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Tennessee Republicans push unfounded chemtrail ban

Airbus A340 leaving chemtrails in the sky © Adrian Pingstone (Arpingstone) on Wikipedia

Just when you think they couldn’t get any dumber…: Tennessee Senate advances bill targeting ‘Chemtrails’ conspiracy theory

The Tennessee Senate has recently approved a bill aimed at addressing the so-called “chemtrails” conspiracy theory. Sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts and Sen. Steve Southerland, the SB 2691/HB 2063 has passed in the Senate, though it awaits further action in the House.

The bill alleges that there is documentation suggesting the federal government or its affiliates may engage in geoengineering experiments by dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, potentially within Tennessee’s borders. It seeks to prohibit such activities within the state, stating that any intentional release of chemicals with the aim of manipulating weather or sunlight intensity is banned.

Critics argue that the premise of the bill is based on unfounded conspiracy theories, as experts maintain that the technology and intentions it refers to do not currently exist. Furthermore, doubts persist regarding the efficacy of state legislation in regulating federal initiatives in this realm.

The bill is slated for review by the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, prompting ongoing debates surrounding the legitimacy and necessity of legislative action on speculative matters.

This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Google News can be found here.