The Contagion Myth: Failure to Demonstrate Transmission of “Viral” Diseases.

by Simon Lee, Science Officer, Anew UK.
“Suffice it to say, that in the ordinary sense of the word, there is no proof, such as would be admitted in any scientific inquiry, that there is any such thing as ‘contagion.‘” Florence Nightingale

Anticontagionists versus Contagionists
It is ironic that the seven NHS Nightingale Hospitals for treating COVID-19 ‘contagious disease’ patients were named after the worlds most famous nurse who didn’t believe in contagion. Clearly, our would be overlords have a sense of humour. Albeit a sick and twisted sense of humour.
EH Ackernecht, writing about anticontagionists in the 19th century said “that the anticontagionists were usually honest men and in deadly earnest is shown, among other things, by the numerous self-experiments to which they submitted themselves to prove their contentions.”
Many leading anticontagionists were outstanding scientists who advocated for observation and research and were opposed to outdated authoritarian systems and medieval superstitions.
In sharp contrast Louis Pasteur, father of the germ theory, was known to be a self promoting fraud and plagiarist. In spite of this he became a well connected celebrity of his time and was hailed as a great scientist. He gave rise to the germ theory of disease which for over a century has dominated the practice of Western medicine.
The contagionists, advocated for bureaucratic control and quarantines, ostensibly to control the supposed spread of disease, but in reality as a means to control and contain the rapidly growing class of merchants and industrialists.
Anticontagionists were not just scientists, they were also progressive reformers, fighting for the freedom of the individual and commerce against establishment despotism.
They regarded quarantines as amoral, ineffective, deadly, and economically damaging. They believed that “filth” resulting from poor living conditions and poor sanitation caused most disease rather than germs transmitted from person to person.
Germ theory versus terrain theory is a complicated topic for another time. Viral theory is less complicated since unlike bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and parasites, viruses don’t actually structurally exist as advertised and so cannot possibly cause disease.
One of the fundamental assumptions of virology is the transmission of disease from person to person. According to virologists, viruses enter the body and replicate inside the cells and are then spread from person to person through airborne droplets, sexual contact, and exposure to bodily fluids containing the alleged virus.
Our own experience tells us that often people, who work or live together, develop symptoms of disease at the same time which fits with what we are told by virologists. Surely transmission of viral disease must have been scientifically proven numerous times right? Wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are many different reasons to believe that virology is a fraudulent pseudoscience but the repeated failure to scientifically prove contagion or the transmission of these diseases from individual to individual is one of the most compelling reasons.
Dr Robert Willner and HIV
Dr. Robert Willner wrote a book presenting his point of view on the relationship between HIV and AIDS, titled “Deadly Deception: the Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS.” He was a man who had the courage of his own convictions.
In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by injecting himself with the blood of an HIV positive haemophiliac called Pedro Tocino. This courageous act by a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath nearly 40 years previously, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. He appeared on Spain’s most popular television show with the viewing audience overwhelmingly in favour of his oppostion to the “AIDS hypothesis.”

Then on December 7th 1994 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Greensboro, N.C., in front of an audience of about 30 alternative-medicine practitioners and several journalists, Dr. Willner did it again. He stuck a 20-gauge hypodermic needle in the finger of a 27 year old HIV positive Fort Lauderdale student before sticking the needle into his own hand.
When asked why he would risk his life to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: “I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind.”
He said he inoculated himself with the men’s blood to draw attention to “the greatest scam ever perpetrated.” declaring that HIV does not cause AIDS but rather the main cause was the drug AZT.
He described the supposed AIDS epidemic as “an intricate maze of lies” and “an astounding fraud,” claiming that AIDS is neither caused by HIV nor is it contagious, but is caused by malnutrition, recreational drug abuse and modern medicines including AZT.
Predictably, the director of the American research effort against AIDS back then, a certain Dr Anthony Fauci, was not impressed by any of this. According to The Washington Post “the usually unflappable scientist” came “close to losing his cool”. He claimed (wrongly) that the fact that HIV causes AIDS “is truly overwhelming” with obvious exasperation according to the Post. Megalomaniac Dr Anthony “the science” Fauci went on to say “It isn’t questionable. The relationship between the virus and the disease is truly incontrovertible.”
In reality, the very existence of HIV is highly questionable let alone its alleged role in the nebulous collection of conditions labelled as AIDS.
Fauci thought the whole thing was “extremely dangerous to all the educational efforts” and lamented that “If they were just blowing off steam and it didn’t matter, then we wouldn’t care. But these statements can take a terrible toll on the public health.” Evidently taking a terrible toll on public health was his job.
The Washington Post claimed that “epidemiological studies show clear trails of contagion from partner to partner”. However, A 1996 study by Nancy Padian et al followed 176 discordant couples (1 HIV positive and the other negative) for a decade. These couples regularly slept together and had unprotected sex. There were no HIV transmissions from the positive partner to the negative partner during the entirety of the study.
The courageous Dr. Robert Willner subsequently tested negative for HIV multiple times. He died on the 15th April 1995 from an alleged heart attack or possibly a car crash depending on who you read.
Lack of scientific evidence for transmission.
A list of peer-reviewed studies that have disproved transmission of viral diseases has helpfully been compiled by DPL, Jamie, georgie&donny, and Vil at the Substack “Virology – The Damning Evidence The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession DPL”. If you want to read any of the papers yourself then please just follow the relevant links provided at this Substack.

1) The paper Experimental Measles by Ludvig Hektoen in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Mar. 1, 1905) reported that:
– Chapman, 1801: Tried to transmit measles using the blood, tears, the mucus of the nostrils and bronchia, and the eruptive matter in the cuticle without any success.
– Willan, 1809: Inoculated three children with vesicle fluids of measles but without success.
– Albers, 1834: Attempted to infect four children with measles without success. He quoted Alexander Monro, Bourgois, and Spray as also having made unsuccessful inoculations with saliva, tears, and cutaneous scales.
– Themmen, 1817: Tried to infect 5 children with measles. 0/5 children became sick.
2) Journal of American Medical Association, Volume 72, Number 3, 1919:
– Warschawsky, 1895 – Injected small pigs and rabbits with blood taken in the eruptive stage. All results were negative.
– Belila, 1896 – Placed warm nasal mucus and saliva from measles patients on the nasal and oral mucous membrane of rabbits, guinea-pigs, cats, mice, dogs and lambs, but without any positive results.
– Josias, 1898 – Rubbed measles secretions over the throat, nose and eyes of several young pigs, but without any effects.
– Geissler, 1903 – Inoculated sheep, swine, goats, dogs and cats in various ways with the bodily fluids from patients with measles; including smearing, spraying, rubbing. All results were negative.
– Pomjalowsky, 1914 – Injected measles blood into guineapigs, rabbits and small pigs. All results were negative.
– Jurgelunas, 1914 – Inoculated blood from patients with measles into suckling pigs and rabbits, but without effect.
3) A review of the investigations concerning the etiology of measels, A. W. Sellards harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts as seen below:
– Jurgelunas, 1914: Tried to produce measles in monkeys using inoculations of the blood and mucus secretions from measles patients as well as by exposing the animals to patients in measles wards. All results were negative.
– Sellards, 1918: Tried to transmit measles to 8 healthy volunteers without a prior history of measles exposure. 0/8 men became sick after multiple failed attempts.
– Sellards and Wenworth, 1918: Inoculated 3 monkeys in various ways, including intensive injections of blood from measles patients. The animals remained well.
– Sellards and Wenworth, 1918: Blood from measles patients was injected simultaneously into 2 men and 2 monkeys. Both men remained symptom-free. One of the two monkeys developed symptoms that were not suggestive of measles.
4) Bauguess, 1924 – “A careful search of the literature does not reveal a case in which the blood from a patient having measles was injected into the blood stream of another person and produced measles.”
The Russian co-joined twins Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova (1950-2003) provide further evidence that measles is not contagious. They are one of the few cases of dicephalus tetrabrachius tripus (two heads, four arms, three legs).
Their mother was told that her baby girls had died shortly after birth. But in reality they were taken away by the Stalinist medical authorities to the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Moscow and later to the Academy of Medical Sciences Pediatric Institute where they spent the next six years isolated from their mother, family and the world.
The Soviet scientists were interested in the unique way in which the twins were joined and so used them as guinea pigs for a series of inhuman experiments which included burning them, subjecting them to sleep deprivation, starving them and electrocuting them.
Marsha and Dasha were joined at the hips at a 180-degree angle. Of their three legs one was controlled by Masha and one by Dasha with the third vestigial leg remaining in the air behind them. Their upper intestines were separate but they shared a single lower intestine and rectum. They had four kidneys and one bladder and often disagreed about when to urinate. They shared a common reproductive system, hormonal, and lymphatic systems. They also shared each other’s blood in interconnected circulatory systems.
The most significant anatomical difference between Masha and Dasha was that they had separate brains and spinal columns.
The sisters had polar opposite personalities with Masha showing the traits of a psychopath and Dasha an empath. Dasha was a frequent alcohol drinker, and because they shared the same bloodstream they would both become inebriated when Dasha drank.
Dasha was short- sighted, right-handed and was prone to colds whilst Masha had good eyesight was left-handed and smoked occasionally but was generally healthier albeit with higher blood pressure. When Masha smoked, Dasha coughed. Masha grew to be physically stronger than Dasha.
The Soviet researchers were mystified by the differing health patterns shown by the twins.
When one of the girls became ill with the “highly contagious” childhood disease measles the other did not. This phenomenon was observed repeatedly with the girls experiencing colds, flu and other childhood diseases separately. This disproves the virus theory of disease, as viruses that entered their bodies would be in their shared bloodstream.
They were eventually released in 1988 and placed in a Home for Veterans of War and Labour. Sadly Masha died of an acute coronary infarction (heart attack) on 17 April 2003 aged 53 and Dasha who refused to be separated from her sister died 17 hours later due to blood poisoning from the toxins from her sister’s decomposing body.
1) Dr. Rodermund, 1901 – From his diary of SmallPox experiments. For 15 years he smeared the pus of smallpox patients on his face and used to go home with his family, play cards at the gentleman’s club and treat other patients and never got sick or saw a single other person get sick.
2) Mahatma Gandhi, 1921 – “and the poison that accumulates in the system is expelled in the form of small-pox. If this view is correct, then there is absolutely no need to be afraid of small-pox” also see “This has given rise to the superstition that it is a contagious disease, and hence to the attempt to mislead the people into the belief that vaccination is an effective means of preventing it.”
Dr Charles A R Campbell MD (1865-1931) was head Bacteriologist for the city of San Antonio, Texas, and and was put in charge of a Pest House (isolation hospital) for smallpox patients. This gave him the opportunity to perform exhaustive experiments to try and prove the contagiousness of smallpox. He subsequently claimed that smallpox is caused by the bite of the bedbug (Cimex lectularius) and that it is not contagious and is not an airborne disease.
Yellow Fever
“It is also typical that practically all “professional anticontagionists,” that is those men who not only accepted anticontagionism, but made the fight against the theory of contagion and quarantines their life work, had had their first epidemiological experiences with yellow fever.”
Erwin H Ackerknecht
1) Walter Reed, 1902 – “Without entering into details, I may say that, in the first place, the Commission saw, with some surprise, what had so often been noted in the literature, that patients in all stages of yellow fever could be cared for by non-immune nurses without danger of contracting the disease. The non-contagious character of yellow fever was, therefore, hardly to be questioned.”
“Outstanding French army doctors like P. Assalini (1750-1840) and FP Blin (1756-1834) found in 1805 and 1801 the Cadiz yellow fever epidemics, that killed 20 per cent of Cadiz’ inhabitants, to be of a non-contagious character. Robert Jackson (1750-1827), the famous English army physician, came to the same conclusion in 1821. In the yellow fever epidemic of Gibraltar of 1814 the majority of the local physicians voted anticontagionist in a kind of referendum.”
Erwin H Ackerknecht
ChickenPox (Varicella)
1) Hess & Unger, 1918 – “In three instances the nasal secretion of varicella patients was applied to the nostrils; in three others the tonsillar secretion to the tonsils, and in six, the tonsillar and pharyngeal secretions were transferred to the nose, the pharynx, and the tonsils. In none of these twelve cases was there any reaction whatsoever, either local or systemic.”

2) Hess & Unger, 1918 – The vesicle fluids from people with chickenpox was injected intravenously into 38 children. 0/38 became sick.
3) Published in the Journal – American Medical Association, 1919 – Need Of Further Research On The Transmissibility Of Measles And Varicella. “Evidently in our experiments we do not, as we believe, pursue nature’s mode of transmission; either we fail to carry over the virus, or the path of infection is quite different from what it is commonly thought to be.”
Shingles (Zoster)
1) Blanc and Caminopetros, 1922 (original paper in French) – Material from nine cases of shingles was inoculated into the eyes, cornea, conjunctiva, skin, brain, and spinal cord of a series of animals, including rabbits, mice, sheep, pigeons, monkeys, and a dog. All results were negative.
2) The problem of the etiology of herpes zoster, 1925 – “Many other authors report entirely negative results following the inoculation of herpes zoster material into the sacrified corneas of rabbits: Kraupa (18); Baum (19); LSwenstein (8), Teissier, Gastinel, and Reilly (20) ; Kooy (21) ; Netter and Urbain (22); Bloch and Terris (23); Simon and Scott (24); and Doerr (25). It is evident, therefore, that the results of attempts to inoculate animals with material from cases of herpes zoster must be considered at present to be inconclusive.”
1) Wahl et al, 1919 – Conducted 3 separate trials on six men attempting to infect them with “different strains of Influenza”. Not a single person got sick.
2) Schmidt et al, 1920 (Original paper in German) – Conducted two controlled experiments, exposing healthy people to the bodily fluids of sick people. Of 196 people exposed to the mucous secretions of sick people, 21 (10.7%) developed colds and three developed grippe (1.5%). In the second group, of the 84 healthy people exposed to mucous secretions of sick people, five developed grippe (5.9%) and four colds (4.7%). Of forty-three controls who had been inoculated with sterile physiological salt solutions eight (18.6%) developed colds. A higher percentage of people got sick after being exposed to saline compared to those being exposed to the “virus”.
3) Williams et al, 1921 – Tried to experimentally infect 45 healthy men with the common cold and influenza, by exposing them to mucous secretions from sick people. 0/45 became ill.
4) Robertson & Groves, 1924 – Exposed 100 healthy individuals to the bodily secretions from 16 different people suffering from influenza. 0 people of 100 whom they deliberately tried to infect with Influenza got sick.
5) Dochez et al, 1930 – Attempted to infect 11 men with intranasal influenza. Not a single person got sick. Most strikingly one person got very sick when he accidently found out that is what they were trying to do. His symptoms disappeared when they told him he was misinformed.
6) Thomas Francis Jr et al, 1936 – Gave 23 people influenza via 3 different methods. 0 people got sick.. They gave 2 people already “suffering from colds” the influenza who also did not get sick
7) Burnet and Lush, 1937 – 200 people given “Melbourne type” Influenza . 0 people showed any symptoms of disease. 0/200.
8) Burnet and Foley, 1940 – Attempted to experimentally infect 15 university students with influenza. The authors concluded their experiment was a failure.
9) Thomas Francis Jr, 1940 – Gave 11 people “Epidemic Influenza” 0 people got sick. 0/11.
10) Douglas Gordon et al, 1975 – This study gave 10 people English type Influenza and 10 people a placebo. The study was negative. Most telling is they admit that mild symptoms were seen in the placebo group, proving that the inoculation methods cause them.
11) Beare et al 1980 (refer to reference 6 in the linked paper). Quote from John J Cannell, 2008 as follows – “An eighth conundrum – one not addressed by Hope-Simpson – is the surprising percentage of seronegative volunteers who either escape infection or develop only minor illness after being experimentally inoculated with a novel influenza virus.”
12) John Treanor et al, 1999 – Gave 108 people Influenza A. Only 35% recorded mild symptoms such as stuffy nose. Unfortunately 35% of the placebo control group also developed mild symptoms proving the methods of inoculation are causing them.
13) Bridges et al, 2003 – “Our review found no human experimental studies published in the English-language literature delineating person-to-person transmission of influenza… Thus, most information on human-to-human transmission of influenza comes from studies of human inoculation with influenza virus and observational studies.”
14) The Virology Journal, 2008 – ”There were five attempts to demonstrate sick-to-well influenza transmission in the desperate days following the pandemic [1918 flu] and all were ’singularly fruitless’ … all five studies failed to support sick-to-well transmission, in spite of having numerous acutely ill influenza patients, in various stages of their illness, carefully cough, spit, and breathe on a combined total of >150 well patients.”
15) Jasmin S Kutter, 2018, – Our observations underscore the urgent need for new knowledge on respiratory virus transmission routes and the implementation of this knowledge in infection control guidelines to advance intervention strategies for currently circulating and newly emerging viruses and to improve public health.
– There is a substantial lack of (experimental) evidence on the transmission routes of PIV (types 1–4) and HMPV.
– Extensive human rhinovirus transmission experiments have not led to a widely-accepted view on the transmission route [35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40].
– However, until today, results on the relative importance of droplet and aerosol transmission of influenza viruses stay inconclusive and hence, there are many reviews intensively discussing this issue [10, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50].
– Despite this, the relative importance of transmission routes of respiratory viruses is still unclear, depending on the heterogeneity of many factors like the environment (e.g. temperature and humidity), pathogen and host [5, 19].
16) Jonathan Van Tam, 2020 – Conducted these human trials of Flu A in 2013. 52 people were intentionally given “Flu A” and made to live in controlled conditions with 75 people. 0 people sick. 0 PCR positive.

Note that Professor Jonathan Van-Tam was the English Deputy Chief Medical Officer from October 2017 to March 2022 and played a key role in spreading terror amonst the population in frequent TV appearances during the covid pseudopandemic.
Sajid Javid the former health secretary described him as a “national treasure” who has “played a vital role in protecting and reassuring the nation”.
He was knighted in the 2022 new year honours for a job well done, joining the illustrious ranks of other “national treasures” like for example Sir Jimmy Saville.
He was a member of the government’s vaccine taskforce during the pseudopandemic, which made decisions on supply contracts for Covid jabs and investments in manufacturing and clinical opportunities.
He exemplifies the rotten revolving door between the public and private sector, having worked in the pharmaceutical and vaccines industries from 2000 (SmithKline Beecham 2000 to 2001, Roche Products Ltd 2001 to 2002 and Sanofi-Pasteur MSD 2002 to 2004).
He has now become a senior part-time medical consultant to the American biotechnology company Moderna that makes “Covid-19 vaccines”.
The UK government bought tens of millions of Covid jabs from Moderna during the pseudopandemic, and struck a 10-year partnership with the US drugmaker to boost research and development of mRNA “vaccines” in the UK, including constructing a new “vaccine” factory.
Moderna have declined to publicly disclose Van-Tam’s “advisory fee” but no doubt it will be far more than 30 pieces of silver.
1) Karl-Oskar Medin, 1887 – A Swedish pediatrician who was the first to examine a polio outbreak, concluded that it was an infectious, but not contagious, disease.
2) Charles Caverly, 1894 – Investigated the first US polio epidemic: ”it is very certain that it was non-contagious.”
3) Leegaard, 1899 – Was not able to prove a single case of patient-to-patient contagion in a polio outbreak in Norway. “Infantile paralysis is of an infectious, but not of a contagious nature. As a matter of fact no indisputable instance of contagion could be proved.”
4) Landsteiner & Popper, 1909 – “Attempts to transmit the disease [polio] to the usual laboratory animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, or mice, failed.”
5) Batten (1909) – “Against the infectivity of the disease may be urged, first, the absence of spread of infection in hospital. The cases of poliomyelitis admitted to hospital freely mixed with other cases in the ward without any isolation or disinfection, some 70 children came in contact, but no infection took place. (p. 208, last paragraph)”
6) Flexner & Lewis, 1910 – Multiple unsuccessful polio transmission attempts. “Many guinea-pigs and rabbits, one horse, two calves, three goats, three pigs, three sheep, six rats, six mice, six dogs, and four cats have had active virus introduced in the brain but without causing any appreciable effect whatever. These animals have been under observation for many weeks.”
7) A Washinton, 1911 – “I have not seen any cases of Polio contagion. We put the patients on one side and typhoid cases on the other, and no nurse or mother was infected. If the disease was so contagious, I don’t see why the nurses and mothers would not have been infected.”
8) JJM Louisville, 1912 – “Monkeys suffering from polio in the same cage with healthy monkeys, do not infect others.”
9) H. L. Abramson, 1917 – Attempts to induce polio in a monkey by injecting the spinal fluid of 40 polio patients (rather than the ground cord) into the brain failed.
10) Milton Rosenau, 1918 – Professor of preventive medicine and hygiene at Harvard, notes that “monkeys have so far never been known to contract the disease [polio] spontaneously, even though they are kept in intimate association with infected monkeys.” Page 341.
11) L. L. Lumsden, 1935 – “Painstaking efforts were made throughout the studies to obtain all traces of transmission of the disease through personal contact, but it appears that in this outbreak in Louisville evidence of personal association between the cases of poliomyelitis, suggestive of cause and effect, was no more common than that which might have been found if histories had been taken of personal association between cases of broken bones occurring in the city in the same period.”
12) L. L Lumsden, 1938 – ”The general and usual epidemiological features of the disease [polio] all appear opposed to the hypothesis that poliomyelitis is a contagious disease spread among human beings by nose-to-nose or any other direct personal contact.”
13) John Toomey, 1941 – A veteran polio researcher: “no animal gets the disease from another, no matter how intimately exposed.”
14) Albert Sabin, 1951 (inventor of the polio vaccine). “There is no evidence for the transmission of poliomyelitis by droplet nuclei.”
15) Archibald L. Hoyne, 1951 – “However, in the Cook County Contagious Disease Hospital where the latter procedure has not been used there has never been a doctor, intern, nurse or any other member of the personnel who contracted poliomyelitis within a period of at least thirty-five years, nor has any patient ever developed poliomyelitis after admission to the hospital.”
16) Ralph R. Scobey, 1951 – ”Although poliomyelitis is legally a contagious disease, which implies that it is caused by a germ or virus, every attempt has failed conclusively to prove this mandatory requirement of the public health law.” Professor of clinical pediatrics and president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute, Syracuse, N.Y.
17) Ralph R. Scobey, 1952 – “In addition to the failure to prove contagiousness of human poliomyelitis, it has likewise been impossible to prove contagiousness of poliomyelitis in experimental animals.”
Ludicrous and inhumane “Transmission” Studies
Virologists often perform inhumane experiments on animals in order to claim that they have proven transmission of disease. The routes of transmission are not the same as that which is claimed to occur in human disease and as always proper control experiemts are not done.
Real scientists suggest that the act of injecting substances into the brains and lungs of animals might be enough to induce illness reagrdless of what substances are being injected. Clearly a very strong stomach or perhaps a total lack of humanity is required to be a viral research scientist.
Joe Hendry has compiled a list of such papers and these too can be viewed at the same Substack mentioned above:
1) Louis Pasteur, 1881 – For rabies, tried to demonstrate transmission by injecting diseased brain tissue “directly onto the surface of the brain of a healthy dog through a hole drilled into its skull.”
2) Simon Flexner and Paul A. Lewis, 1910 – Spinal cords from deceased children were ground up and emulsified to be injected into the brains of monkeys.
3) John F. Anderson and Joseph Goldberger, 1911 – Injected blood from a measles patient directly into the heart and brains of monkeys.
4) Carl Tenbroeck, 1918 – A mixture of ground up rat’s livers, spleens, kidneys,testicles, lungs, hearts, and brains was injected into the brains of other rats.
5) Claus W. Jungeblut, 1931 – Ground up monkey spinal cord was injected into the brains of other monkeys.
6) Wilson Smith, 1933 – “The infected animal is killed when showing symptoms, often at the beginning of the second temperature rise. The turbinates are scraped out, ground up with sand, and emulsified in about 20 of equal parts of broth and saline. The emulsion is lightly centrifuged, and about 1 of the supernatant fluid is dropped into the nostrils of another ferret.”
7) Thomas Francis and Jr, T. P. Magill, 1935 – Ground up ferret lung tissue was injected into the brains of rabbits.
8) Ann G. Kuttner and T’sun T’ung, 1935 – Ground up kidney and brain of a guinea pig was injected into the brain of another guinea pig.
9) Erich Traub. April 01 1936 – Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of guinea pigs.
10) Albert B. Sabin and Peter K. Olitsky, 1937 – Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of other mice.
11) G. John Buddingh, 1938 – Ground up chick embryo was injected into the brains 2 or 3 day old chicks.
12) Gilbert Dalldorf, 1939 – Ground up ferret spleens was injected into the brains of mice.
13) Claus W. Jungeblut et al, 1942 – Ground up brain or spinal cord of paralyzed mice was injected into the brains of 13 monkeys.
14) Henry Pinkerton and Vicente Moragues, 1942 – Ground up brain tissue from dying mice was injected into the brains of pigeons.
15) Joseph E. Smadel et al, 1945 – Ground up pigeon spleen was injected into the brains of mice.
16) F. Sargent Cheever et al, 1949 – Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of rats and hamsters.
Christine Massey asks the CDC for Evidence of Contagion
On April 10th 2023 Christine Massey sent a FOIA request to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry for all studies/reports scientifically demonstrating contagion of any respiratory disease.
On April 13, 2023 the CDC acknowledged the request and placed it in their “complex processing queue” but by April 18th the request was put on hold pending “provision of further details”. These details were provided by Christine the same day.
Two days later the CDC asked for the search to be narrowed so the search was narrowed to respiratory illnesses said to be caused by “coronaviruses” or “influenza viruses” with the timeframe beginning in 1900.
The CDC then went strangely quiet and failed to respond to repeated messages, in July and through into August, asking them how the search was going. On August 16th, 2023 the CDC’s “Government Information Specialist” finally replied to the effect that they were “working on it”.
Six months after filing the request on October 14, 2023 Christine Massey asked if the CDC could perhaps just send whatever evidence had been found so far. The CDC provided no further updates, no records, and no scientific evidence of contagion.
As a result Christine Massey published an article to alert the public to the CDCs delayed response and failure to provide the evidence used to justify locking down the entire world and imposing other unprecidented draconian measures.
Apparently the CDC are having great difficulty locating any evidence of contagion with regards to respiratory “viruses”.
1) Anticontagionism between 1821 and 1867: The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture. Erwin H Ackerknecht. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2009, Pages 7–21, Published: 30 January 2009
2) Virology – The Damning Evidence The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession DPL
3) The Illusion of Viral Contagion Scientific and Philosophical Review
4) AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT By Rick Weiss November 1, 1994 Washington Post
5) Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna Julia Kollewe Fri 18 Aug 2023
6) CDC can’t find any studies demonstrating contagion of colds/flu/fake-covid… because they don’t exist Latest in long string of CDC “germ” FOI failures. Christine Massey
This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.