Friday, March 28, 2025

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Deep State

Why the Trump-Harris Silence on Cuba?

Reminder: Our online Zoom conference on open borders kicks off on Monday, September 30, at 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Eastern Time.  Register here.

Reminder: I’ll be speaking at the JFK Lancer Conference in Dallas, which is being held on November 22-24 at the Dallas Marriott Downtown. I hope to see you there!

For more than 60 years, the U.S. national-security state has been waging a brutal war against the Cuban people with its economic embargo. Yet, neither the Cuban government nor the Cuban people has ever attacked the United States or even threatened to do so. In the decades-long U.S. war against the Cuban people, it has always been the U.S. national-security state that has been the aggressor.

Yet, notice that there is no discussion about this war in the presidential race. That’s because everyone understands that the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA are committed to this war forever or until the Cuban regime becomes, once again, a pro-U.S. regime, one that is eager and willing to do the bidding of the U.S. national-security establishment. No one, including Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, is going to buck the national-security establishment when it comes to Cuba. Moreover, everyone knows what happened to the last president who did that — John F. Kennedy. (See here and here and here.)

The economic embargo against Cuba has long served as a vise that has squeezed the life out of the Cuban people. One side of the vise is their socialist economic system, which, as most everyone has discovered by now, ensures poverty for any society that adopts it. But on the other side of the ever-tightening vise is the U.S. embargo, which has magnified the economic suffering of the Cuban people.

Why the Trump-Harris Silence on Cuba?

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

While American statists are loathe to acknowledge it, the embargo has also served to destroy the rights and liberties of the American people. Any American who sells things to Cuba without the official permission of the U.S. government will be indicted, prosecuted, convicted, incarcerated, and fined. Any American who travels to Cuba and spends money there without the official permission of the U.S. government will suffer the same consequences.

In a genuinely free society, people are free to travel wherever they want, spend their money any way they want, and sell whatever they want to anyone in the world. But modern-day Americans have simply redefined the term “freedom” and convinced themselves that they live in a free society, notwithstanding the fact that their own government prohibits them from freely traveling and spending their own money the way they want or selling their services and products to whomever they want.

Of course, the embargo is not the only means of warfare that the U.S. national-security state has waged against Cuba. There are also the state-sponsored assassinations on the part of the national-security establishment. Don’t forget: Under the national-security-state system under which modern-day Americans live, their government wields the omnipotent power to assassinate anyone it wants, on grounds of protecting “national security.” That includes American citizens and foreign citizens. As we saw in the Kennedy assassination, it also includes U.S. presidents who get out of line and challenge the national-security branch’s interpretation of “national security.” Needless to say, the federal judiciary has held that the president and the national-security establishment are immune from criminal and civil liability for their state-sponsored assassinations. Living under a regime in which officials can assassinate their own citizens and their own presidents is what passes for a “free” society, at least here in the United States.

It’s also worth mentioning the acts of terrorism and sabotage that the U.S. national-security establishment has inflicted on the Cuban people, which is ironic given the much-ballyhooed “war on terrorism” that the U.S. regime began waging after it’s much-ballyhooed “war on communism” ostensibly came to an end. That’s what Operation Mongoose was all about — terrorism and sabotage against a nation that had never attacked or invaded the United States.

What’s the purpose of this longstanding war against the Cuban people? It’s the standard one, the one that has come to define the U.S. Empire and the U.S. national-security state — “regime change.” The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA remain bound and determined to continue squeezing the lifeblood out of the Cuban people and to continue destroying the rights and liberties of the American people until the day arrives when the Cuban people finally oust their communist regime and replace it with another pro-U.S. dictator, like Fulgencio Batista, the corrupt, brutal pro-U.S. dictator who was ousted from power by Fidel Castro.

Meanwhile, Trump and Harris and their respective political parties continue to go along with this vicious, brutal, and deadly war against innocent people. Oh sure, Trump loves to spout his standard 2015 nonsense about “draining the swamp” and opposing the “Deep State” but as we saw in his term as president and as we have seen in Harris’s term as vice-president, neither of them is ever going to challenge the overall direction and vision of the Deep State. You couldn’t find better proof of this phenomenon than the Trump-Harris joint silence on — or, even worse, their ardent support of — the longstanding, vicious, brutal, and deadly U.S. national-security state’s war on Cuba and on the rights and liberties of the American people.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Future of Freedom Foundation can be found here.