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Bizarre ‘alien mummies’ found with ‘mobile phones’ buried inside them

The “alien mummies” from Peru reportedly had mobile phone-like devices implanted in their bodies, according to claims.

Jaime Maussan, a UFOlogist and controversial journalist, suggests that scientists have found rare metals and alloys embedded in the chests of these mysterious corpses, which he believes could be interstellar communication devices.

One such compound is a rare metal known as osmium, which can be lethal to humans. Mexican-born Maussan stated: “I believe this is a device for communication. I don’t really know how it works, but the experts will have to go in depth to understand why they put this inside the body.

Tests are ongoing

Tests are ongoing on the skeletons
Gaia /Youtube)

“My guess is this was for health, to communicate something or a kind of cellular phone. The metal is made of osmium, which is used for telecommunications and satellites in the space field. It is very rare. It’s not easy to find and it’s very, very expensive and besides it’s very toxic. For a human to have that inside them could create a big injury in the body or probably could kill the body.

“So it’s difficult to understand why they did it. If you are going to create a hoax like this, are you going to put a very rare metal inside?” Currently, scientists are testing the bodies – which Maussan alleges he discovered concealed in a cave in Nazca, Peru, in 2017 – in forensic labs.

Claims have been made that these centuries-old “ETs”, with elongated skulls, possess “30 per cent unknown” DNA. Sceptics have waved off the findings as a hoax, suggesting they could have been fabricated using parts from different animals. However, Maussan is adamant that the unique bodily compounds of the creatures suggest “the possibility that this is from somewhere else or was created by someone else.”

Maussan has teamed up with investigative filmmakers Serena DC and Michael Mazzola to document the scientific investigations for an upcoming documentary. Michael said: “My initial take away from looking at these beings is that these bodies are a new species unknown to mankind previously. It is a major discovery for mankind.

“It is completely bizarre to me that these discoveries have been ignored, dismissed and ridiculed; instead of being considered as the biggest story in the world of science. People are always eager to invoke some kind of conspiracy theory to explain why some injustices have happened.

“But in my experience you do not need a conspiracy theory when human frailty or failure will do just fine.” Despite the ongoing debate over the authenticity of the aliens, with some asserting they are fake and others convinced of their reality, the truth about them remains shrouded in mystery – a puzzle that Maussan is determined to unravel.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Mirror can be found here.