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The Attack on the Port of Baltimore

The Attack on the Port of BaltimoreBy Cliff Kincaid

March 31, 2024

It was an act of war.

I have posted my new report on the Baltimore bridge collapse, Biden’s War with Iran Comes to Baltimore, and the evidence of cyber warfare.

The evidence is overwhelming that Iran, with the help of Russia and China, disabled the ship. My report documents another attack on a U.S. port, the Port of Houston, in 2021, in which hackers were said to have breached a computer network and a “foreign-state actor” was involved but never identified.

For the last several months, various warnings have been given about cyber-warfare directed against maritime targets. These include a congressional hearing, a speech by the FBI director, indictments of Iranian cyber actors, and the Biden Administration issuing a new Executive Order on “Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront Facilities of the United States” on February 21 – just over a month ago.

In other words, the Biden Administration, and its CIA and FBI, saw this coming.

One month ago, according to several news outlets, the U.S. conducted a cyberattack against an Iranian military ship that had been collecting intelligence on cargo vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Then, on March 26, a cargo ship crashes into the Francis Scott Key bridge, after mysteriously losing power, causing the collapse of the bridge, loss of life, and an economic catastrophe costing tens of billions of dollars.

Just a coincidence? An accident? Or retaliation?

The vaunted “surveillance state” that is up for review by Congress failed us again. And this explains why most of the media will not even mention the possibility that cyber warfare disabled the cargo ship’s communications and navigational controls. It means that the FBI and CIA are making the same “mistakes” all over again that gave us the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in which al Qaeda terrorists learned how to fly airplanes on American soil and then crashed them into the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3000 people.

Let me tell you about government corruption.

In 1993 I covered the strange death of Clinton White House deputy counsel Vincent Foster, a murder labeled a “suicide” in an Independent Counsel investigation led by a Republican named Kenneth Starr and his assistant, prosecutor Brett Kavanaugh. Foster’s secretary testified he had access to mysterious binders associated with the NSA, the agency that conducts mass surveillance, ostensibly for the purpose of monitoring terrorists and foreign agents. Foster was the man who knew too much.

Evidence demonstrated the existence of a shadowy group of operatives who would intimidate a witness, Patrick Knowlton, with information contradicting the government’s story.

Starr later became a Fox News contributor, a supposed expert on the impeachment campaign against Trump, while Kavanaugh of course was nominated by Trump to the Supreme Court, another indication that the “Swamp” occupies both side of the “partisan divide” and affects both major political parties. It was hard for Trump to escape their influence.

With the assistance of high-powered lawyers such as Ken Starr, sex pervert Jeffrey Epstein protected himself and his network, serving only 13 months in a country-club arrangement at a local jail before eventually going to a federal prison and dying in another “suicide.” He had the best lawyers that money could buy, as well as associates in such eminent organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.

The book A Convenient Death offers evidence that he used sex to acquire power and influence over others through blackmail. The authors cite Epstein’s relationship with a one-time CIA front company and add that Epstein “openly encouraged speculation that he was involved with intelligence agencies.” The implication is that Epstein used these sexual relationships, including homosexuality, to get what the intelligence agencies wanted out of his targets.

The book by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper strongly suggests that Epstein was a mastermind of a pedophile network serving the rich and powerful that involved gay blackmail, like the Lavender Mafia in the Roman Catholic Church that protects and rewards pedophile and predator priests.

I have always been based in the Washington, D.C. area. But I moved into the Frederick, Maryland, area, just outside of D.C., and found a new dentist in an office in a building dedicated to Frank R. Olson. That is fascinating. In a secret experiment, known as the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control project, he was given LSD by government scientists from Fort Detrick in Maryland, where he was based, and “fell” to his death in New York. The federal government eventually paid his family millions of dollars in damages.

Frank Olson’s name reminds us of the systematic government corruption that has accelerated over the years, culminating in the Russia-gate farce, the failure to hold Red China responsible for the release of the China virus, the Biden presidency, the wars in Europe and the Middle East, and now the cyber-attack on the cargo ship leaving the Port of Baltimore.

These scandals, resulting in death and destruction, could have been avoided if we had honest men and women in charge.

There is an assumption in the coverage of the Baltimore bridge collapse that the federal government will figure out what happened and tell us the truth. But I think a cover-up is already underway, in the same way we saw various federal agencies, including the FBI, CIA, and the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board), conclude that a mysterious fuel tank explosion brought down TWA 800 in 1996.

That cover-up was for the purpose of protecting President Clinton during an election year. This cover-up is to protect Biden’s presidential campaign as the war with Iran heats up and Americans, military and civilian, are increasingly targeted.

In the crash of TWA Flight 800, which resulted in the deaths of 230 passengers and crew on July 17, 1996, federal “investigators” and the FBI and CIA blamed a fuel tank explosion when eyewitnesses saw missiles hit the plane. To discredit them, the CIA produced a video showing the huge nose-less jet ascending like a rocket, an aeronautical impossibility, supposedly after the fuel tank exploded.

We are in a state of war with Iran but relevant officials, from Biden on down, want the American people to be in the dark. Hence, we can expect officials to raise safety concerns about the ship or even blame a mechanical malfunction, without scrutinizing what the CIA and FBI knew in advance and what the NSA knew and when.

We need your help to continue our investigations.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, In.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from News With Views can be found here.