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To Russia With Love

This little girl … adorable, intelligent, and the voice of an angel!! Too bad she’s Russian.  Because, as you know, pretty much every Russian is evil, a drunk, poor, backwards, and most definitely our dastardly enemy.  This is why we need Ukraine to defeat thode m’effers (an event which is sure to happen, soon).  You know what really makes Russia a horrible bad place?  No diversity. No inclusion.  Just look at all those people — all white, all normal.  Not a butt fucking fag tranny LGBTQ+DDDPOS among them. If that ain’t the very definition of “hell on earth” I don’t know what is.

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I’m including this video for you young folk out there.  (Me?  I’m too old and too poor to make the move.)  Listen up;  assuming you’d like to leave the USA!USA!USA!, and you have the means and opportunity to do so then CONSIDER MOVING TO MOTHER RUSSIA.  No, I’m not bullshitting.  Russia today is what America used to be or, at a minimum, the ideals we once strove for. Feel free to call me a traitor, or whatever.  But, I’ll tell you what;  I didn’t abandon my country, my country abandoned me.  Yeah, I know what JFK said.  Well, they killed him also.

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PS:  Thanks for all the nice comments in the “Getting Old” post from last week. You people are the best.
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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.