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Chemtrails Aren’t Real, In Case You Were Wondering

From Popular Mechanics

Contrails, or condensation trails, are the linear clouds formed by jet engines as they fly in the upper reaches of our atmosphere. The low temperatures at those heights means that the heat of exhaust immediately crystalizes into ice, forming the fluffy trails we see across the sky.

What you may not know is that a group of conspiracy theorists are dead set on proving that contrails are not just innocent ice crystals, but a government conspiracy to spray the populace with chemicals, what they call “chemtrails.” Celebrities as diverse as Kylie Jenner and Billy Corgan have used Twitter to align themselves with the theory.

It’s not hard for lay people to poke holes in this fanciful theory. (For example, why would the government use a highly visible method of spraying us with chemicals when they could do it without attracting attention?) But now, a group of scientists has spoken out to confirm that chemtrails are indeed fake.

A survey published by the journal Environmental Research Letters polled some of the people who know the most about this area of aviation science: chemists who study contrails and geochemists focusing on atmospheric dust and pollution deposits. Of those scientists, 76 of the 77 polled agreed that there was no secret government spraying program and that contrails are innocent clouds (though we do wonder what the 77th scientist has to say for himself).

“We wanted to establish a scientific record on the topic of secret atmospheric spraying programs for the benefit of those in the public who haven’t made up their minds,” Steven Davis, an Earth Systems scientist at UC Irvine said. “The experts we surveyed resoundingly rejected contrail photographs and test results as evidence of a large-scale atmospheric conspiracy.”

Of course, if you’re a chemtrails believer, this study will probably do little to dissuade you. The scientists could have all been bought by the government, after all. This isn’t a totally foolish thing to believe–for decades, the government took the word of scientists who said that lead in gasoline was not leading to lead poisoning in workers, among other dubious claims. However, you can rest assured that in this case, if the government wanted to slowly poison us, there would most likely be a much easier and less detectible way to do it. Fast food, anyone?

Source: Science Daily

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Yahoo Singapore News can be found here.