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JFK Assassination

JFK assassination: conspiracy theories flourish on 60th anniversary

From behind the fence on the grassy knoll overlooking Dealey Plaza, James Files says he watched through the crosshairs of his rifle as John F Kennedy’s open-topped limousine made the turn on to Elm Street.

“I followed him all the way down. Chuck was taking his shots. I was counting. Miss, miss, miss,” Files said. “And before I lost my field of fire, I fired one shot, one shot only. I hit Kennedy in the right temple, and blew the back side of his head out.”

Sixty years on from the sunny day in Dallas on November 22, 1963, that changed the course of American history, the mystery and dispute around the Kennedy assassination continues to resonate in a bitterly divided nation.

John F Kennedy riding with his wife Jacqueline moments before the assassination

John F Kennedy riding with his wife Jacqueline moments before the assassination


Files, now 81,

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Times can be found here.