COVID mRNA Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami Is Underway – And It’s Driven by Young People

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”
Jan. 17, 2024 – New cancer diagnoses expected to hit record high this year.
New cancer diagnoses in the U.S. are expected to top 2 million for the first time in 2024, driven in large part by an alarming increase in cancers among younger Americans, according to new American Cancer Society data.
- “Doctors are trying to figure out why they’re seeing more young patients with cancer.”
- “Colorectal cancers are presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumors at diagnosis,” ACS chief scientific officer William Dahut told Axios.
- “Preliminary MSK research found significant differences in the microbiomes of early-onset colorectal cancer patients compared with older ones.”
“Notably, people aged younger than 50 years were the only one of these three age groups to experience an increase in overall cancer incidence during this time period,” the ACS report said.
This ACS report only goes to 2021. Even though they have 2022 and 2023 data.
- This data is heavily manipulated if not outright fraudulent.
- So why would they admit that cancer is on the rise in people younger than 50, which is true?
Because they then cover it up by saying that cancer rates dropped in 2021, which is false.
“A LIMITED HANGOUT is a phrase used in the intelligence community to describe situations where leaking or revealing parts of the truth operates to control the public narrative. Manipulative partial disclosure.”
- Cancer is on the rise in people younger than 50 – is a small piece of the truth
- “Cancer mortality continued to decline through 2021” – is the lie
- The combination of the two allows control of the narrative.
What is the narrative? Have a look:
This graph shows how manipulative the ACS Report is by only including 2021 data and none from 2022 or 2023.
There is a significant jump in Turbo Cancers in 2023.
ED DOWD – UK Death & Disability Trends for Malignant Neoplasms
John Beaudoin – Massachusetts Death Certificates
AUSSIE17 – Chemotherapy Sales in Singapore
This data from Aussie17 is absolutely stunning
If we can’t get proper Cancer mortality data from the American Cancer Society or Canadian Cancer Society, we can take a close look at cancer drug sales:
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer tsunami is well underway and as I documented in a recent substack, all the big pharmaceutical players are buying up smaller cancer therapy companies and positioning themselves for 2025.
I have been repeatedly told by a California Medical Oncologist, Dr.Jan Kirsch, that there is no increase in cancer.
This is where the mainstream of Medical Oncology is today, with their heads completely buried in the sand.
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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
Featured image: NOT a Vaccine: the mRNA COVID vax is a chemical pathogen production device and a technocratic, transhumanistic tool to repgrogram you. Image credit: Jordan Henderson
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