Paul Weston: Why don’t politicians do something about the corruption in UK’s medical industry?
It’s unsurprising to discover that the covid-19 vaccine fanatic Dr. Ranjit Singh, also known as Dr. Ranj, was on the AstraZeneca payroll. As Paul Weston points out, it wasn’t just Dr. Ranj – Instagram doctors were all over our television in 2021 telling us lies. And like Singh, the covid stars were on Big Pharma’s payroll.
Added to individual doctors being on the take are UK health institutions and regulatory authorities. Why don’t the politicians do something? Because they’re most likely corrupt as well.
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Every year, members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose “transfers of value” or ToVs. Disclosure UK uploads and keeps this data on its website for three years. Currently, disclosures for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are available for public view.
In the case of Dr. Singh and his colleagues, it is being dubbed ITVGate. For over 10 years, Singh made regular appearances on ITV’s This Morning offering “medical advice” which involved marketing “vaccines” and downplaying their adverse effects during the covid era and the years that followed.
Previously we have published articles about the benefits, whether financial or other, that pharmaceutical companies have paid to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations. See our articles HERE, HERE and HERE.
Paul Weston is a political commentator, concentrating on the various factors involved in the relentless war against Western civilisation and the author of the book ‘Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime’. He occasionally publishes articles in ‘The Conservative Woman’ and on the Substack page titled ‘Paul’s Newsletter’ and you can follow him on Twitter HERE.
In the video below, Weston gives an overview of what he discovered from a search in the Disclosure UK database. As well as ITV’s Dr. Ranj, he highlights BBC’s mad-eyed Dr. Sara Kyat and Dr. Sarah Jarvis who appears on Channel 5’s particularly revolting Jeremy Vine Show.
“What I find so disgusting about this doctor [Jarvis] is her willingness to damage children in return for money,” Weston said. “Deliberately injecting them with a vaccine with known dangerous side effects … and promoting and supporting such an action is an act of the devil.”
He quite rightly added: “Any doctor capable of using their position to promote the damage of children in return for money should not just be struck off the medical register they should be arrested prosecuted and jailed and only a few decades ago they might well have been hanged.”
This idea led Weston on to a quick discussion about ITV’s notorious Dr. Hillary Jones. “Why was Dr Hillary Jones so dishonestly keen on getting the vaccine into all of us,” Weston asked. And why did Jones set up a company called ‘Frontline Doctor Ltd’ in December 2021?
Next in the line of fire was “the typically mad-eyed creature” Dr. David Strain. Strain is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Exeter Medical School, an honorary consultant in medicine for the older adult, and the Head of the academic department for healthcare for older adults. He is also the chair of the British Medical Association’s medical academic staff committee. Since March 2020, he has been heavily involved in the covid-19 response team, leading the British Medical Association’s medical academic staff committee and participating in the NHS long covid taskforce.
How much blood money did Strain take from Big Pharma? According to Disclosure UK, £140,000 during the three years 2020 to 2022 of which £23,000 was from AstraZeneca.
“Sadly, it’s not just individual doctors who are wickedly corrupt. It’s the entire British medical institution in their entirety. in 23 the UK Health Security Agency [UKHSA], previously known as Public Health England before it was militarised along with so much else post-covid, put out a video featuring Dr. Nurin Abdul Aziz which encouraged pregnant women to take the MRNA vaccine,” Weston said.
What would cause UKHSA to do such an unprecedented thing? For the years 2020 to 2022, UKHSA accepted around half a million pounds from Big Pharma, according to Disclosure UK.
What about the NHS? “Delving into the [Disclosure UK] database revealed an absolute horror show of corruption,” Weston said. “There are … thousands of doctors’ names and finding one without Pfizer or AstraZeneca payments is no mean achievement. The corruption is off the scale,” he said.
Why doesn’t Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) do something about this corruption? They too are on the take. The MHRA received over £13 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation over the last few years.
Why doesn’t British corporate media tell us about this medical scandal?
“Because the BBC, Daily Telegraph, Guardian etc. all receive multi-million-pound funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. And that’s not to mention that the media watchdog, Ofcom, is run by Dame Melanie Dawes who is firmly embedded with the World Economic Forum including their countering digital hate censorship vehicle; hate actually means inconvenient truth,” Weston pointed out.
Read more: Working with the World Economic Forum to Improve Online Trust & Safety, Digital Trust & Safety Partnership, Press Release 23 May 2022
Why doesn’t the British government do something about the UK’s corrupt health industry? “Sadly … most of the politicians may well be – may well be [little laugh] – deeply corrupt as well,” Weston said.
Watch Paul Weston’s podcast below; you won’t regret it.
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