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The Financial Jigsaw, Part 2 (29) – PROXY WARS – Reality v Hoax – Global Conformism – Geopolitical Events – Ukraine Sitrep – The Draft – [09-21-24]

We are not interested in a proxy war. Our objective is to change Russia’s behaviour. [John F. Kerry]

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” [The Bard: ‘As You Like It’]

NATO has worked for 75 years, until the Soviets imploded, and America decided to run the world with Full Spectrum Dominance“The undisputed winner of this is Vladimir Putin, something the armchair war lovers and profiteers back in Washington and London have yet to grasp.”

Phony tough-guy commentators in Britain, (an island whose seas kept the Brits-speaking English safe rather than German 80 years ago), while the Americans incite the war parties daily, some of these armchair heroes’ sound like George Patton.

War is hell, but you’d never know it from the safety of the TV studios in Los Angeles, New York, and London.  Nowadays these phonies are exulting over the Ukrainian army’s foray into Russia, bragging about British missiles and American tanks leading the way against the ‘monster’ Putin.

It’s bullshit and proof to those like myself who have insisted all along that this war was planned and executed by the Anglo-American cabal that saw half a million Iraqis die over the big lie of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. Plus ça change, as they say in the land of cheese.

The Kursk offensive conjures up unwelcome ghosts from the past, especially for the Germans.  In July 1943, the biggest tank battle in history took place in Kursk, and it only ended when Hitler was forced to pull two armoured divisions from the area in order to defend against the American invasion of Sicily. Von Manstein’s Panzers were actually inferior to Zhukov’s T-34s.

The undisputed winner of this is Vladimir Putin, something the armchair war lovers and profiteers back in Washington and London have yet to grasp. These greedy warmongers have yet to understand that by Ukrainian tanks trundling though Russian villages, they are handing Putin a great propaganda victory since the death of Hitler.

Secretary of State George Baker, an honest broker and gentleman, promised Gorbachev upon the collapse of communism in 1990 that NATO “will not move one inch eastward.”

The only man who grasped the foolhardiness of Ukrainian forces going into Russia is a Brit, Peter Hitchens. He wrote that the Russian word for safety is “bezopasnost,” and it translates as “without danger.” In other words, in Russia, danger is the normal default position. Western politicians and phony tough-guy journalists have no clue about Russia and simply parrot each other.

Russia is a vast country, with the world’s greatest resources many of them untapped, and there are greedy types in the West who would like to get their hands on them. The Russians know this and don’t trust the West. Since modern Czarist times, Russia has been invaded twice, both times via the Ukraine by Napoleon and Adolf. This is the third time, and it is proving Putin right for telling his people that in the West the cabal are out to get them.

The British invaded Crimea using the Light Brigade back in 1853. Lucan, Cardigan, Captain Nolan, they even made a big movie about that one.  Boris Johnson and some other war lovers are egging on Zelensky to keep begging for arms and sending men to die.  The Russian people yet again have proof that the West is not only out to try and turn Russia into a puppet state, but also turn its people into Western idiots playing videogames nonstop. Sources

Michael Snyder’s Substack Hezbollah Says That “All Red Lines Have Been Crossed” And That There Will Be A Devastating Response To Israel’s “Declaration Of War”


So do you believe what your eyes tell you or what you are told?  For more information about the overall agenda and why such large-scale, well-funded deception exists in current society please also see these books: Godless Fake Science and Fake Moon Landings and the Lies of NASA and CO2 Climate Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement.

In addition, the Covid-19 fake scamdemic was yet another engineered deception in which mega-corporations sold billions of vaccines, described in this book No Worries No Virus, for people who have for decades placed their faith in mainstream corporate-media to realise and fully accept that Covid-19 was a fake pandemic is almost impossible.

In the book Godless Fake Science much of the scientific narrative we have been taught from our school days onwards, is based on falsehood, and that the institution of ‘science’ itself has in many ways been hijacked by financial interests seeking to advance their own narrative and agenda.

For the past many decades, what many believe to be science is actually paid promotional narratives and ads by trillion-dollar industries that make up their own science. This includes many sectors such as climate science; the fake Covid-19 scamdemic; the biopharmaceutical sector; and neo-Darwinian evolution. Modern science, like economics, banking, and corporate-owned mass media, has become part of a paradigm borne by deceit, and corporate greed; and which paints God out of the picture.

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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG). He is author of the following books available on


Welcome to Absurdistan – A Very Special Relationship At the London bureau of Time Magazine, both the bureau chief, former military intelligence, and the deputy bureau chief filed to Langley and other organs of the National Security State. I know this because when my office was in use by a visiting grandee, I used their computers to file. The secret government has been embedded in media ever since Viscount Northcliffe…

THE RISE OF GLOBAL CONFORMISM – Truth – Aug 30, 2024. (Hat Tip Bruce W. Davidson | – lightly edited)

All over the world, suddenly people were subjected to all-encompassing propaganda and pressures to conform to their fake Covid policies. In contrast, a university should be a place to protect and encourage individual critical thinking.

Aside from the Covid phenomenon, in recent years there has been a tendency for novel ideas to spread rapidly around the world and quickly become established ‘orthodoxy’ that precludes debate and criticism. This amounts to a kind of toxic global conformism – a series of proxy wars on The People.

“Toxic conformism” can be defined as aggressively promoted compliance with evil and/or harmful behaviour in order to remain in good standing with others. In response to Covid, the universal, rapid implementation of toxic conformity may be unique in history.

There is nothing wrong with conformity per se, as long as it represents adherence to the reasonable expectations of a sane society. For example, conformity to norms of politeness has great merit in most circumstances, as anyone can appreciate who participates in a civil society like Japan. BOOM recently visited Japan for three weeks. Japan was an eye-opener in many ways. Only the immature and maladjusted believe that defying reasonable norms of behaviour is somehow always commendable.

However, the kind of conformity we currently observe on an international scale is not organic or reasonable. It is imposed by fiat from those with power and influence, despite the doubts and objections of many. It is not the product of wholesome social development and rational, willing acceptance.

A great problem for Japanese people, as well as for citizens of other nations, is not conformity to their own society and culture; it is mandatory conformity to powerful international organisations like the UN and the WEF. Since their agendas are often foolish and unreasonable, conforming to their expectations often causes great harm.

Whenever a new idea rapidly spreads in Western media and cultural circles, like “People should eat bugs” in a matter of weeks or months  the same idea pollutes the Japanese media and elsewhere. News stories about bug farms, recipes for preparing meals with bugs, and propaganda explaining that bugs are not repulsive but rather tasty and nutritious is ubiquitous and is happening at present.

Obediently, most in the East like China and Japan will think and do as they are told, or at least they will accept the superior wisdom and virtue of bug-eating, though they may not personally feel inclined to embrace a full diet of bugs.

In a few years the ‘Gospel of Bug Eating’ will likely also be widespread into the religious world, especially among academic pundits and megachurch/parachurch leaders. They will go through the Bible and church history with a magnifying glass looking for texts and traditions to support insect consumption, for example, St. Mark subsisted on a diet of locusts and honey (Mark 1:6).

The pace of global conformism has been amplified through the power of social media and the Internet. Therefore, international bodies like the WEF and the UN, along with national governments, are keen to control online communication. As the French thinker Jacques Ellul put it, “Propaganda must be total” or it fails in its goal of making people “psychologically unified.”

Long before the Internet, Ellul analysed powerful modern influences tending to create a mass-mind in his books Propaganda and The Technological Society.  Instead of serious reading, which develops rational thought, in modern times people are often swayed by emotionally charged (but often misleading) visual images and verbal diarrhoea from movies, social media, and TV. More recent technological innovations have made Ellul’s observations and warnings even more pertinent.

Largely as a result of social media, somehow it became “cool” to be a global conformist in the eyes of many. During the Covid experimental injection mania, many posted “I got my Covid 19 vaccine” on Facebook, even in their profile pictures. Similarly, trendy buzzwords from abroad like diversity and sustainability were quickly adopted in business and educational circles, even though many native English speakers have found such terms to be vague and irrational.

The “sustainability” bandwagon, commented one Japanese think-tank consultant, about his business-world associates, “These people really believe putting SDG badges on their suits is such a cool thing to do, I think it’s embarrassing.”  Japanese adoption of the overseas term diversity seems especially odd in light of Japan’s obviously monocultural society.

In reality, uniformity has often been their strength, for better or worse. Moreover, a fixation on diversity has been a pretext for discriminating against Japanese and other Asians in American university admissions.

In other unlikely places, one meets with striking examples of the new global conformism, such as the traditional religious world. As Meghan Basham reveals in her book Shepherds for Sale, the new globalism has even captured many evangelical Christian elites. The Apostle Paul urged in one of his letters “Do not be conformed to this world” [Romans 12:2].  Many evangelical leaders now eagerly align themselves with various globalist causes.

Best-selling author and grand church leader, Rick Warren bragged about his ties to the WEF and the UN. One incentive for these leaders has been to obtain funding from secular globalist institutions and wealthy influencers, such as George Soros and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Likewise, working with the CDC and the NIH, The Billy Graham Centre at Wheaton College created the website “Coronavirus and the Church” to promote Covid 19 injections and other governmental Covid policies. Franklin Graham notably declared that Jesus would get a Covid shot!

In my view, such declarations by prominent religious figures and organisations are not only ignorant and foolish but also abusive. No one is under any moral obligation to be injected with experimental substances. Unsurprisingly, some wits lampooned statements like Graham’s with “Woke Jesus” memes depicting him insisting that his followers wear masks and get Covid shots.

Nevertheless, opposition to global conformism does not mean retreating into an attitude of suspicion and hostility to all things foreign, new, or unfamiliar. Even without pressure from the powerful to implement the desires of international elites, the world’s various peoples often influence each other by the attractions and achievements of their peers.

For example, Korean dramas and Japanese anime now have a multitude of fans all over the world. Furthermore, innovative, beneficial medical practices in the West eventually have been adopted by many Korean and Japanese doctors. However, nowadays aggressive global conformism often propagates detrimental practices and ideas around the world. Source


I then ran away from the corporate labyrinth because my soul was dying in there. I kept my heart, and because I did, I have immediate and vibrant answers to some of the big questions that Systems People are asking in their high-end keynote speeches. I have peasant senses that make it very easy to grasp the degree of murder that modern systems bring upon the soul; it’s a Catch 22.”

I have functional answers because I ran away from the machine. But because I ran away from the machine, I am not accredited by the machine, and Systems People are sceptical about the answers that come from a Non-Systems person. The things I have to say are not familiar. Source


The era of global integration and accord has ended and the era of global disintegration and discord is heating up.  Beneath the chaotic swirl of complex dynamics and risk, two core drivers emerge: de-globalisation and de-financialisation.

The 30-year era of increasing globalisation has reversed, reducing the influence of markets and increasing the influence of national security. Where the globalisation era led to global trade agreements which served at least a few of every participants’ core interests, the de-globalisation era will be characterised by fragmentation and deals being done between nations outside of traditional alliances and ideological camps.

In the neoliberal worldview, markets are solutions to virtually every problem: open up markets and let price discovery and innovations solve all problems. This construct is ideologically appealing, but in the real world, markets generate extremely risky supply-chain dependencies on unreliable offshore sources; these dependencies were efficient and profitable, but when things fall apart, they cause dominoes to fall far beyond what “markets” can anticipate or hedge.

The 50-year era of increasing financialisation has also reversed.  Financialisation optimised capital at the expense of labour and wage earners, and optimised speculation through the vast expansion of credit and leverage, enabling finance to commoditise virtually everything in the global economy: labour, capital, goods, services and yes, even risk.

But commoditised risk that can be hedged only includes the risks that are visible and known. When extremes become even more extreme, the potential for risk to escape the neatly fenced corral of hedged risk increases in ways that cannot be quantified and hedged.

The public has tolerated a stinking mass of self-serving bailouts and insider dealings under the threat of “if we don’t do this, the entire system collapses in a heap” for the past 15 years, but their patience with financier strip-mining may run out more quickly than the political elites imagine.

History suggests that social revolutions often start spontaneously from an apparently trivial event: the deadwood of a corrupt system rigged to funnel asymmetric rewards to the few, at the expense of the many finally catches fire, and quickly becomes a conflagration.

Trade is no longer about opening new markets for mercantilist exports and parking surplus dollars in Treasuries, it’s about securing essential commodities and capital flows in exchange for access to supply chains and financial markets.

The mercantilist era has ended: so-called free trade that created critical national-security-related dependencies is now something to avoid and reverse at all costs. Mercantilist nations that have depended on increasing exports as the source of their economic growth will find markets restricted as Localisation become priorities and this includes China, Germany, Japan and other export-dependent economies.

Globalisation is not dead, but it is fading.  Risk also rises when established processes break down as multiple crises emerge and reinforce each other; what’s known as Polycrisis.  When established mechanisms no longer resolve crises or conflicts, then leaders will naturally be tempted to try ever more extreme measures to regain control or even the illusion of control.

Every leader is prone to miscalculation, but authoritarian regimes with highly concentrated nodes of decision-making are more prone to making catastrophically bad decisions because they’ve suppressed dissent and open debate as threats to the regime’s political and narrative control.  The global trend toward authoritarianism concentrates decision-making in the hands of the few, increasing the risks of fatal misjudgements or miscalculations.


Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President since 2017 said some wise but gloomy words during his interview with German magazine, Die Weltcoche: “The Train has left The Station! (Video clip).  Vucic warned that we are getting close to the last days of “possible rethinking and reconsidering of everything that is happening in Ukraine.” He said that if the big powers don’t do anything soon then he is pretty certain we’ll face a real disaster.

He wonders why everybody is speaking only about war, seemingly not interested in peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word in the West. The power-brokers say we need to win in order to secure future peace whilst not actually speaking about peace in the present.  The President says that in order to negotiate peace you need to have the other side on the table as well. He finds it very strange that nobody is actually attempting to stop the war.

Vucic ridicules European politicians for acting like big heroes without telling their people that they will pay a very high price. He tells the journalist and other leaders to do absolutely everything to stop all their warmongering behaviour.

President Vucic believes we are getting close to the precipice because NATO and the US can’t afford to lose the war in Ukraine.  The reason for this is that if Russia wins, the West’s political legacy will disappear.

Another reason is that the geopolitical position of Europe and the collective West will deteriorate so much that no one would be able to revive or renew it.  It will open Pandora’s box for more movements and hostilities against collectivists in the future.

For the sake of Ukraine’s very survival, and to avoid nuclear war, the President of the United States has one overriding responsibility today: Negotiate.

For the fifth time since 2008, Russia has proposed to negotiate with the US over security arrangements, this time in proposals made by President Vladimir Putin on June 14, 2024. Four previous times, the US rejected the offer of negotiations in favour of a Neocon strategy to weaken or dismember Russia through war and covert operations. The US Neocon tactics have failed disastrously, devastating Ukraine in the process, and endangering the whole world. Following all the warmongering, it’s time for Biden to open negotiations for peace with Russia.


“We need to respond to this and make decisions about what we will have to do in this direction next. Apparently, we need to start manufacturing these systems and then, based on the actual situation, make decisions about where – if necessary to ensure our safety – to deploy them,” Putin said at an operational meeting with the permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

It’s all about the Money: There Are Tens of Trillions of Reasons why both Sides are so Determined to Win in Ukraine.  A lot of people in Western nations are not able to identify Ukraine on a blank map of the world, but the truth is that it isn’t just another country.  It turns out that Ukraine is sitting on natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars.

Most of those natural resources are located in eastern Ukraine, and of course that is where all of the fighting is happening.  Whoever is victorious in this conflict is going to get their hands on all of that wealth.  I think that this helps to explain why the Russians and the Western elite are so obsessed with winning this war.

On the other hand, if Putin loses the war, Russia will not exist and won’t be shaped like it is today.  When you have these diametrically opposed positions, then you see that everything is at stake. No one can afford to lose. That’s why, when you have this situation, we are getting closer to a real disaster.

When asked how close we are to WW3, Vucic says that we are not far away from a big confrontation; not more than three or four months. And there is a danger that it happens even sooner.  Vucic concludes by saying Serbia will keep peace, stability and tranquillity within the region and his country.  The President’s nervous demeanour tells me that, in reality, he knows that if a major escalation happens, Serbia will be dragged into it almost as soon as it begins.

For the sake of Ukraine’s very survival, and to avoid nuclear war, the President of the United States has one overriding responsibility today: Negotiate.

For the fifth time since 2008, Russia has proposed to negotiate with the U.S. over security arrangements, this time in proposals made by President Vladimir Putin on June 14, 2024.

Four previous times, the U.S. rejected the offer of negotiations in favour of a Neocon strategy to weaken or dismember Russia through war and covert operations. The U.S. Neocon tactics have failed disastrously, devastating Ukraine in the process, and endangering the whole world. It’s time for Biden to open negotiations for peace with Russia.  Source

NDAA (2025) authorises mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time. 

The NDAA automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafter into war. This House vote was approved on May 22, 2024, as seen in this US HASC video.

So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young “woke” men don’t evade the draft by simply “self-identifying” as women. It’s not yet clear whether America’s woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there’s nothing in the NDAA that authorises mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.  Equal opportunity DEI = Equality opportunity to DIE for the regime.

Russian president Vladimir Putin named simple conditions for peace in a speech given yesterday. These proposals, if accepted by Kiev and the West, would have immediately ended the conflict, halted the bloodshed and pulled the world back from the brink of nuclear annihilation. Importantly, Western leaders showed zero interest in peace with Russia.

They would rather see millions of their own citizens slaughtered in global war than to see peace in Europe. Source

BUT my question is this: How many Millennials & Gen Z will actually go to war? As always the generals are fighting the last war.  Someone should tell them that life has moved on and they can stick their wars where the sun don’t shine.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa

His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu – a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.