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Is Zelensky a Russian Agent?

By Cliff Kincaid

September 25, 2024

I always considered myself to be an astute judge of character, able to spot communist agents working in an undercover capacity to influence domestic and world events. I thought Vladimir Putin never gave up his communist beliefs, drummed into him before he joined the KGB.  I still think he’s the major villain in the Russia/Ukraine war. But now I am convinced that Ukraine President Zelensky is also a villain. He may be worse than that. He may be a Russian agent.

The reason is that Zelensky has inserted himself into the U.S. presidential election, on the side of “Comrade Kamala,” by appearing in swing state Pennsylvania, cheering on local workers making ammunition for the war. He was joined by Democrat Senator Bob Casey, running for re-election, and the Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro. It was a disgraceful event that Zelensky, if he were a true patriot, would never have had anything to do with.

Shapiro’s office released photos of Zelensky arriving in Pennsylvania and holding meetings with Shapiro and Casey and other Democrats.

His bizarre appearance at this factory convinces me that this war is only costing the U.S. money (over $175 billion so far) and the lives of Russians and Ukrainians, and that Zelensky is not sincere about wanting to win the war.

The war has become a partisan issue that makes money for special interests. What’s worse, Zelensky doesn’t seem to realize that the Democrats do not want him to win, but just to generate arms sales that benefit some American workers.

The location was the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant in Lackawanna County.

If ever there were an example of the U.S. military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about, this was it. But having a foreign leader visit the ammunition plant is beyond disgraceful. He is either stupid or a Russian agent eager to keep the war going for Moscow’s benefit. After all, the war gives Putin a chance to exercise even more dictatorial control over his nation.

A local Republican, Rep. Dan Meuser, told Newsmax that the Democrats “did a disservice to Zelensky and Ukraine by making it such a partisan event.” He has been a strong supporter of the war against Russia.

“There were no Republicans invited,” Meuser said. “I was not invited, and it’s just outside my district by about 15 miles. It’s a little bit shameful that they would do that in such a serious issue, but unfortunately, that’s how they’re operating.”

In other words, from his perspective, the Democrats are trying to generate votes by courting the workers supplying Ukraine with weapons.

I think the workers are smarter than that. I think they would rather be making weapons for the U.S. military, to safeguard America.

But Meuser is wrong. Democrats can’t solely be blamed. Zelensky was an active participant.

Back in 2022, Meuser had joined a bipartisan Congressional briefing with Zelensky, declaring “It’s clear there is bipartisan consensus in the House and Senate to support Ukraine with weapons and impose even tougher sanctions on Putin.”

It’s difficult to see how Meuser can forgive Zelensky for climbing into bed with the Democrats.

However, the event does in fact demonstrate that the Democrats are the “war party” on this matter, since Trump has repeatedly stressed that he wants to settle the war on peaceful terms, to limit the suffering and carnage.

Rather than spend billions on Ukraine, it makes sense to me to spend the money on what Trump proposed as an “Iron Dome” for America, like that guarding Israel against missile strikes, but on a national basis for America and modeled after Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan’s SDI only resulted in a few ABM sites, able to protect our citizens against limited nuclear attack.

Geopolitical analyst J.R. Nyquist discussed this on a recent episode of my new America’s Survival TV show on Rumble.

Meanwhile, Politico has run a story about the latest Trump would-be assassin, Ryan Routh, revealing that he traveled back and forth to Ukraine and was monitored by U.S. agencies which did nothing to stop him. The publication claims he “fell through the cracks,” which is a laughable excuse.

Equally sinister, Ukraine did nothing to stop him, either.

Politico said, “One DHS official reportedly knew Routh traveled to Ukraine, though there’s no indication that the FBI ever investigated him upon his return and during his years-long and at times bombastic campaign to drum up support for Kyiv. It’s also unclear if federal law enforcement was aware he wrote a self-published book that appeared to call for Trump’s assassination.”

What is clear is that “federal law enforcement” is implicated in this and the previous attempt on Trump’s life.

Now, on top of this second attempt to terminate Trump, Zelensky shows up in Pennsylvania, to meddle in the presidential election, obviously fearful of a Trump victory.

He has made groups of conservatives and Republicans for Ukraine look foolish.

I suppose it’s possible for Ukraine to change course, to dump Zelensky and admit his dalliance with Kamala and the Democrats was a mistake. The time is late.

By the same token, the Russians should dump Putin. He is a real villain as well, determined to bring back the Soviet/Russian empire.

But probably neither scenario is possible, making the Trump approach the only realistic option for the United States.

What I do know is that further U.S. military involvement in this war is nonsensical, especially when the Russians have all the nuclear weapons and Ukraine has none. Remember that Ukraine turned their nuclear weapons over to Moscow when Democrat Bill Clinton made the arrangement for them to do so.

Under these circumstances, Zelensky’s visit to the ammunition plant makes no sense at all. The Democrats got Ukraine into this weak position in the first place. He is putting his faith in an Administration that made the war possible, when Biden said a minor “incursion” into Ukraine by Russia might be tolerated.

Now Zelensky is seen begging the Democrats for more weapons of war, interfering in the presidential campaign in the process. He has lost his sense of purpose and must be replaced. He is not serving America’s interest or that of Ukraine.

He has emerged as Russia’s best friend, continuing a war that could easily escalate into Russian nuclear strikes on America and supervising an intelligence service that should never have permitted Ryan Routh into the country in the first place. Ukraine should have jailed him.

With Zelensky in charge, the war against Russia is a lost cause that can only spark fears of a world war, at a time when the homeland is defenseless against a Russian nuclear strike and the Middle East conflict is escalating.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

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