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My MP husband Andrew Bridgen was captured by antivax ‘cult’

Andrew Bridgen was in Sweden speaking at an event hosted by Robert F Kennedy Jr’s antivax group while his young son was at home facing a medical crisis.

The former Conservative MP, who has become a leading voice in the global campaign against vaccinations, ignored frantic calls from his wife, Nevena, as their five-year-old’s health deteriorated, she claims.

Nevena, whose family hail from Serbia, was alone in London with her sick child, going backwards and forwards to the hospital, while she says her husband was on the streets of Sweden “acting as an antivax revolutionary and neglecting his son during a health emergency”.

It was the moment Nevena, 43, finally concluded that her husband had been captured by what she considers a“cult”.

Today, she reveals

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Times can be found here.