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“Stealing The Most Powerful Republic in the World”

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Via Wall Street Apes

January 6th Footage proves it was all a setup. It would be a shame if this went viral


-Start with a virus
-Import it into America
-Talk about it nonstop
-Call some governors. Not them. Not them. That’s your guys
-Put patients into nursing homes, kill thousands
-Blame the president. Keep blaming, blame some more
-Lock down some small business

-Kill the economy
-Push mail in voting
-Stoke a race war, call for riots
-Pick a cabinet. No, not her. Yeah, that’s more like it
-Lock him in his basement
-Shield him from the press
-Don’t cover this. Don’t cover this. Don’t cover this. Keep doing that
-Ignore the economic recovery
-Downplay the world peace
-Pump the Polls, pump, pump. Don’t stop pumping
-Install your software and swing states. That was fast
-Take control of polling stations
-Call off the election when you’re losing
-Take everyone out
-Pull out all the extra ballots
-Get the software to do its thing.
-Get the media to say it’s over
-Call the big tech guys
-Ban anyone who notices
-Act like the whole thing never happened

Stealing the most powerful republic in the world.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.