Rewriting the Script of Life. “This Is Moment to Think Big”

This is a good moment to think big.
Big things are happening on the world stage – but most only involve a change of emphasis, a reordering of the standard power play conducted within the deep state’s global field of influence.
Don’t confuse this ‘Reset’ with the deeper change which is taking place underneath. Although they do overlap at times, they are very different happenings.
The World Economic Forum version is based upon the power play of a number of despotic billionaires, gathering behind them a coterie of political, corporate and technocratic ciphers having no spine and no interest in operating outside the standard field of financially rewarding slavery.
This motley cabal is going nowhere other than to a different corner of the anti-life cul-de-sac within which they permanently operate.
They are a self interested force based entirely on ‘taking’. Draining the life force of its vigour and, whether consciously or unconsciously, fixated on destruction and control.
In amongst their dark endeavours a glimmer of light occasionally seems to show itself – but this is a chimera, because where suppression, greed, control and death form the fundaments of the policies being adhered to, no emanation of light is possible.
Collective values resonating with emanations of light belong to a completely different realm.
They set their life course on cooperation, instead of division. Empathy, instead of alienation. Peace, instead of war. Nurturing, instead of stealing. Truth, instead of lies. Love, instead of hate. Justice, instead of criminality. The formation of life, as opposed to a cult of death.
You will find such light only where the values being expressed are the antithesis of the inhuman brutality adopted as the means to become ‘successful’ within the dominant corporate and billionaire-based model of the modern world.
I am not saying that there are no individuals operating within such globalist structures incapable of rising above their dark goals; there are of course, and their distinctive humanitarian qualities are to be applauded.
What I am saying is that those who have developed proper conscious awareness and who resonate with the light, must recognise that their role is to now step forward to completely rewrite the script of life; to form the vanguard of those determined to lay the foundations of a new society.
They must place the positive powers of humanity at the centre of all aspirations and goals that form the fundamental basis of human education – and indeed, human existence. Presenting a fresh blueprint for what society is all about and where it wishes to go.
This means setting in motion a reversal of the situation in which schools, universities, and career influencers teach the failed model of local, national and global conformism. A script that further exacerbates the self-destructive pattern of our misdirected collective existence.
This failed model includes religion, whose carefully controlled dogmas have been and remain the prime cause of often brutal divisions across the full spectrum of mankind.
So now, while cracks in the power money control system are widening, we have to seize the moment to set out a purposeful vision of what it is that will rise up to vanquish and ultimately completely replace the dystopian prison within which our present world has been incarcerated.
This vision can only be brought to life via an unremitting desire to realise in ourselves – and in the outside world – the manifestation of truth. A deep determination to articulate in words and deeds, that which flows out from the heart, thereby illuminating the way ahead.
A true vision cannot be mind-based. The mind is a beautiful and vital instrument, but operating on its own it turns into a calculator; pulling towards a digital, abstract and material view on how to organise life. It tricks us into following an alien and essentially reductionist form of logic, lacking spontaneous acts of generosity, warmth and inspiration. The true expressions of an unblocked life force.
The entire toxic EMF-powered instant messaging addiction is a mind creation. And mind disengaged and removed from heart leads to madness.
The Internet of Things; the Hive Mind; the ‘Digitalisation Disease’; the IT sterilisation of diverse living entities and the entire agenda of The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Green Deal – are all a manifestation of mind cut-off and alienated from the heart and from the spiritual.
At its extreme, this takes the form of genetic engineering the human and environmental gene pool; influencing and altering the behaviour of the cells and neurons of the human brain and an obsession with robotic and transhuman life distortions.
So let us be done with this obscene cult of the mind. We humans are warm-blooded social beings, our instinct is to help each other in times of difficulty and to celebrate together in times of joy.
Love lives in our hearts and our hearts connect directly to the supreme progenitor of life.
Our grand vision, our revolution, comes to us from the life source itself, the central nucleus of all existence. Provided we feel connected-up, we know what needs to be done in order to follow and fulfill the potential gifted to us.
This is called ‘the Path of Truth.’ Or in Eastern esoteric schools ‘The Way’ (The Tao). And to determinedly follow it means to also rewrite the script of life.
There can be no woolly ‘New Age’ compromise here. The path of truth remains an internalised chimera until it is expressed in existential pragmatic actions that lay the solid foundations of a spiritually-guided new society.
The job of laying these foundations involves standing in the fullness of our heart-mind united power. Recognising that the only way out of the Minotaur’s mind labyrinth is to adhere to that deeply intuitive navigational aid which ensures every crucial decision of our lives only comes direct from Source.
One does not know the composition of ‘the way’ until it reveals itself. There is no predestined formula to follow – as is the case with our fixed education curriculum. Taking The Path of Truth involves a brush with the unknown, a stepping into the infinite.
However, there are signposts to guide us in this grand adventure. Tried and tested spiritual practices which have the vital role of nurturing the development and realisation of our innate mental, spiritual and physical potentialities.
Rewriting the script of life is the absolute prerogative of an evolving humanity, yet it can only be done by fully embracing the fact that our existence here on earth is solely for the purpose of fulfilling our mission as conduits of the Supreme Consciousness.
Above all else, it is this realisation that will lead to the complete metamorphosis of life on earth and hasten the much anticipated dawning of a deeply fulfilling age of emancipation for all animate and inanimate beings of this world and far beyond.
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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of the acclaimed title ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ and other works. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Do visit his website