January 10, 2024

Not only is Anthony Fauci a shameless flip-flopper, but he’s an extremely sloppy one at that—why are these criminals in politics (pardon the redundancy) so incapable of covering their tracks? How does a man like Peter Strzok, who spent a career as an investigative agent, put something as incriminating as “we’ll stop” a Trump presidency into writing, on a government-issued cell phone? How does Hunter Biden leave the “Laptop from Hell,” containing graphic evidence of criminal activity, with some civilian computer repair store man? How does Fauci “confess” to Capitol Hill lawmakers that the six-foot social distancing guidance “sort of just appeared” out of the ether, knowing full well that his own sworn testimony revealed exactly from where it came?

See below, from a New York Post report out earlier this morning:

COVID ‘6-feet’ social distancing ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis, Fauci admits

Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separationostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.

Fauci, 83, revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the ‘six feet apart’ recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was ‘likely not based on scientific data….’

Let me just cut to the chase and remind him exactly from where the “social distancing” policy came: China and the World Health Organization, via Fauci’s own hand-picked man.

Now, the only reason I know this is because I wrote a blog back in December of 2022, shortly after Fauci testified under oath as a defendant in a lawsuit brought by several Republican Attorneys General against the Biden regime—the deposition revealed that the social distancing policy (among others) didn’t just float down from the ether, as Fauci now apparently insists, but was openly pushed by anti-American foreign adversaries, and delivered stateside by Fauci’s “recommended” accomplice. 

A little context. In February of 2020, the WHO sponsored a trip for an “advance team” of “public health officials” to visit China; one of the trip’s participants was a man named Dr. Clifford Lane, a “well-known, competent person” and a “very astute clinician” (Fauci’s words, not mine) who had been personally recommended by Fauci to join the envoy. Starting on page 165, we see a back-and-forth between Missouri’s Solicitor General D. John Sauer and Fauci:

Q [Sauer]. Did you [Fauci] discuss Mr. Lane’s experience on the trip with him when he got back from the WHO trip?

A. The answer is I did, and it relates really a lot to what — the sentence — what he said. Dr. Lane was very impressed about how from a clinical public health standpoint, the Chinese were handling the isolation, the contact tracing, the building of facilities to take care of people, and that’s what I believed he meant when he said were managing this in a very structured, organized way.

Q. And he goes on in that last sentence on that page to say, ‘From what I saw in China, we may have to go to as extreme a degree of social distancing to help bring our outbreak under control’; correct?

  1. Correct.

Q. So he drew the conclusion that there might have to be extreme, in his word, measures to mandate social distancing to bring the outbreak under control; correct?

  1. That’s what this is implying, yes.


Q. And so he [Lane] had a kind of positive reaction to that. There might be lessons to be learned for the United States in its response to the outbreak; correct?


Q. Correct?

A.    I believe Dr. Lane came to the conclusion that when you have a widespread respiratory disease that a very common and effective way to curtail the rapid spread of the disease is by implementing social distancing measures.

He sure had a lot to say about knowing exactly where the social distancing policy came from; heck, this was the beginning of 2020, when it all really kicked off! He’s a pathological liar, or certifiably delusional.Calls for Nuremberg 2.0 are growing, and Fauci has made himself into quite the villain. Follow the science? More like follow the yuan.

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Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.



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