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‘Yes, we do’: Top US official admits Department of Energy works with US special forces to probe UFOs

US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm was grilled in the House of Representatives on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) among other objects
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In a rapid-fire exchange with an American lawmaker, US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm has made an important admission about the unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

When Representative Anna Paulina Luna asked if the Department of Energy (DoE) had engaged federal counter-terrorism personnel in investigating UFOs around nuclear facilities, Granholm first appeared to avoid answering it. When Luna repeated the question, Granholm admitted the DoE had engaged US military’s special forces division.

“Does the DOE work with JSOC in order to handle security measures?” asked Luna.


“We work with all of the security entities around the federal government. We are part of an overall all-government effort on both cyber as well as national security,” said Granholm in her reply, avoiding a direct answer to the question.

Luna further pressed Granholm. She asked, “Do you guys work with JSOC? Yes or no.”

“Yes, we do,” replied Granholm.

The exchange on the UFOs, which the US government now formally calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), took place during Granholm’s testimony to the Oversight Committee of the US House of Representatives —the lower chamber of US Congress— on May 23. The fiery exchange took place during the four-minute phase of the hearing at the 1 hour 34 minute mark in the hearing that went on for than two and a half hours.

During their exchange, Granholm also termed the UFOs being spotted around critical US facilities as “drones”. When Luna pressed that such unexplained sightings had been reported in the pre-drone era as early as 1940s, Granholm said she would follow up on that and did not immediately give a response.

Why is Granholm’s admissioni important?

The admission of Granholm that the DoE has engaged the JSOC —the military’s Joint Special Operations Command— is important as it has long been alleged that the JSOC has been part of the US government’s efforts to retrieve alien technology from alien spacecraft that have crashed on Earth.

To be sure, while the term UFOs (or UAPs as they are now formally called) is most commonly associated with alien or extraterrestrial association, the term actually refers to any flying or aerial object whose origin or nature cannot be identified. UFOs are not necessarily alien in nature.


The JSOC is part of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). It is charged with studying, planning, and conducting special operations. It often works with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and conducts overt as well as covert operations from operatives across many of the US special forces units, such as the SEAL Team 6, Delta Force, etc.

Leading UFO expert Jeremy Corbell told Fox News, “JSOC is likely hardcore involved with the crash retrieval program, under the authority of the CIA, so the DoE having to admit they work with JSOC is a big deal. Sec. Granholm did not like having to admit that.”


During the hearing, when Luna pressed Granholm about the alleged retrieval of technology from UFOs and reverse engineering it, she said she had no knowledge of that.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Firstpost can be found here.