Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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NYC’s COVID tsar had sex parties even as he effectively imprisoned New Yorkers

I honestly don’t even know where to begin with Steven Crowder’s expose of Jay Varma, New York City’s COVID tsar. This is the man who imposed on New York some of the most draconian COVID rules in America: extreme lockdowns, the end of church attendance, family gatherings, and travel, and instituting policies that made people’s lives so miserable that they were effectively forced to get vaccinations to function. 

However, a honey trap has revealed that, even as this was going on, Varma was having drug-fueled sex orgies and fully understood that vaccines weren’t necessary for those who had acquired immunity through actually having COVID. He’s a public health tyrant, a hypocrite, a sexual deviant, and a Harvard “educated” person who uses the word “like” all the time, in infantile teenage fashion. He is, in a word, revolting at every level and quite evil.

<img alt captext="YouTube” src=”https://conspiracyresource.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/nycs-covid-tsar-had-sex-parties-even-as-he-effectively-imprisoned-new-yorkers.jpg” width=”550″>

Image: Jay Varma. YouTube screen grab.

The video is embedded below, but here are some of the highlights, which I’m quoting from Steven Crowder’s website:

  • Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s Office: “I had to be kind of sneaky about it [sex party] … I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel…we all took like, you know, Molly [Ecstasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a room…like just being naked with friends…”
  • Dr. Varma: “We went to some like, underground dance party…underneath a bank on Wall Street…We were all rolling…”
  • Dr. Varma: “This was not Covid friendly.”
  • Dr. Varma: “I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was, you know, like on TV [press conferences] and stuff…”
  • Dr. Varma: “I actually was the one who convinced the Mayor [De Blasio] to make it [Covid Vaccine] a mandate.”
  • Dr. Varma: “So, the way we do it in public health is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated…They [the public] didn’t get vaccinated because they heard it’s safe, they gave in because it was really hard.”

Varma also boasts about forcing Kyrie Irving out of playing basketball over Irving’s refusal to be vaccinated. The arrogance he shows when speaking about Irving and the venomous political bias about those who opposed mandatory vaccinations all show an indecent man.

Watching the video is worse than those quotations imply. Standing alone, they don’t capture how sleazy Varma is. He speaks like someone hopped up on speed (and I’m not saying he is, just that he speaks that way) and peppers his speech with the mindless teenage interjection of “like.” The overall effect is of a drug-addicted, motor-mouthed evil scientist who is deeply stupid but doesn’t realize it.

I cannot tell you how disturbing the video is. Nevertheless, I urge you to watch it and share it because he is the living embodiment of the Democrat party. They are leftists who love power and they showed their true colors during COVID. They also showed their disdain for normal people and their belief that they are special, so that the normal rules—whether moral rules or the rules they impose on Americans—don’t apply to them.

[embedded content]

This video deserves to be watched and shared. The more people who see it the better. One would hope that even Democrats will be disgusted by Varma’s arrogance, hypocrisy, and deep dislike for the regular people under his control.

Currently, Varma is the Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of SIGA Technologies, which is on the cutting edge of smallpox treatments. I approve of being on the cutting edge of smallpox treatments—that’s a good thing—so the company might want to revisit Varma’s role there because he’s clearly a bad thing, and whatever they are paying him is too much. 

Finally, the undercover agent who elicited these confessions/boasts from Varma must be one amazing woman. To sit at the table next to someone like that and either run away screaming in disgust or attack him as a truly evil person means that she is a woman of real self-control and charm.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from American Thinker can be found here.