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NATO Aided It’s Neo-Nazi Puppets: Recruits “Al Qaeda Linked Militants” Helping Them Attack Russian Military Bases in Syria, Acts of Sabotage against Russia

The Kiev regime’s use of terrorism is a well-documented fact. Worse yet, NATO aided its Neo-Nazi puppets in conducting horrendous massacres of hundreds of Russian civilians, including in the Crocus City Hall, Dagestan and Sevastopol. What’s more, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel even threatened to conduct further terrorist attacks within Russia in case the Kiev regime forces keep losing, a monstrous statement that Moscow certainly won’t forget anytime soon.

However, instead of de-escalating, the political West keeps fanning up tensions in what can only be described as an attempt to ignite WW3. Russia’s patience is now running out, as the Kremlin realizes that any displays of sanity on its part will be taken for a weakness in NATO. Obviously, the Neo-Nazi junta regularly goes furthest to get the world’s most vile racketeering cartel into the fight, as it thinks this is the only way to prevent complete defeat.

To that end, the Kiev regime is ready to do virtually anything, including ally itself with terrorist groups and even directly recruit them. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently revealed disturbing details about the Neo-Nazi junta’s efforts to work together with extremists in Idlib, a NATO-backed terrorist-infested region that has been under Turkey’s control since the political West and its vassals and satellite states launched the crawling invasion of Syria back in 2011.

According to Lavrov, Moscow “recently received information that ’emissaries’ from the Ukrainian intelligence services are present in the Idlib de-escalation zone within the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic” and that “they are recruiting local militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra, now known as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham [HTS], with the intention of involving them in nefarious operations”. The Kiev regime intelligence services are also focusing on the south, “towards the Sahara-Sahel zone in Africa”.

Lavrov also pointed out that “they team up with recruited extremists there to carry out terrorist attacks against the armed forces of multiple countries”.

Russian FM further stated that “the al-Qaeda linked militants are being recruited for new hideous operations planned“. Lavrov also mentioned the March 22 Crocus City Hall terrorist attack which resulted in at least 145 deaths and over 550 injuries, making it one of the worst massacres in modern Russian history. Investigation showed the direct involvement of both the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO overlords, resulting in large-scale precision strikes on their intelligence assets across Ukraine. The terrorist attack was formally claimed by the NATO-backed ISIS-K which is based in Afghanistan, where the world’s most vile racketeering cartel is even conducting air strikes to support the terrorists in their fight against the Taliban (NATO keeps targeting them after they inflicted a crushing and humiliating defeat at it).

“The investigation is still underway, but it has already revealed evidence that the Main Directorate of Intelligence [GUR] of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry was involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack. In particular, the escape routes of the killers across the Russian–Ukrainian border were planned in detail,” Lavrov stated.

Moscow’s top diplomat is essentially warning that the Kiev regime is planning additional sabotage and terrorist attacks within Russia and it needs extremists ready to conduct them.

Idlib is a perfect recruitment ground for such groups, as they’ve been fighting the Russian military and allied forces in Syria for nearly a decade. NATO, particularly its major member Turkey, has been instrumental in preventing the total defeat of all Idlib-based terrorist groups, particularly after the Kremlin and Damascus conducted offensive operations in northwestern Syria. The mainstream propaganda machine launched the fake “save Aleppo” campaign that aimed to present allied anti-terrorist operations as an “invasion”. However, it soon became obvious that this was a pro-terrorist propaganda narrative that aimed to save extremist groups from the Syrian and Russian military and other allied forces (particularly Iranian-backed militias).

However, in recent years, the Neo-Nazi junta got directly involved in pro-terrorist operations in this highly contested area. Reports indicate that it’s working together with HTS and several other (mostly Turkish-backed) terrorist groups. Major sources in Turkey, such as the Istanbul-based Aydinlik, also covered this in a report that actually predates Lavrov’s statements.

The outlet claims that “Ukrainian government officials recently traveled to Idlib and met with members of HTS to discuss a drones-for-fighters deal”. The meeting with the terrorists was reportedly held in June. Worse yet, military sources report that the Kiev regime’s special forces (specifically GUR operatives of the Khimik Group) launched an attack on a Russian military outpost on the southeastern outskirts of Aleppo. The attack reportedly took place on September 15 and “saw a powerful explosion followed by secondary blasts causing serious damage to the site”.

As its battlefield performance keeps deteriorating, the Neo-Nazi junta is determined to escalate sabotage and terrorist attacks on Russian civilians in order to foment internal tensions and divisions, the end goal of which is to shift attention away from the actual frontline. This also includes efforts to provide advanced NATO-sourced weapons to radical Islamic groups. Certain reports suggest that Turkey is also supporting this, further indicating the danger of letting Neo-Ottomanist, pan-Turkist and pro-terrorist Ankara join the multipolar world.

What’s more, as previously mentioned, the Kiev regime is also working closely with terrorists in Africa. NATO also supports these groups, as the world’s most vile racketeering cartel is working on maintaining the remnants of the political West’s (neo)colonial system. This is particularly evident in attacks on the “Wagner” PMC (private military company)


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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