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Flat Earth

The upcoming solar eclipse in April has galvanized flat-Earth advocates

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The total solar eclipse on April 8 is an incredible spectacle that will unfold above the heads of tens of millions of Americans. An upcoming surreal event has reignited talk of a “flat Earth” theory, reports USAToday.

Total solar eclipse


Experts say it’s another example of how easily anti-science conspiracy theories can spread.

“I’m already seeing an increase in this type of talk as we get closer to the April 8 eclipse,” said Jeffrey Blevins, a journalism professor at the University of Cincinnati who studies social media and misinformation.

Blevins is among the experts who say the “flat Earth” theory is gaining popularity around eclipse periods.

Although, by and large, this event is scientifically explained thanks to scientists’ deep understanding of the movement of celestial bodies and their orbits.

There are a number of theories, some harmless, others based on a complete rejection of science, and others promoted for financial or political gain.

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According to Blevins, the idea that the Earth is flat fuels paranoia and leads people to an unhealthy skepticism of all science.

“They’re not just convinced that the Earth is flat, they’re convinced that you can’t trust science, scientists, the media or the government,” he explained. “And this, among other things, can lead you to consider other extremist views plausible.”

What Flat Earthers Believe

In general, most proponents of the flat Earth theory believe that it is a flat object, like a hockey puck, and covered with a dome. It is sometimes called a firmament with walls of ice along the edges. These proponents believe they can prove this because the seas appear smooth rather than curved, and they claim that it is impossible to see the curvature of the horizon from airplanes.

These people dispute photographs from space. They believe that they cannot be trusted, and that NASA’s moon landing was a hoax.

In general, flat Earthers believe that the Sun and Moon glide above the earth at a much smaller distance than astronomers have measured.

During the last total solar eclipse, news site cataloged numerous objections flat-Earthers made to the scientific understanding of the eclipse, including the size of the shadow cast.

Recently, a YouTube video promoting flat earth ideas stated that the Sun and Moon are the same size.

But scientists have a concrete idea of ​​how total solar eclipses occur: three spheres – the Sun, Moon and Earth – line up in space in a certain way.

According to NASA, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. This arrangement casts a moving shadow on the Earth, which in some areas completely or partially blocks sunlight. This results in a period of partial or complete darkness over a narrow area of ​​the Earth.

The process of “collision” of the Moon’s shadow on the Sun must be observed with glasses. How to choose the right equipment for watching an eclipse, read our material.

According to Dave Clark, operator of National, total solar eclipses are a very rare event, occurring every 18 months. Many of them occur over the ocean or in very remote parts of the world. Additionally, a solar eclipse can only occur during a new moon.

This time, Americans will be able to see the astronomical phenomenon on April 8 in 13 states. You can read about the best place to watch the total eclipse here.

When did people find out that the Earth was round?

The ancient Greeks figured out that the Earth was round around 500 BC. e. Since then, this fact has been considered generally accepted among scientists, navigators and cartographers.

The belief in a flat Earth as a theory of sorts resurfaced in the mid-1800s in England. The Flat Earth Society was founded in 1956.

“This is certainly one of the oldest conspiracy theories,” Blevins said.

In the 2010s, flat Earthers began a renaissance of sorts.

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

There are three main reasons for this, says Karen Douglas, a professor of social psychology who researches conspiracy theories at the University of Kent in the UK.

The first is the desire to know the truth and be confident. The second is the need to feel safe and have some control over what is happening around. The third is the social need to maintain a sense of self-worth and to relate positively to the groups to which we belong.

“Anyone can believe in conspiracy theories if they have psychological needs that are not being met at any particular time,” she said.

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In times of social change and uncertainty, conspiracy theories can be especially attractive.

“We tend to see a lot of conspiracy theories when events like sudden celebrity deaths or pandemics happen,” Douglas said. — A simple explanation for such a significant event is often not very attractive. People assume that a big event must have a bigger or more sinister cause.”

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Full eclipse

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