compulsory FunVax.)

Hence, we are all experiencing and/or witnessing a crime wave of truly epic proportions washing over planet Earth, again and again and again. This ongoing series of bioterrorist attacks is part of the international criminal conspiracy known as OPERATION COVID-19 which is the NWO prerequisite to the worldwide implementation of the Great Reset.

CAVEAT: The NWO globalists are absolutely determined to vaccinate the nearly 7.8 billion residents on planet Earth by the time OPERATION COVID-19 is over. That’s why they’re using so many techniques and technologies to deliver the VMAT2 vaccine; they don’t want a single human being alive with their God gene intact and fully functioning.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.