February 8, 2024

What are they so afraid of?

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Democrats and their European Union allies are starting to top themselves in hysteria as they howl about Tucker Carlson going to Moscow to interview Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

Most of us would find such an interview interesting, actually, given that Putin is not unknown to us and is reputedly very, very, smart and calculating. He’s launched into the war on Ukraine, there’s a news blackout, most of us cannot go to Russia now and most Russians cannot come here now, there’s longtime historic backdrop worth exploring, and it would be interesting to hear Putin speak for himself as he remains very popular in Russia.

Putin’s also a longtime observer of the U.S., and a lot of us would like to know what he thinks about us, how he compares Presidents Trump and Biden, and who he thinks is really running the country. What does he know about corruption in Ukraine, how does he see the war ending, what aim does he want to achieve that will get him to stop the war. Such information, along with the body language, the state of his appearance and health, and the way the interview is handled, could actually yield useful information to U.S. inteligence and its policymakers, even if the interview itself is largely flattering and friendly, which knowing Carlson, might not be.

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But that’s not how Democrats and their Eurotrash allies see this stuff. They’re obviously scared to death of what Putin might say along with the possibility that Americans might just have a more positive view of him. They want him to be the devil, and we already know he’s not the devil, he’s a Russia-firster, but that amounts to a topic worthy of knowledge.

Here is how nutty it’s gotten:

According to BigNewsNetwork, citing RT News

Former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt, now a member of the European Parliament, has already called for Carlson to be banned from the bloc.

“As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well,” Verhofstadt told Newsweek. The EAS is responsible for the bloc’s foreign policy and can recommend sanctions, which need to be approved by the European Council.