Monday, March 3, 2025

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JFK Assassination

Why Did They Immediately Shut Down the Investigation into JFK’s Assassination?

Given the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I can’t help but think back to the assassination of President Kennedy — and, specifically, to how determined U.S. officials were to immediately shut down any investigation into the assassination.

An NBC News article dated October 27, 2017, stated that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued a memo on November 24, 1963, only two days after JFK was killed, that stated, “There is nothing further on the Oswald case except that he is dead. The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”

The article pointed out that this assassination-related record had been kept secret from 1963 through 2017.

Why would they want to keep that particular record secret? Because the immediate shutdown of the investigation was an essential element of the plot itself.

Hoover was referring to Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, who issued his own memo on November 25, 1963 — only 3 days after the JFK assassination — stating that “the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.”

How could these two top federal law-enforcement officers be so certain that the assassination was the act of a “lone nut” so quickly?

After all, keep in mind the following points:

1. At a press conference immediately following JFK’s death, two of the treating physicians stated that Kennedy had an entrance wound in his throat, which would imply a shot having been fired from the front. The accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was in the president’s rear.

2. The Dallas treating physicians and nurses, along with other witnesses, stated that Kennedy had a massive exit-sized wound in the back part of his skull, which, again, would imply a shot from the front.

3. Since assassinating a president was not a federal offense at that time, the federal government had no jurisdiction over the JFK assassination. The Dallas County authorities were the only ones who had jurisdiction over the crime.

4. Whenever a federal official is assassinated, federal officials will pull out all the stops to fully investigate the crime and make certain that no one else was involved. The last thing they do is to immediately shut down such an investigation that could lead to other people involved in the rime.

The military and intelligence plotters not only wanted to have a successful regime-change operation, they also wanted to ensure that they wouldn’t get caught. This was the assassination of a U.S. president. As I pointed out in point 4 above, the plotters knew that a fierce investigation would most likely lead to them. Thus, their secondary goal was an immediate shutdown of the investigation.

The assassination plot entailed (1) framing former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald, a purported communist but who was actually a U.S. intelligence operative and (2) having shots fired from the front as well as from the back.

The obvious question arises: If you’re going to frame a person who is supposedly firing from the rear, why have shots fired from the front? That doesn’t sound too smart, does it?

As I detail in my book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, that was actually the darkly ingenious part of the plot. By having shots fired from the front and from the back, there would be no doubt that JFK had been killed as part of communist conspiracy. That was why the CIA front organization known as the DRE immediately sent out a press release establishing Oswald’s communist bona fides. Once it was known that a “communist” had fired from the rear, it stood to reason that his co-conspirators firing from the front had to be communists too.

That obviously meant World War III, assuming that the U.S. responded with assassinations against Cuba leader Fidel Castro and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.

So, to avoid World War III, one is forced to shut down the investigation and settle for pinning the crime on the dead “communist” and then convince the American people that it was only a “lone nut” communist ex-Marine with no apparent motive and who was claiming to be a “patsy” who killed the president.

That meant conjuring up images of World War III, as new President Lyndon Johnson did when he approached people he asked to join the Warren Commission. And it also meant hiding the fact that shots had been fired from the front, which was what the fraudulent autopsy that the military conducted on JFK’s body was all about. See my book The Kennedy Autopsy.

How could LBJ and other U.S. officials justify an immediate shutdown of the investigation instead of retaliating? They could have done so by pointing out that it was the Kennedy brothers — John and Robert— who had initiated regime-change operations against Castro and that it was simply Castro and the communists who got to JFK first. LBJ and other U.S. officials could have easily argued that the Kennedy brothers got burned by their own wrongdoing and that it wasn’t worth going to nuclear war over.

The ABC News article cited above even alludes to all this when it states: “It’s not clear from the memo whether Hoover thought there might have been a conspiracy but didn’t want it to be known or whether he sincerely believed Oswald acted alone and hoped to head off public fear and confusion. Hoover also indicated that his concern may have been influenced, in part, by diplomacy, dictating that there could be serious international complications if the public thought Oswald might have been part of a larger plot.”

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Future of Freedom Foundation can be found here.