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Election Fraud

Blatant democrat corruption: FCC fast-tracks approval for George Soros purchase of 200-plus U.S. radio stations in 40 markets weeks before presidential election

Blatant democrat corruption: FCC fast-tracks approval for George Soros purchase of 200-plus U.S. radio stations in 40 markets weeks before presidential election

Billionaire left-wing agitator George Soros is going in for the kill in these final weeks before Election Day with a fast-tracked purchase of more than 200 radio stations in 40 American markets.

Soros somehow convinced the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to approve his radio station purchase at warp speed, allowing him to access the ears of more than 165 million Americans, many of them voters, before November 5.

There are five commissioners at the FCC who voted on the matter: three Democrats and two Republicans. As you might expect, they voted along party lines with the three Democrats saying yea to Soros and the two Republicans saying nay.

Since Soros is a foreigner and not an American citizen, he is supposed to be subject to existing FCC rules that prohibit foreign entities from own more than 25 percent of U.S. radio stations. An exception was made, though, because Soros is rich and powerful – and he is a Democrat.

“Soros took foreign investment to make his bid and then filed a request for the commission to make an exception to the usual review process,” tweeted Twitter / X personality Mario Nawfal about Soros’ move, citing the New York Post.

“The decision to fast-track the approval process bypassed a national security review, which could have taken up to a year to complete.”

(Related: In many ways, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are an “unholy trinity” straight from the pits of hell.)

Soros’ election interference

Everything Soros is doing right now to capture the U.S. radio industry with his mountains of cash constitutes election interference – you know, the same kind Democrats like Soros still insist Donald Trump engaged in to win the 2016 election. And yet nothing happens to Soros because he is protected.

The hypocrisy is deafening, but it is so common nowadays that most people barely bat an eye at it. Time will tell if Soros’ endeavors are a success, or if the time has come for the American empire as it currently exists to fall.

“Whenever someone refers to election interference, Soros should be at the forefront of every discussion,” tweeted lawyer Klay Thompson in response to Nawfal’s post about Soros’ recent radio station purchases.

“Totally illegal,” added another. “Trump must win and declare Soros a terrorist, just like other countries have.”

“Funny how Soros is the only one who seems to be able to fast-track anything in the United States,” emphasized another about the special treatment that Soros always receives because of his last name and his bank account.

Another named “J Kerner” (@JKernerOT) made some salient points about how Soros and his radio station purchases represent yet another stark and shocking example of how blatantly treasonous the current Democrat government has become to allow such a thing to happen.

“Soros is rabidly, foaming-at-the-mouth anti-U.S.,” Kerner wrote. “More than once, he has publicly stated his intentions to destroy the U.S.”

“His ‘Open Society Foundation’ is an oxymoron, and dedicated to globalist agendas and destruction of America. It’s the exact opposite of ‘open society.'”

For many years, Kerner continued, Soros has been funneling cash into Democrat causes whether they be the latest political pop stars or the hidden Democrat agendas that are unraveling American society from within.

“Soros has given hundreds of millions of dollars to finance riots by terrorist groups such as BLM and Antifa. He hand-picked Marxist and corrupt DAs and AGs, and financed their campaigns. Some of these DAs are behind the false felonies manufactured against Trump. This is what the Democrat party is – a corrupt, treasonous organization dedicated to dismantling our republic.”

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.