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Records Related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) at

RG 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer

  • Item from the series “Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection, 1964–1980” (National Archives Identifier: 25061, Local Identifier: 111-LC)
    • MAJ. GEN. JOHN A. SAMFORD’S STATEMENT ON “FLYING SAUCERS”, PENTAGON, WASHINGTON, D.C (National Archives Identifier: 25738, Local Identifier: 111-LC-30875)

RG 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1903–2006

  • Item from the series “Sound Recordings Relating to Mission Activities” (National Archives Identifier: 75815065, Local Identifier: 255-PAOa) 
    • Walter Cronkite and Gordon Cooper on UFOs (National Archives Identifier: 86027191, Local Identifier: 255-PAOa-807-AAE).
  • Item from the series “Video Recordings Documenting the Administration of Daniel Goldin, 1985–2001” (National Archives Identifier: 5730762, Local Identifier: 255-GOLDIN) 
    • An Executive Summary of the Greatest Secret of the 20th Century (National Archives Identifier: 5833930, Local Identifier: 255-GOLDIN-233).  

RG 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894–2002

  • Items from the series “Moving Images Relating to Intelligence and International Relations” (National Archives Identifier: 592764, Local Identifier: 263-GENERAL) 
    • Unidentified Flying Objects, 1956 (National Archives Identifier: 617148, Local Identifier: 263-95). This film is edited, with sound. 
    • Unidentified Flying Objects, 1956 (National Archives Identifier: 5954651 and 617916, Local Identifier: 263-124). 

RG 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900–2003

  • Items from the series “Library Audio Recordings, 1999–2005” (Voice of America Production Library)(National Archives Identifier: 118159, Local Identifier: 306-VOAa): 
    • Doctor Edward Condon, University of Colorado Physicist Studying Unidentified Flying Objects (National Archives Identifier: 127614, Local Identifier: 306-EN-S-T-2808). 
    • Alderman Interview with Doctor Page on Unidentified Flying Objects (National Archives Identifier: 130003, Local Identifier: 306-EN-W-T-8990)
  • Item from the series “Video Recordings from the ‘Foreign Press’ Program Series, 1983–1988″ (National Archives Identifier: 56087, Local Identifier: 306-FP)
    • Foreign Press Center Briefing with B. Maccabee, L. Koss, J. Shandera, and B. Hopkins (National Archives Identifier: 56103, Local Identifier: 306-FP-17)

RG 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

  • Item from the series: “Audio Recordings, 1945–1965” (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service) (National Archives Identifier: 109386, Local Identifier: 330-GENERAL)
    • The Case of the Flying Saucer (National Archives Identifier: 2386432, Local Identifier: 330a.85)
  • Items from the series “Motion Picture Films and Video Recordings on Five Decades of U.S. Military Activities Around the World, ca. 1950–ca. 2000” (National Archives Identifier: 561934, Local Identifier 330-DVIC)
    • Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting (National Archives Identifier: 614788, Local Identifier: 330-DVIC-653)

RG 341: Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff) 

  • “Project Blue Book Motion Picture Films, 1950-1966” (National Archives Identifier: 61934, Local Identifier: 341-PBB)
  • “Sound Recordings Relating to Project Blue Book Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Investigations, 1953-1967” (National Archives Identifier: 1142703, Local Identifier: 341-PBBa)
  • “Moving Images Relating to “The Roswell Reports” Source Data Research Files, 1946-1996” (National Archives Identifier: 566658, Local Identifier: 341-ROSWELL)
  • “Sound Recordings Relating to “The Roswell Reports”, 1991-1996” (National Archives Identifier: 566843, Local Identifier: 341-ROSWELLa)

RG 342: Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations

  • Items from the series “Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities, 1947–1984” (National Archives Identifier: 64437, Local Identifier: 342-USAF)
    • DFD Avrocar I Progress Report, February 1, 1958May 1959 (National Archives Identifier: 68170, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-29668).
    • Disc Flight Development, Avrocar I Progress Report, May 2, 1959–April 12, 1960 (National Archives Identifier: 68175, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-29673). 
    • Avrocar Continuation Test Program and Terrain Test Program, June 1, 1960–June 14, 1961 (National Archives Identifier: 68405, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-31135). 
    • Friend, Foe, or Fantasy, 1966 (National Archives Identifier: 69861, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-41040). 
    • UFO Interview, 1966 (National Archives Identifier: 70511, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-42990).
    • USAF UFO sightings, California, 1952–1975 (National Archives Identifier: 72035, Local Identifier: 342-USAF-49377).

RG 517: Records of the U.S. Agency for Global Media

  • Item from the series “Sound Recordings of Radio Programs, Speeches, and Special Events.” (National Archives Identifier: 40432506, Local Identifier: 517-VOAa)
    • UFO Sighting Over Alaska, January 13, 1987 (National Archives Identifier: 262327376,  Local Identifier: 517-VOAa-87-306.)
  • Item from the series “Video Tape Programs and Worldnet Broadcasts.” (National Archives Identifier: 74221734, Local Identifier: 517-BBG)
    • Science World 1030, 2002 (National Archives Identifier: 77179268, Local Identifier: 517-BBG-50046)

Donated Collections:

  • Item from the series “WWDC Radio Documentaries, 1973–1975” (National Archives Identifier: 2843058)
    • Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): Fact or Fiction, November 1974 (National Archives Identifier: 2838871, Local Identifier: 200.1572)
  • Items from the series “Motion Picture Newsreel Films, October 1941–March 1957” (Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection) (National Archives Identifier: 98600)
    • Paramount News [Mar. 7] (1951) Vol. 10. No. 52 (National Archives Identifier: 99581,  Local Identifier: PARA-PN-10.52)
    • Paramount News [July 30] (1952) Vol. 11, No. 100 (National Archives Identifier: 99731, Local Identifier: PARA-PN-11.100)
  • Items from the series “Motion Picture Releases of the Universal Newsreel Library, 1929–1967” (National Archives Identifier: 100520)
    • Universal Newsreel Volume 22, Release 276, August 22, 1949 (National Archives Identifier: 234273290, Local Identifier: UN-UN-22-276)
    • Universal Newsreel Volume 25, Release 586, August 11, 1952 (National Archives Identifier: 234273597, Local Identifier: UN-UN-25-586)
This article has been archived for your research. The original version from National Archives can be found here.