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“Eat Ze Bugs agenda?” The Pandemic Treaty and all the Multiple Vectors Toward One World Government. James Corbett.

“All around the world, national legislatures are going to be forwarding suspiciously similar looking pandemic preparedness bills that will have all of this, all of these tools for control.” – James Corbett, from this week’s interview

From the Pandemic Treaty, to the Summit of the Future, to Agenda 2030, multiple pieces of a jigsaw puzzle are coming together to form a picture of a world governed for the most part by a technocracy, with centralized control in the hands of a few unelected figures from on high.

James Corbett started to study this subject, from the time he realized the hole in our common knwledge is a rabbit hole taking him deeper and deeper. But he also maintains a positive attitude, even when observers listen with despair to the sad signs he sees on our horizon. He joins is this time to tell us about the new generation of “Replicon” vaccines, Pandemic preparations going through multiple national legislatures, “monkeypox” as the next pandemic and more. James spoke to Global Research during a fascinating and disturbing  conversation on the 17th of September.

James Corbett started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. An award-winning investigative journalist, he has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale, and delivered presentations on open source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation’s fOSSa conference, at TedXGroningen and at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. 

Global Research: As I understand it, there was a major demonstration put on by critics in Geneva, a Geneva convoy aimed at opposing the WHO pandemic treaty and the Pandemic Treaty that didn’t get passed, at least not in a form that all of us recognized or expected. So, at least a partial victory of sorts. Could you apprise us of what happened last May? And in your opinion, did the WHO just kick the pandemic treaty further down the road until later, or did the people successfully kick the WHO in the guts?

James Corbett: I suppose it is how you look at it.

But I’m certainly not resting on my laurels or patting myself on the back or, oh, everything’s done here. No, unfortunately, this is a war of attrition. And just because the worst didn’t happen in Geneva in May does not mean that it’s not an ongoing process.

In fact, quite the contrary. We talk about the Pandemic Treaty not having passed, but really that’s only because they weren’t able to finalize and get all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed in time for that World Health Assembly. But they’ve just kicked it, as you say, kicked the can down the road to later this year, potentially.

They have talked about the potential of holding a special World Health Assembly later this year to rubber stamp whatever they come up with. Or at the very, very least, next year, at the next World Health Assembly, they will have a Pandemic Treaty ready. So, unfortunately, all of that momentum and interest and enthusiasm amongst the freedom community, freedom supporting community out there, free humanity, they know how to take that energy and just divert it or cool it down or give people a sense of a victory so that they sit back on their laurels.

And it is interesting, actually. You mentioned, for example, that Geneva convoy that was taking place. But from my perspective here in Japan, it’s been amazing to see the pushback against the biosecurity agenda that’s been taking place and really gaining momentum in Japan, especially this year.

We’ve had a number of remarkable events I was just writing about with regards to the replicon vaccine, which is the self-amplifying mRNA vaccine, which is sort of an upgrade or downgrade, I suppose, depending on which way you’re looking at it, of the mRNA vaccine platform, which is essentially all of the worst parts of the mRNA vaccine, but even worse because it also includes a replicase protein, which will then encode for more of the mRNA within your own body that then encodes the proteins like the spike protein or whatever else Big Pharma wants to have circulating around in your system. And so if you are concerned about the mRNA vaccines and what the effects they are having on the global population, you should be very concerned about the prospect of self-amplifying mRNA vaccines and the potential, although we don’t really know all of the potential effects of this because, of course, it is not a thoroughly studied technology. It is a brand new experimental medical technology that has already been approved for use here in Japan and is due at this point to start rolling out in the next few weeks when the fall COVID-19 vaccination program starts here in Japan.

They are supposedly getting ready to start using the self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. This is very concerning and thankfully the Japanese people are starting to really wake up about this en masse. We saw earlier in January a vaccine study group here in Japan of some prominent doctors who held a really remarkable press conference talking about the problems of the mRNA vaccines and the many, many effects that they are having on the population.

We saw a massive rally against the WHO in April, which was then parlayed into an anti-WHO group here that’s about protecting the Japanese population from the global biosecurity agenda and stopping what they are calling the third atomic bomb, the self-amplifying mRNA vaccines that they say the government is now preparing to drop on its own citizens. We’ve seen another rally that took place in Tokyo in May. Tens of thousands of people, which featured a speech from a former Japanese minister, a cabinet minister who is still a sitting parliamentarian, who talked about his own experience developing cancer after having received the vaccine and tying those two things together, and then actually apologizing to the public, saying that these vaccines should have been tested more, they’ve been rolled out inappropriately, they’re having a horrible effect, actually apologized to the Japanese public for it.

Startling stuff. Just last month…

GR: The media in Japan, are they promoting this stuff as well?

JC: Well, just last month, NHK, which is the Japanese national broadcaster, the equivalent of the CBC, on its popular morning program aired an entire segment about mRNA vaccine side effects and things that have been happening to people, vaccine adverse events, because, as they put it in their own broadcast, we’ve received thousands of requests from viewers out there. Thank you very much.

So here’s our presentation. So they laid out an entire presentation about the mRNA vaccines, talked to people who were suffering from adverse events. Just two days later, the current minister of health in the Japanese government said, on a pretty significant walk back from the safe and effective line that we’ve heard from every, basically, health ministry in the world, said that we… I can’t remember the exact phrasing of this, so don’t quote me on this, but it was something to the effect of, we cannot guarantee the safety.

As to the safety of these vaccines, we can’t speak to that. Something along those lines. Anyway, it was a remarkable walk back from the position we were expected to hold.

And now, next week, there is going to be an international COVID summit, which will include not only people from around the world flying in to give presentations and to interact with prominent Japanese doctors about this issue, but also they will be giving a parliamentary presentation at the Japanese parliament as part of a press conference that’s happening. And there will be another massive rally in Tokyo coming up next Saturday on the 28th. So there is a lot of activity happening here, as you would expect in a country that is facing what they are calling the third atomic bomb.

GR: It sounds like the Japanese population is waking up way more than… Apparently the Canadian population… I mean, notwithstanding we’ve had certain people speaking up, but it’s pretty much quashed by the mainstream media. I think that maybe you could talk a little bit about looking at COVID-19 in retrospective as the dust settles, so to speak.

Now, the next pandemic that they’ve been talking about, it could just be around the corner. Now, a month ago, the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced an upsurge of MPOX in the Democratic Republic of Congo and a growing number of African countries who said that… WHO said it constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. I think the MVABN vaccine that just got added to the pre-qualification list, which is necessary for timely and increased access to communities in urgent need.

And as with COVID-19, no evidence was supplied regarding the virus’s existence. You know, it relies overly much on the RT-PCR test to detect it, which is really not good for diagnosis, as the Nobel Prize winning inventor of RT-PCR announced.

I mean, he’s dead in 2019. But with this device, you can create a scare factor around the virus, making me think this could be COVID-19, the sequel, okay, MPOX. It is apparent based on much of the reporting that I’ve done on the show, that you’ve done on your show regarding the pandemic, that it played a role of healing people.

It seemed to have been an attempt to test a new vaccine, not for health, but for control, and for seeing just how far you can push against democratic principles and so on. I mean, getting the entire world to lockdown, all of that stuff. So I’m wondering, what role do you think this MPOX virus will play? Is this a sequel to COVID-19? Is it maybe an off thing? Because, I mean, what is similar and what is different about this latest pandemic scare, in your opinion?

JC: Well, I think the similarities are obvious, as you point out several of them already.

And we see essentially with COVID-19, even preceding COVID-19, we see the template of how these types of pandemic scares will presumably continue to work until the public stops falling for them, which is to say PCR tests creating an appearance or a belief in a widespread phenomenon that is affecting public health. And for that reason, as we’ve already seen, they can lock you in your home, they can force you into quarantine, they can force you to use digital apps to scan your location, they can use contact tracing, etc., etc. The precedent has been set.

Now it’s just a question of finding the right trigger that will scare the public enough. And whether or not monkeypox, and I will continue to refer to it that way, because I remember a year ago when that was what it was called, but I don’t know if that is particularly going to be the one that will be the scandemic sequel, but it certainly is a candidate, as is many others. In fact, I’ve always found it quite humorous that one thing that the WHO has been warning about is Pandemic X, whatever.

They literally say, well, is this some sort of hypothetical thing? It could be anything, we don’t know. But in the future, where there will be some sort of Pandemic X and this X thing will have these properties and it will kill however many millions of people. And it’s literally something they just made up.

They’re literally saying it’s a hypothetical thing that we’re just making up, but we should be prepared for it. So it is on its face ridiculous. But I think it shows the actual connection between so many of these different threads that we’re talking about.

Not only the biosecurity agenda, finely detailed as it may be, but also the broader agenda that’s rolling out and how it connects in to that quest for world government, which I think is ultimately what all of this is really about. And we can see that, for example, from the UN Pact for the Future, the Summit for the Future that’s taking place, or is about to take place in New York, where they are going to be deciding on whatever they’re going to be deciding on with regards to an emergency action platform that will give the Secretary General of the UN special emergency powers and whatever other authoritarian nonsense they are dreaming up is just one part of that agenda. Another part is using the biosecurity scare to enact changes, for example, to the food supply.

And if that sounds like a strange leap, well, here we go. How about in Canada right now? Bill C-293, that is Bill C-293, is currently making its way through the Canadian Senate. It is called an act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness, which is, of course, presumably all about how do we prevent the next pandemic, monkeypox or whatever that may be.

And this has apparently been forwarded by a Liberal Party backbencher. It has already been approved in the House and is now making its way through the Senate. And apparently what this means is, given the wording, and I would suggest people go and actually read the context of Bill C-293 so they can see it for themselves, but it starts talking about regulating commercial activity to specifically prohibit any activities that may potentially give rise to some sort of pandemic in the future, including industrial animal agriculture.

And it also then instructs the Minister of Agriculture to promote commercial activities that can help reduce pandemic risk, including the production of alternative proteins. And that phrase may not mean anything to people at the first level. What does that mean, promotion of alternative proteins? Well, if you’ve been paying attention to the Eat Ze Bugs agenda, they want you to eat insects.

That is going to be your new main diet staple in this new normal that they’re trying to bring in on the neo-feudal plantation. You are going to be eating bugs. And part of that, they are calling it alternative proteins.

It’s a protein derived from, say, cricket powder and other such things that are now being approved for human consumption for the first time in the history of many. The European Food and Safety Administration has just approved, for example, cricket protein to be sold for human consumption, etc. This is called alternative proteins.

And now this is being embedded in Bill C-293 in the Canadian Parliament that’s talking about pandemic preparedness. So we have to start eating bugs? I mean, this is how every aspect of this global agenda starts to interlock. And to a certain extent, it almost, I won’t say gives the lie to, but shows how the WHO Pandemic Treaty and all of that, to a certain extent, is window dressing.

Because this, at the end of the day, is going to be enacted in every nation state’s national legislature. And it’s going to be passed as, for example, Bill C-293 in Canada and whatever Senate bill or whatever in the United States, etc., etc. All around the world, national legislatures are going to be forwarding suspiciously similar looking pandemic preparedness bills that will have all of this, all of these tools for control.

Another thing embedded in Bill C-293 is contact tracing, of course, because the government needs to be able to have the communications technologies and facilities to be able to know everyone you’re interacting with all the time. So that in case you fall ill, well, they’ll be able to track everyone you’ve been in contact with. And that power would never be abused by any government, surely.

So again, you start to see how under the cover and pretense of a sufficiently ginned up scare that gets the public worked up enough that they will give up their basic fundamental rights, the rights guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, right? As long as you are scared enough to be able to willingly give up those rights, the government will come along and take them gladly. And unfortunately, again, this is not just a Canadian problem. This is a global problem.

It is happening in country after country all around the world. It is happening right now. And until we stop giving away our basic rights in the event of any perceived threat, and most of these threats are complete ginned up nonsense, but even if there was a real threat, that still does not give the government the right to come in and completely control my activities and start telling me to eat the bugs and all of this other self-evident nonsense.

GR: James, on the subject of Bill C-292 and other legislations that are going up in countries around the world, is there a negative in terms of people bringing forward things like, I don’t know, something like ivermectin or anything else like that that’s going to be pushed as an alternative to the WHO treatment? Is there some inconceivable mechanism that’s going to even more profoundly marginalize those alternatives?

JC: Yes, but the real operative question is, treatment for what? Because as you say, this PCR test is something that is really not fit for purpose for diagnosing anyone with anything. It is a tool that can be used to gin up the perception of some sort of pandemic. But was there really a pandemic? And of course, researchers like Denis Rancourt there in Canada have talked about and gone in deeply into the statistics surrounding the appearance or lack thereof of an actual pandemic threat that did or did not take place in 2020, 2021.

And he came to the conclusion that there was not a pandemic event that took place just based on the statistics alone. And he’s done a lot of important research on that. So really, the question we should be thinking about is, well, is the response, the hysterical, tearing down the fabric of our society response that we saw in 2020 and 2021 really proportional to what we experienced in our actual lives? And if not, then what really happened there? And why is it happening? And I think that gets probably closer to the point.

I mean, yes, certainly people have talked about ivermectin and other ways of combating these spreading pathogens, etc. And I am certainly not here to tell. I’m not a doctor.

I don’t play one on TV. People’s personal health and the decisions they make. Great.

Good for you. I’m sure you can do that better than I can do that for you. But having said that, I think the obvious, the 10,000 pound elephant in the room that cannot be discussed is that health is fundamentally about preparedness, not preparedness, prevention of illness.

And prevention of illness involves being healthy, eating healthy, engaging in a healthy lifestyle, disentangling yourself from the glowing screen, going outside in the sunlight, grounding your feet on the actual earth, spending time in physical activity, all of these things that tend not to make money for major corporations and big Pharma, etc., which is precisely why the prevention side of all of this is completely and utterly neglected. And the mantra of the mainstream establishment message over the past few years is you got to get a needle in your arm. That is health.

And once you have your needle in your arm, you know, anything. And the epitome of that particular nonsense was the giving away of free Krispy Kreme doughnuts. If you get your vaccination, you can get some doughnuts.

You’ll be doubly healthy. You’ll have the experimental medical technology in your arm, and you’ll have some doughnuts to clog your arteries with. It’s laughable.

It’s ridiculous. It’s utterly stupid. But I feel like I’m the one taking crazy pills because am I the only one who sees this?

GR: Well, I can think of an interesting take on what you’re saying, and that’s with regard to what’s happening in Gaza right now, where the genocide-like actions are taking place, you know, committed by Israel, and people are subjected to bombings.

They’re also starved of food. Water supply, half of the water supplies in the place have been destroyed. Medical supplies you can’t get in, and basically the Israeli government yet is helpful enough to allow health care workers in to administer a polio vaccine once it was discovered that polio is back in the region.

I mean, after all the indifference the Israeli Defense Forces have shown toward Palestinian women and children over the last 11 1⁄2 months, I don’t think that protecting them from polio really makes a lot of sense. I mean, what’s behind, you know, is the vaccine. I mean, in spite of all the weapons that are being aimed at Gaza, I mean, is this vaccine an exception to that rule? I mean, is it really about saving lives, or what is it about?

JC: Well, I think you answered your own question there, because it clearly and obviously is not about saving lives.

In the midst of this, I won’t even dignify it with the word war zone. It is a slaughter zone where innocent men, women, and children are being bombed to smithereens every single day, but we’re going to pause that at certain times and certain places so that everyone can gather to get the shot in their arms so that they won’t get polio. On its face is just ludicrous nonsense on every level.

Every part of that story is stupid. But what does it signify? Why, then? What is really behind this? The absolute most basic level that we can always proffer as one reason for these things to happen, clearly the corporations, the corporatocracy that puppeteers so many of our national governments, has a strong interest in, at the very least, the incredible propaganda opportunity here. Look, hey everybody, look how important it is to get your vaccines.

We will literally stop this random wanton slaughter just so that people can make sure they get their vaccines because we love you and it’s good for you. And that idea gets embedded in the public consciousness if they simply accept a story like that without questioning it. So, yes, bottom line, profits, sure.

That is certainly part of it. But there does seem to be a deeper agenda to this, doesn’t there? Because I don’t think money simply explains all of what we have seen rolling out in the past few years and what we see on the plate right now. I think this has to tie into what I keep pointing out is essentially every aspect of my work for the past 17 years and presumably the next 17 years is, we’ll continue to stress, this is about a much bigger agenda that has been identified in many ways by many people over the years.

It’s been called the New World Order agenda or it’s been given many names. But the essential kernel of the idea is a global governmental system ruled over by a central, unelected, unaccountable body that will be issuing dictates and mandates to global citizens. And that can take many different forms.

We could preserve the nation-state infrastructure but have it as a system like what we’re seeing right now where the WHO is creating this Pandemic Treaty that may or may not ever get passed, but every single national legislature is forwarding these various pandemic preparedness bills that essentially do all of that within those national legislatures. So that’s kind of the vision of what we see rolling out before us right now. All of this is taking place within the context of an oligopoly, an oligarchy and an oligopoly that is attempting to solidify and centralize a position from which they can dictate mandates for the global population to control the world’s resources, including, of course, its natural resources and also its human population.

And unless and until we face that dark reality square in the face, because all my life, at any rate, that has been derided as crazy conspiracy theorizing, unless and until we can completely and utterly discard that thought-stopping pejorative of conspiracy theory and face this reality as it is coming into view, unless and until we can do that, I don’t think we have a chance of turning the tide against this agenda.

GR: Okay, I’ve got about 30 seconds left, but is there anything else you’d like to say to our listeners on the subjects at hand before we conclude our conversation?

JC: Absolutely. Well, as always, the most important thing is what we can be doing about this.

The number one thing right now is the number one political priority. We need to withdraw from the UN completely, totally. No questions asked, no holds barred.

Withdraw from the United Nations. That is the seat from which they are trying to wield this power right now. And unless and until that becomes a political policy and a point that people are out on the streets protesting about, I don’t think we have a chance against this.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.