The Bigger Picture: What ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ can tell us about the allure of conspiracy theories

Saturday marked the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Or, if you subscribe to a long-standing conspiracy, it was the 55th anniversary of a faked moon landing, shot on a film set, and broadcast worldwide, and which no one involved has ever shared a shred of evidence to suggest could possibly have happened, and c’mon, let it go.

RELATED: Houstonians share their memories of the moon landing
There are no shortage, of course, of such false claims and conspiracy theories about, well, just about everything these days. Some are simply convinced that anything that happens that might shake their world must be the result of some shadowy cabals of operatives working behind the scenes.
The new film Fly Me to the Moon is a bit of a send up of such theories about the moon landing. We take one small step towards conspiracy theories, NASA, and government secrets in this month’s edition of The Bigger Picture.
In the audio above, Houston Matters producer Joshua Zinn talks about the film with Houston film critic Michael Bergeron and discusses why people gravitate toward conspiracy theories with Joseph Uscinski, a professor of political science at the University of Miami who has studied that subject.
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