RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up” – NaturalNews.com

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up”
The following is a partial auto-generated transcript of the Mike Adams broadcast (Brighteon Broadcast News) for Dec 14, 2023. It offers a full review of the new book from RFK, Jr., “The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race.” If you want to know the horrifying secrets of the US government’s bioweapons development (and its involvement with SARS-CoV-2), read the partial transcript below, listen to the full broadcast when it posts at this link, or acquire the book yourself at any bookseller.
Because this transcript is auto-generated, expect a few errors.
Welcome to Brighteon broadcast news for Thursday, December 14 2023. First of all, we’ve got highlights from a new book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, it just came out, I think a week ago, I got my hands on a copy of the PDF, thanks to the publisher Skyhorse providing it. And the book is called the Wuhan cover up, and the terrifying bioweapons arms race. And I’ve got to say, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He gets it. He’s shown a lot of courage in putting his name on this book. And it’s comprehensive, at 63 chapters, and it has just extraordinary quotes of support from people like Andrew Huff, who I interviewed, by the way, in the studio, he’s the whistleblower. He worked with EcoHealth Alliance. There are quotes here from James O’Keefe and Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and so many others. And I’m going to add my own analysis. Oh, Frances Boyle, as well, the professor I’ve interviewed many times, I’ll be adding my own comments to this and analysis and even projecting, I think, even further than what Robert F Kennedy, Jr. is able to do in a book format.
But this book is extraordinary. And then the Steve Kirsch interview coming up is something you won’t want to miss.
Now, a couple of things, let me offer a couple of personal comments and notes about both RF K Jr. and Steve Kirsch. First, Steve Kirsch. It is my fault that I have not invited Steve Kirsch for an interview for quite some time, at least over a year, maybe longer. But that’s on me. And I’ve been reading his substack which is Stevekirsch.substack.com. And I’ve been following his arguments and many of his videos and interviews and so on. And Steve Kirsch, he’s also a very courageous, very high IQ individual who has been essentially arguing with the science establishment for two plus years at this point, trying to show them that the data absolutely reveal that these vaccines are killing people.
It’s irrefutable. There’s no question whatsoever, that this is happening. In fact, I was even suggesting to Steve Kirsch in the interview today, which you’ll hear, I said, Look, if you took this entire data set, and you just replace the word vaccine, with a Ford Pinto, you know something about car safety instead of vaccine safety, and you gave this data set to a bunch of data scientists and said, Hey, how dangerous are these Ford Pintos? Right? That was a car that was recalled many decades ago, because if it got impacted from behind, it would well the gas tank would ruptured, it would burst into flames. So anyway, if you did that, there’s no question that the data scientists or students or doctors or whoever would say, Yeah, gosh, the Ford Pintos are clearly associated with a much higher risk of injury and mortality. There’s no question whatsoever, the data are clear. But when it becomes vaccines, suddenly, there’s this zealotry among the scientific establishment and the medical establishment, and then they don’t want to see it. Or then they started attacking Steve Kirsch. You know, it’s it’s this kind of ad hominem attack that Mr. Kirsch has been subjected to. So we get to talk about this in today’s interview. And I think you’ll find it to be a very enlightening interview. But I just I do want to extend my apologies to Mr Kirsch for not inviting him on sooner.
The miracle of LIFE vs. the curse of bioweapons DEATH
If you think about the miracle of conception, which I would attribute to a divine gift. This is God’s gift that a woman can create a child inside her own body, obviously, with the help of a man. She can, with God’s grace, create a life and then give birth to a child who grows up to contribute to this world. It’s an absolute miracle of creation. And if you understand the physiology of what happens during gestation, you understand that cells are being assembled. Biological information is being organized. There is purpose, there’s the structure, the creation of cells, and then little tiny organs, and then organ systems. And then brain cells and neural networks start to be constructed. A child that’s born is born with a neural network that is actually a reflection of the most powerful computing system if you want to put it that way. That’s more powerful than Skynet more powerful than any AI system in the world. And it’s a gift from God. So if you think about it as assembling molecules and more, to create a divine being, that’s the process of gestation, and then giving birth.
But then there’s this entire segment of society that is rooted in the research of how to disassemble the life of a human being. And that’s called biological weapons. Remember that bio weapons, they are not poisons in the classical chemical sense, they are not toxins. They don’t poison you with exposure to mercury, for example, and they’re not molecules like VX nerve gas. These bioweapons, they disassemble your cells from the inside. They are the actual biological opposite of what God’s creation means for human beings, and especially for motherhood and giving birth. So what would you call a technology that’s designed to disassemble a human body and to spread mass death and destruction? Well, we call them biological weapons. But that phrase doesn’t even capture what we’re talking about here. And that’s why I think to really understand this, you’ve got to take a look at this book, the Wuhan cover up is what it’s called. And the terrifying bio weapons arms race is the that’s the subhead of it. Of course, you can get it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble bn.com. And I hope soon we’ll have it at Brighteonbooks.com. We are partners with Skyhorse there. So we do earn a small something from book sales. And Brighteon books.com is, you know, just one place to check out, although I don’t think this book is there yet.
Let me read you what Francis Boyle says about this. He says the Wuhan cover up will blow out of the water the international disinformation campaign by US and Chinese government officials and their bribed scientists, that COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg crime against humanity.
I love that quote from Professor Boyle. Wow. And that’s his wish, by the way is to one day hold all of these people accountable, charge them, prosecute them, for the crimes they have committed against humanity. And I have to say I completely agree. Let me read you one more quote here, at least part of it from Dr. Andrew Huff, well, PhD, author of The Truth About Wuhan, who I interviewed in the Brighteon studio. He says the greatest tragedy in human history has unfolded before our eyes. I was not surprised to learn that a deadly virus SARS-cov2 had leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China in the late summer of 2019. In retrospect, I was shocked that the US government did not notify and alert the public of the global spread of COVID in the fall of 2019. In fact, the US government did something far worse. Bobby’s book succinctly elucidates how and why the opaque nexus of the US military and intelligence community leveraged corrupt and morally deficient scientists and bureaucrats to execute what was the largest and most sophisticated psychological operation in world history. The three goals were simple, he says, to obfuscate the true origin of a jointly created biological weapon by the US and China, to bring an untested, mRNA based medical countermeasure rapidly to market for civilian use, and to instill fear into the population for dominance and control. Bobby’s book concisely and eloquently exposes these horrendous inconvenient truths.
Operation Paper Clip and the DoD recruitment of actual Nazi war criminals to run operations in the USA
And there are other quotes, also about the book from other experts. But I want to jump into some of the bullet points of what the book is really talking about. Because it’s critical that people understand this, this knowledge has to be shared far and wide. So the book talks about how former President Eisenhower warned us against the military industrial complex, and how a scientific elite could hijack public policy, and weaponize it, in essence and use it against the American people to exploit the taxpayers for profits, but also to wield it as a weapon of power and control over the people. And Eisenhower was correct. That’s exactly what has happened.
Now, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has repeatedly spoken about Operation Paperclip and the late Jim Marrs who was a good friend of mine, and I miss him. He was an author, M A R. R. S, if you want to look up his books. And I think the title of one of his best books was the Fourth Reich, which talked about how Nazi technology was imported into America via Operation Paperclip, right after World War Two, where the United States of America went to a bunch of Nazi scientists in medicine in biology and chemistry… and of course, in rocketry, and physics, I should add, and they brought them to the United States, under new names, new identities, it was a top secret program, Operation Paperclip. As a result, NASA, as you know, it today, has been run by people who are actual Nazis for many decades. I’m saying that the fathers of modern day NASA, were, in fact, Nazi scientists. And that’s not science fiction. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s called Operation Paperclip. And it’s well documented if you want to look for it out there. But the United States also brought in doctors from Japan, and other biological experts and so on. And by the way, the Nazis were running medical experiments on Jewish prisoners. This was part of what happened during the Holocaust.
These are some of the crimes that were committed against humanity by the millions in the case of the Jewish people being partially exterminated at that time. Now, the Nazis, of course, also built big pharma. So the big mega corporation there was called IG Farben and IG Farben was involved in these medical experiments and in the production and testing. Ultimately, it was Zyklon B gas, you know, the extermination gas that was used. Well, IG Farben was broken up after World War Two, it was broken into three different companies. One of them is Bayer. So modern day Bayer, the pharmaceutical giant is quite literally an offshoot of the Nazi chemical giant conglomerate that committed crimes against humanity. Another company that’s an offshoot is BASF and today manufactures over 40,000 chemicals and bases. And these chemicals are used in medicine and textiles and adhesives and glues. And also agriculture — BASF was a huge manufacturer of nitrogen based fertilizer. You know about the Haber-Bosch process where natural gas is turned into nitrogenous fertilizer which is currently used to feed about half the population of the world. Well, BASF is one of the key companies, or at least they used to be in Germany that produced this, but then the United States Navy blew up the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, cutting off Gazprom, which is Russia’s Natural Gas Company, cutting off that natural gas resource to Germany.
So, Operation Paperclip brought these mad scientists to the United States. And again, these scientists were Nazis. And the scientists were directly involved in technologies that resulted in atrocities against the Jewish people. Or in the case of Japan, Japan committed horrific atrocities against the Chinese people. I mean, so horrific, that it would put Hamas to shame. If you think Hamas did crazy stuff on October 7, well, then today look up the history of the Nanjing Massacre. Because you want to talk about atrocities. And, you know, I don’t want to dwell on it. But we’re talking about Japanese doing horrible, horrible things. I’m not even gonna go into it. But they killed probably 300,000 Chinese in the Nanjing Massacre. And that took place in 1937 and 1938, over roughly a two month period. So we’re talking about, you know, the Japanese Empire and the Nazi empire, these were some really evil people. And the United States brought them to the US and put them in what became the Department of Defense, and put them in charge of medicine, put them in charge of pharmaceuticals, put them in charge of NASA. So if you’re wondering, Where did all this evil come from, that ends up in the pharmaceutical industry in the vaccine industry, and the bio weapons research. Guess what? Yeah, it came from these horrific monsters that ran Japan’s atrocities or Germany’s atrocities in World War Two. That’s where it traces back to. And that’s all covered in this book, the Wuhan cover-up…
There’s much more content to be found in this broadcast… listen to the full broadcast when it posts at this link on Brighteon.com.
This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.