WEF’s Klaus Schwab Steps Back. What Does It Mean? Peter Koenig

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The “leaked” announcement came yesterday – 21 May 2024 – as a surprise to most. Klaus Schwab the “eternal” CEO and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) steps back, not down, just back. He will henceforth no longer be the Chair of the Davos Forum and others around the world, but will continue being the head of the Board of Trustees – where the money flows and where strategic decisions are made.
In other words, he will still be influential in how the WEF plays out its dystopian agenda, how the constant FEAR propaganda is spread around the world, like the fake climate change – which will eliminate agriculture and farming as we know it to reach “net zero” by an imaginary target year, shiftable, of course, adapting to circumstances dictated by the “rules-based order” as CO2 is our arch-enemy; and we humanity must “build back better” – an idiotic idiom, created already some two decades ago, though, hardly anybody understands what it means.
Schwab will most likely continue defending such hegemonic nonsense.
Same with “Net Zero”. The willing sheeple just nod when they hear some of these invented clever-sounding but dumb-to-the-bones expressions – the inventors laugh tongue in cheek, watching the ignorant going along with the meaningless sloganism.
This sort of things, Schwab will still be nurturing – instead of from the front, now from the back; less visibility, less exposure to negative critique.
Who will succeed Klaus Schwab at the helm of the visible WEF? No successor has been officially announced, though nothing is “official” these days at the WEF and its sister institutions of darkness, the World Health Organization (WHO), the castrated and bought United Nations (UN), and the less visible but still highly active Club of Rome.
Coincidentally, they are all Swiss-based. Tax free. And with diplomatic immunity.
For the time being, WEF’s President, Børge Brende, former Foreign Minister of Norway, will be acting for Klaus Schwab. He is a possible successor of Klaus Schwab’s, but others are mentioned, like Tony Blair, former UK Prime Minister, ally-in-lies with former US President Bush, triggering the war in Iraq, leaving more than a million deaths; as well as Christine Lagarde, current president of the European Central Bank (ECB) and former Director General of the IMF.
Noteworthy is also that Schwab’s family, children, are all involved in one way or another in the WEF’s activities. Any one of them could emerge and take over.
In any case, for now, no major changes in policies and approaches to world affairs should be expected. The dystopian Forum is likely continuing attempting to turn the world into a dystopian heaven for the rich and powerful.
In the words of The Defender (CHD), Schwab is a “figurehead for the most powerful globalist interests — the ‘controligarchs.’” Controligarchy is the term to keep in mind when we think about the set of tyrannical, power-thirsty billionaire-psychopath nut-cases, who will continue pretending running the world, if possible with the WEF as their platform, as long as We, the People, let them.
Klaus Schwab, now 86, created the WEF in 1971, then called the European Management Forum, converted to World Economic Forum in 1987. The non-profit institute was created to promote “stakeholder responsibility”, whatever that means, a slogan Schwab created and likes to use as of this day.
Quoting The Defender, as an NGO, the WEF has remarkable revenues: Some $500 million for the fiscal year ending March 2023 and cash reserves totaling 200 million Swiss francs ($219.5 million). Probably one of the world’s wealthiest NGOs.
Now, the new slogan to be promoted – and more so after this management change, will be Public-Private Cooperation. The World Bank and similar neoliberal agencies used to call it “Public-Private Partnership”, another term for “stakeholder capitalism” – same thing, different spelling, meaning essentially: The investment funds come from the public sector and the profit goes to the private partner. And guess who absorbs the losses, if there are no profits?
According to The Defender (CHD, 21 May 2024), a WEF spokesperson said the organization is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.”
No doubt the “convening” will still take place, in Davos, San Francisco, Dubai, China – and wherever else business and politics want to rub elbows and where Big Money may flow. And always near an airport where a thousand-plus private jets can land, as these top execs and billionaires could give a blue poop about the “noxious” CO2 they produce.
You know, CO2 is the stuff that heats up the earth, justifying “net zero” – end of farming, famine and hopefully for the WEF’s Great Reset and UN 2030 agenda lead to early death and rapid depopulation. It is the number one objective of the WEF, UN, WHO psychopaths – gradually but as fast as possible getting rid of as many “useless eaters” as they can. This, in the words of Israeli Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s close confident and adviser.
By the way, as ardent proponent of “net zero”, “building back better” and the notorious “climate change”, maybe Klaus Schwab, in his new role, talking from the “back”, will be able to explain why the by far world’s largest and most vicious and violent emitter of CO2, the US / NATO and western military, are never mentioned in connection with “net zero” — or as a contributor to the infamous hoax of “climate change”.
After all, they have kept bombing, shooting and killing at least 30 conflicts during the past 60 years, killing millions and millions of people, and by doing so, emitting millions and millions of tons of CO2.
And maybe, just maybe, Schwab, in his new “public-private cooperation” platform, may get an advisor who tells him that CO2 is the most important gas for life, along with oxygen. Life on earth could not breathe and subsist without CO2 being converted by the trees, mostly tropical forests, into oxygen. If Schwab’s protégé, Bill Gates, wants to cut down tropical forests, it is for a purpose.
Not to forget, the WEF’s Vax agenda. Remember during the last Davos event in January 2024, Schwab, Gates and Tedros were boasting about the coming of a new virus, potentially deadlier than covid called Virus “X”. It has not yet been identified, but is already somewhere “out there”.
Seriously. Would you believe such crap? Sorry, for the language, but no better word comes to mind!
To top it off, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla, in a side-session of Davos 2024, had the guts to tell the people “We are already working on a vaccine” – for the up-and-coming – yet unknown – Virus “X”.
Other than attempting with all means to depopulate the world, Schwab, the unrefined German dictator-type, will certainly use his “behind-the-scene” platform to continue coercing governments into doing “the right thing” or else, and pursuing his pipe-dream of an all-digitized world, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanity blend into transhumanism, manipulable with harmful, often deadly 5G, and soon to come 6G microwaves. Alarm: The Fourth Industrial Revolution is coming!
If Schwab has the final saying, human life would become a by-product of an all-digitized, roboticized world. But with peoples will prevailing, Schwab and the WEF will not have the final word.
For a good analysis of the moment, see the CHD’s summing up of Klaus Schwab’s WEF and what may be expected in the near future; edited by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
On a different note, let us look at how Schwab’s “stepping-back” announcement was “leaked” to the media. Rather unusually cryptic; no details; no particular reason and no advance warning, which is normally the pompous style of a WEF-type organization. Strange.
When writing the Schwab / WEF story, Michael Nevradakis referred to “fact-checkers” who had to deny rumors that Schwab may be gravely ill or even deceased.
Usually, when “fact-checkers” come to play, there is something fishy. Like there is no smoke without a fire.
Strange things are happening these days – the times ar-a-changing (a 1964 Bob Dylan song preceding the 1960’s “Flower Revolution”) in more ways than one. Arrest and other “warrants” are being issued to Netanyahu, Tedros, possibly Bill Gates, the Clintons and maybe many more.
Two bloody conflicts are being waged in Ukraine and Gaza / Palestine, with blood, deep-dark blood, all over the Western world’s “leaders” hands, faces and minds — almost all of them “implanted” into their leader-role by Klaus Schwab.
As Schwab boasted on several occasions, “We are proud having been able to infiltrate Governments around the world with our Young Global Leaders (YGL)”. To mention just a few, Gates (Schwab protégé and international vaxx czar), Merckel (Germany), Trudeau (Canada), Macron (France), Rutte (Dutch), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand – and many more.
The future of the WEF remains to be seen. A legitimate question also asked by many “adversaries” of the WEF: Should there be a future for the WEF?
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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.
Featured image: DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 27JAN08 – Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum addresses the audience during the session ‘Message from Davos: Believing in the Future’ at the Annual Meeting 2008 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27, 2008. (Copyright by World Economic Forum swiss-image.ch/Photo by Remy Steinegger)