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Chemtrail Complaints Surge in Valencian Community: Misinformation and Mental Health Concerns

Valencian Community Head Prosecutor, Teresa Gisbert, addresses the surge in ‘chemtrail’ complaints


Teresa Gisbert, the Head Prosecutor of the Valencian Community, revealed an alarming increase in complaints regarding ‘chemtrails’ – white trails left by airplanes in the sky. This revelation comes at a time when conspiracy theories surrounding these trails are gaining traction online. The situation has become so dire that Gisbert’s office is now overwhelmed with investigating these claims, despite evidence pointing towards a natural phenomenon.

The Rise of ‘Chemtrail’ Complaints

Gisbert expressed her concerns about the sheer volume of complaints related to ‘chemtrails’, which are believed by some to be chemical trails intentionally released by airplanes for nefarious purposes. However, a comprehensive technical study commissioned by the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office concluded that these trails are simply a result of condensation and temperature changes.


One notable case involves a woman from Alzira, Valencia, who frequently sends photos of ‘chemtrails’ hovering above her laundry. Gisbert emphasized that while her office is obligated to investigate these claims, the process is time-consuming and often hampers their ability to address more pressing matters.

The Role of False Information Online

The rise in ‘chemtrail’ complaints can be attributed, in part, to the spread of false information online. As conspiracy theories gain popularity, more individuals are led to believe that they are being fumigated by planes. This misinformation not only leads to an increase in complaints but also creates a challenging environment for organizations like the State Meteorological Agency, which must work tirelessly to dispel these myths.


The Phenomenon of ‘Querulants’

Another issue that Gisbert highlighted is the rise in ‘querulants’ – individuals who obsessively file baseless complaints due to mental health disorders. These individuals often believe that they are being surveilled or targeted, leading them to submit excessive written complaints. Gisbert stressed the need for assistance and support for these individuals, as their mental health struggles contribute to the growing number of cases her office must handle.

As the Valencian Community grapples with the consequences of misinformation and mental health challenges, Gisbert’s call for awareness and understanding serves as an important reminder of the human element behind the headlines.

Important Note: Easy online options to make complaints have fueled the rise in denuncias, exacerbating the issue for Gisbert’s office. In addressing these challenges, it is essential to separate fact from fiction and provide support to those in need.

In conclusion, the escalating number of ‘chemtrail’ complaints in the Valencian Community underscores the impact of false information online and the urgent need for mental health support. As the Head Prosecutor’s office continues to investigate these claims, the focus must remain on promoting accurate information and offering assistance to those struggling with mental health issues.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from BNN Breaking can be found here.