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Eight car makers added to Diesel Emissions scandal – see if you can make a claim

NEARLY eight years after the Dieselgate scandal first began, more car manufacturers are now being exposed for engaging in deceptive practices to bypass emissions regulations.

Initially, the Diesel emissions scandal focused on Volkswagen, which opened the floodgates.

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  • Find out if your car is eligible to make a claim here

Now, the emissions scandal also includes BMW, Renault, Vauxhall, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, Citroen, Fiat, Nissan and Jeep car models produced from September 2009 to the end of 2018.

The dieselgate scandal lies in the manipulation of emissions tests.

This is when car manufacturers install software or devices that enable vehicles to perform at optimal levels during regulatory assessments while emitting higher levels of harmful pollutants under real-world driving conditions.

The initial shockwave of the scandal rippled through the automotive industry with Volkswagen at its epicentre, followed by the involvement of other prominent car manufacturers like BMW.

Now with even more car manufacturers now involved, many more car users could be able to claim compensation.

  • Find out if your car is eligible to make a claim here

What is the Diesel Emissions scandal?

The Diesel Emissions scandal, also commonly referred to as “Dieselgate,” is the widespread deception by automotive manufacturers in manipulating emissions tests for diesel vehicles.

It first came to the public’s attention in 2015 when Volkswagen was caught using illegal software, known as ‘defeat devices’ to cheat on emissions testing.

These devices allowed vehicles to emit lower levels of pollutants during testing than they would during real driving conditions.

Subsequent investigations later on has revealed similar practices by other major carmakers, which recently saw Renault, Vauxhall, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, Citroen, Fiat, Nissan and Jeep publicly named.

The scandal exposed systemic issues in the industry, leading to hefty fines issued to car companies, car recalls, major lawsuits and damaged reputations of many popular car brands.

Most read in Motors

It has also led to millions of drivers checking to find out if they’re eligible for compensation.

What car manufacturers are included?

The Dieselgate scandal first involved Volkswagen, which helped to ignite the controversy in 2015. BMW then faced further scrutiny for similar deceptive practices.

Unfortunately the list has continued to grow, with Renault, Vauxhall, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, Citroen, Fiat, Nissan and Jeep all implicated in the deception and accused of using cheat devices in their diesel vehicles.

How to check whether you are eligible to claim?

To find out whether your vehicle is impacted by the ‘defeat devices’ customers will need to fill out an online form.

After submitting the online form the database will evaluate your eligibility and you will only need to provide a genuine e-signature for validation.

To verify your eligibility and to make a claim click here to fill out the e-form.

Once your process is complete, you will then be contacted for further information on your claim status.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from The Sun can be found here.