Was a UFO spotted over Cadillac?

CADILLAC — In 2007, David Dunford reached out to the Cadillac News with a story and pictures of what he believed were UFOs and roughly 17 years later he has a similar story to share.
On the afternoon of June 25, Dunford and his son Tobias were outside their Cadillac home when they noticed an object in the sky.
At first, the father and son thought what they saw was a glider. When the elder Dunford looked at it again, he said he noticed the object had no wings, no visible propulsion and was gone before he could switch his phone’s camera to take video.
“The way it was moving, it was slow compared to a plane, but steady. So we thought it was a glider,” he said. “When we looked at it a second time, it didn’t have any wings or anything like that.”
Although he was unable to get a video of the object in the sky, David said he and his son were both able to snap a picture of it.
While he didn’t see any “little green men,” it was flying and unidentified. With that logic, David said it was a UFO or what is now called unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs.
David described the object as being somewhat silvery but it looked more like a reverse Oreo. The middle of the object was bright but he wasn’t sure if it was silvery or white. The top was a little darker like there was a shadow or something. He also said it was angled downward but moving horizontally from left to right.
“I have seen a lot of odd things over Cadillac but other than that one other time, it was always something that it could have been,” he said.
The Cadillac News reached out Wexford County 911 Director Duane Alworden to see if any calls had been received regarding the object.
David said he had not reached out anyone or any agency about the incident other than the Cadillac News.
Alworden said looking at the call logs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June 25, there was nothing called into the dispatch center about anything suspicious that was flying the skies over Cadillac.
This, however, wasn’t David’s first time seeing something he believed to be a UFO.
When David first took pictures of what he believed were UFOs it was the evening of Aug. 27, 2007, at his residence in Pheasant Ridge.
In 2007, David said he noticed something strange and silvery in the sky. He quickly shot a few frames of the silver object and asked his family to come outside. Once he returned from getting his family, the object was out of sight.
Like this more recent incident, David said the object he saw in 2007 wasn’t a plane or a blimp. He also discovered three dark objects in the sky above the silvery one when his finger slipped on the touchpad of his laptop.
Regarding the 2007 pictures, Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center said he inspected the photos, and said, none of them, in his opinion, were photos of a genuine UFO.
Davenport also said no test is definitive and he could not certify the pictures David took in 2007 were not UFOs, but it was his final analysis and the assumption was they were not. The Cadillac News reached out to Davenport again to see if he could share his thoughts on the new pictures but he didn’t respond in time for this story.
David said even before he took pictures in 2007 and more recently, he has always been paying attention to the sky. He considers it more luck than anything to take pictures of what he believes are UFOs.
“If they (aliens) were watching me, they would be pretty bored. I think it was luck. I don’t think it had anything to do with me,” he said. “I was at the right place, at the right time and I like looking up.”