Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Flat Earth

How Can a Lie Be So Massive?

How Can a Lie Be So Massive?

Often when talking about the flat earth to someone, a question might be asked as, “How can a lie be so massive that everyone believes it?” Or, “How can so many people be in on it?” This was something that I was asked when we were talking about the flat earth.

This is a good question and it deserves a good answer. Here is a suggestion of what to say.

Look at other topics that the whole nation believed in only later to be told it was a lie. The history is full of examples. Take any war that was fought between nations. People in one nation believed that they are right and other nation that they were right. Both cannot be right. It could be over a particular event in the war or a battle. The people of each respective country are told by their government, people in authority, the media, etc. about what happened. This is the only information that they have to go on and they trust it. That is UNLESS they lost the war – as the victors write the history books. The victors of a war may not be morally right to win a war, as history has shown, but they still write the history books.

Take another example – the Soviet Union. Under communism, the people were told that they live in a free country, they have the most prosperity, that there is justice in their land. This was a lie that millions of people believe. UNITL, they learned the truth by traveling to other countries or talking to those who live in other countries, or be watching a forbidden film. In such a society all information was controlled for this very reason. Only Communist party officials and international sports athletes were allowed to travel.

Once the “Iron Curtain” came down, the Russians were able to learn the truth. However, we know that we and them are still lied to but that is another story.

The Manhattan Project was top secret of the building the atomic bomb. We are told that there were 20,000 people working on this. The American people and the world did not know about this until the dropping of the bombs on Japan. Yet, this was a massive project that the world didn’t know about. Yet, it was a secret.

How are millions of people lied to and get away with it? As it concerns with politics, so it is with the flat earth, just the tactics are a bit different.

First, you got to realize that there are some very evil people in the world – people who do things that you would never think of. Just read about some of the crimes in your newspaper as an example. There are people who make “blood-money” and don’t care how many people they hurt or kill. Now, you would never do that but I’m sure you realise that there are others that do.

First, it starts off that there are people who hate Jesus Christ and will do anything to cover up what the Bible says. We know that it got its start with evolution, then along came the “Big Bang” which explains evolution. And this was pushed. After all, if you believe in this, you can’t believe in God creating the heavens and earth in literal 6 days. Of course, there are some who call themselves Christians that believe in both, which is ridicules. With the advent of technology, it was possible to make the “Big Bang” come alive. There were the films, the fictional stories, the UFO landings. Then came NASA and their space program, other nations and their space programs. Then came computers and CGI images. With the constant bombardment of films, news, images, videos, it became real in the citizens eyes and if you questioned it, you are called “a nutter.”

Why do you believe in what you do? It’s what you’ve been exposed to and if the only thing that you’ve been exposed to is what you hear, read, see, and experience, what else is there. But what if what you were told were lies? What newspaper would you read that in? What teacher would you hear this from? What person in authority would you hear this from? No one – unless there is a leak, and we’ll talk about this later.

“So, how can a handful of people control the masses?”

When you are very wealthy, you know people of influence and in positions of power. In fact, if you are very rich, you’d be one of them. With money you can influence people in academia, politics and business. When people are told to do something or say something in exchange for a large sum of money, they usually do it. If they are the head of their department, for example, the people below them are told what to do. If they don’t, they are out of a job. So, not everyone has to be bribed.

“Aren’t there people who would not take a bribe?”

Sure, there are a few of them, they are called “whistleblowers” but what happens to them? They lose their job; they lose their credibility; they are no longer given media coverage to get their story out. In fact, depending on what is, they could lose their social media account, too! And we all know how social media giants close accounts who talks the truth on certain subjects. I’m sure you have read where whistleblowers were found dead by some so-called suicide or health issue when they were perfectly healthy before.

In government the president knows information that most in government don’t know. The same can be said of generals. Generals don’t share their information with privates and even with many officers. All of this is done on “a need to know.” This “need to know” is common in the military and in the secret services such as the CIA, Secret Service, etc. This is how secrets are kept from the “plebs” so-to-speak. This is how NASA operates, too.

People have come forth from NASA saying this “need to know” is what is used there. They also have some employees sign a non-disclosure, which is very common in the military. Not so much in NASA as the military but it’s still used.

In short, in NASA, you have engineers working on rockets, satellites, etc. and that is all they do. They are told that this satellite will go to the moon but that is all. You have people who work on the computers and are told they are tracking a rocket, when, in actuality that it’s some program doing its own thing that the observer knows nothing about.

When everything is compartmentalized, on a “need to know” bases, it’s easy to fool the whole office of what is really going on. they don’t have a picture of the whole thing; they don’t realize everything is a lie. So, they falsely believe just as much as any ordinary citizen. Think back to The Manhattan Project, which the truth finally came out. This was all compartmentalized, too. And this is how the masses are deceived about the flat earth.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Christian Flat Earth Ministry can be found here.