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Participant speaks of the psychological manipulation and trauma experienced during the filming of BBC’s documentary ‘Unvaccinated’

On 20 July 2022, BBC aired a documentary titled ‘Unvaccinated’.  BBC had commissioned the documentary in which mathematician Professor Hannah Fry sought to “understand why a portion of the population remained unvaccinated against covid.”  Or so the BBC claimed.

One of the people Prof. Fry interviewed was Nazarin Veronica, a young woman from London.  “The manipulation I was going through [during the five days of filming] was just unreal.  Not just me, everyone [who was unvaccinated],” she said.

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A few days after BBC’s ‘Unvaccinated’ documentary aired, Nazarine Veronica and a fellow participant Vicky discussed the false pretext used by the BBC to get unvaccinated people to participate in its documentary with Mark Steyn, who at the time presented a show on GB News.

Despite BBC advertising the documentary as seeking to understand why people refused covid “vaccines” and portraying it as such to those who agreed to participate, Prof. Fry presented the documentary as it was to show the unvaccinated the error of their ways in refusing to be vaccinated.

As the Daily Mail reported just days before the documentary was aired, Veronica and Vicky were two of seven “anti-vax Britons” who were subjected to a “fascinating experiment” in which they spent “five days living together in a house – where they are bombarded with myth-busting scientific evidence about the vaccine.” 

In short, a mathematician had been commissioned by the BBC to conduct a psychological experiment without the knowledge or consent of the participants who were lured into taking part with promises of allowing the public to hear their side of the argument. Furthermore, it seems Prof. Fry, a mathematician, took her psychological experiment too far.

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GB News: Nazarin Veronica says the BBC ‘misrepresented’ her in their documentary ‘Unvaccinated’, 25 July 2022 (3 mins)

Victoria had already spoken out before the BBC documentary was released, despite being under a gagging order not to discuss the documentary before it was aired. The first of her tweets below, posted on 19 July, is a copy of an earlier (8 July) social media post. The second tweet was posted two minutes later on 19 July, the day before the documentary was aired.

At the beginning of this month, Victoria joined Tom Nelson to talk about her experience with the BBC, climate change, the coming social credit system and more.

Filming for the BBC documentary was “the most traumatic, terrifying, the hardest thing I’ve done in my entire life,” she said.  “The manipulation I was going through was just unreal.  Not just me, everyone.”  By everyone, she means everyone in the house who was not vaccinated.

“[The unvaccinated] definitely won most if not all of the debates in that house, but the way they edited it made it look like they won all the debates,” she said.  Victoria went into the house knowing the BBC would edit and present a misleading narrative but she wasn’t prepared for the extent of it.

We have embedded the video below to begin with the discussion relating to the BBC documentary (timestamp 26:15).

Climate Realism: Nazarin Veronica: Freedom Fighter | Tom Nelson Pod #250, 1 October 2024 (60 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on Tom Nelson’s Substack page HERE.   The following are comments Nelson posted under the video on Substack.

Nazarin Veronica: Most of the world is “sleepwalking into a social credit system”

By Tom Nelson

Nazarin Veronica is an inspiring, courageous and intelligent young freedom fighter from London, pushing back hard online and in real life against mainstream lies.

Like many other people, the lies of covid were instrumental in causing Nazarin to start questioning the climate scam narrative, the “eat bugs, not meat” push, Agenda 2030, and more.

Nazarin Veronica’s story of brainwashing/gaslighting in five days of filming for BBC’s ‘Unvaccinated’ was incredibly interesting to me; it seemed that the BBC deliberated used sleep/food deprivation in an attempt to get seven “anti-vaxxers” to get the covid vax, but none of them complied! The BBC also filmed crazy stuff such as offering the “anti-vaxxers” the chance to eat chocolate out of a diaper, also the chance to eat peanut butter etc out of dog food cans; they were evidently trying to make some sort of point about the “nocebo” effect?! WTF?!

I think the BBC’s goal was to convince us that Nazarin etc were irrational and/or uninformed. Although their editing was very unfair to the “anti-vaxxers,” I think they unintentionally ended up convincing more viewers (and maybe BBC presenter Hannah Fry herself) that the “anti-vaxxers” were correct!

Notably, Hannah Fry went strangely silent about the covid gene therapy after the show, after pushing it hard during the show.

Some timestamps for the video above:

  • 00:00 Challenging Mainstream Narratives
  • 01:36 The Climate Change Debate
  • 03:46 Personal Awakening and Outreach
  • 06:03 Yellow Board Protests
  • 09:27 Public Reception and Changing Attitudes
  • 16:29 Agenda 2030 and Future Concerns
  • 26:15 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Further resources:

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.