A Way to Solve the UFO Mystery

Can any of us make a difference in finding an explanation for UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), which are now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), or have we learned helplessness?
It seems that many people think in their heart of hearts that they cannot make a difference in helping identify UFOs or UAPs. Many even giggle when thinking about UFOs.
But what if we could help figure out what the mysterious UFOs are? For that, let’s examine what we know about UFOs:
- UFOs or UAPs have been described as objects like orbs, spheres, ovals, tic-tac-shaped items, triangles, or simply lights that can go faster than the speed of sound without any sonic boom.
- They can have sudden accelerations and decelerations with thousands of times the force of gravity, whereas the most agile jet fighters today can accelerate only at nine times the force of gravity.
- They can go from one medium to another—underwater to midair to space and vice versa.
- No detectable source of propulsion (no flaps, no rudder) has been detected to explain their movements.
- They have mostly been observed at altitudes between 5,000 and 35,000 feet.
- They have been reported around military bases and nuclear facilities. The Pentagon has had UFO or UAP reports from several states of the United States and also from the Middle East and Asia. Other reports have originated from England, Italy, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, and many other countries.
What can be some possible explanations for UFOs?
In our recently released book, The New Science of UFOs, Dr. Eric Haseltine and I examine most of the possible explanations for UFOs, including optical illusions, natural phenomena, advanced human technology either from the U.S. or from a foreign country, deliberate fakes, and extraterrestrials. We also note that probably not all UAPs have the same explanation.
NASA and other parts of our government say they need more data to reach conclusions.
Could each of us help?
We definitely can help if we get over our learned helplessness and stigma about UFOs.
All over the world, billions of cell phone users can take photographs and videos of what they see. By paying attention to what we see in the sky, each of us can help solve the UFO mystery.
Because as Yogi Berra said, “You can observe a lot by just watching.”
So, let’s be open to learning more about our universe, and let’s get over our learned helplessness. Let’s not make fun of people who say they have seen UFOs or UAPs. Instead, let’s be open to all possibilities. Let’s observe the sky, document what we see, and report our videos of UFOs to the National UFO Reporting Center, making sure that all the imagery has a date, time, and place stamped so that reporting can be cross-correlated with other reportings.
Awareness of ourselves, of others, of our surroundings, of what we see on Earth and in the sky during day and night is important for solving mysteries, whether those mysteries are about our body, about our Earth, or about the universe.