Aaron Rodgers Doesn’t Buy JFK Assassination Story
Aaron Rodgers apparently doesn’t believe John F. Kennedy’s assassination happened as claimed by the government.
Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of shooting JFK in Dallas on November 22, 1963 from a firing position in the Texas School Book Depository. Oswald was later murdered by Jack Ruby before ever facing trial.
The government leans heavily on what’s known as the “magic-bullet theory” to explain how Oswald could have caused so much damage with his shots, and the theory is heavily tied to a round found near Kennedy’s body.
However, there’s been a lot of dispute about whether or not the theory makes any sense, and the agent who allegedly found the bullet claims it’s nonsense.

Aaron Rodgers doesn’t believe the government’s version of JFK’s assassination. (Credit: Getty Images)
Aaron Rodgers doesn’t believe official JFK story. (Photo by Nick Cammett/Getty Images)