Membership explodes at local UFO sighting chapter

(WFSB) – Not long ago, if someone came up to you with a story about a UFO, you probably would have laughed or maybe rolled your eyes.
But now the federal government is investigating hundreds of possible sightings and more and more people here in Connecticut are getting cosmically curious.
The Pentagon now admits to investigating more than 650 potential UFO sightings since 2004.
A former Navy commander is just one of the eyewitnesses who testified in July at a congressional hearing about an encounter he cannot explain: this strange tic tac shaped object he said he saw in the sky on a training mission.
In our state, members of the Connecticut chapter of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, look into possible sightings.
State Director Michael Panicello said the congressional UFO hearing changed everything.
“Now we’re no longer considered with the tin foil hats people actually listen to us and they want to know more about this field,” Panicello said.
That growing interest is evident in the monthly MUFON meetings.
Their membership has exploded, growing from 6 about a decade ago to nearly 100.
There are newbies like Jesse Brown now at every meeting.
Now just because the defense has confirmed that UFOs, also called UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), exist doesn’t mean that aliens are here just that we don’t know what they heck stuff like this really is.
But Panicello and other MUFON members believe we may actually learn about these mysteries.
Members of Congress are now demanding more transparency from the Defense Department about UFO sightings and investigations.
Some members of Congress have promised more UFO hearings and even a bi-partisan bill in large part because UFOs could be a security concern.
Until then, MUFON members will continue investigating and of course keeping their eye on the skies, with the knowledge that they were right all along, something is out there.
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