“Arise Sir Harold Shipman” and other passing observations
If Dr. Harold Shipman were alive today, he would be receiving a knighthood for his contribution to the Government’s depopulation programme through the NHS.
In some areas in England, patients who are having a stroke or heart attack are being advised to make their own way to hospital. In his usual witty tone, Dr. Vernon Coleman wonders if this is because the ambulances are needed for those who urgently want a covid injection.
These are not the only highlights of “Free Suits” Starmer’s Britain Dr. Coleman notes in his latest passing observations.
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1. Dr. Harold Shipman, the GP who killed 284 of his patients is mourned by those promoting the British Parliament’s “death by doctor” scheme. If Dr. Harold Shipman were still alive, he’d get a knighthood for his contribution to the Government’s depopulation programme. “Arise, Sir Harold! Thank you for your efforts. The NHS needs more like you.” Of course, the doctor’s efforts are as nothing besides the efforts of those GPs who insist on seeing patients via a computer screen, and who are, consequently, responsible for more murders than the old-fashioned Shipman, who at least had the decency to do his killing face to face.
2. When Bismarck found that German bureaucrats had two huge warehouses full of useless documents, he ordered that the documents be burnt. Two years later, the warehouses were still packed with documents. Bismarck was told that it was a slow process because the bureaucrats insisted on making copies of all the documents which were destined to be burnt.
3. In some areas of England, patients having heart attacks or strokes, or suffering from severe abdominal pains or serious burns are apparently being advised to make their own way to hospital. So, who will be entitled to call an ambulance? Maybe just patients wanting an urgent, emergency covid-19 jab. “Don’t worry, sir, we’ll put the bells and lights on and get you to the Covid Jab Clinic in under eleven minutes.” My contention that the British no longer have a health service is now proven. And why is the NHS still telling people who have symptoms of a stroke to get to their nearest hospital straight away? Just how are they supposed to get there? Do they drive themselves? Ride a bicycle? Or walk 30 miles?
4. “Free Suits” Starmer has abandoned its pledge to cut Accident & Emergency (“A&E”) waiting times to four hours. (I bet you £100 to a button that “Free Suits” wouldn’t have to wait four hours to have a broken hip fixed.) And “Free Suits” says he cannot guarantee that the target will be met in the next five years. Of course, he can’t. The real problem is that GPs work “library” hours and don’t do night or weekend calls. That is the reason why ambulances and A&E cannot cope. If “Free Suits” doesn’t realise that then he’s a bigger idiot than I thought he was. If he understands the problem but won’t do something about it (by taking on the British Medical Association (“BMA”) and telling GPs to provide 24-hour cover again) then he’s guilty of political cowardice. The Government’s solution is, inevitably, to increase the number of GPs. Since it takes at least five years to train even a basic model GP, the Starmer solution will doubtless be to hire a few thousand beauty therapists, delivery drivers and lavatory cleaners, give them all white coats and stethoscopes and a copy of `The Noddy Book of First Aid’ and tell patients they’re the new breed of family doctors.
5. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister (who looks and sounds far more like a statesman than any British politician since Churchill or possibly even Palmerston) has hinted that the Americans and the British are backing terrorists in Syria (possibly to delight Israel, annoy Russia and eventually grab the oil in the rest of the Middle East – which is what most wars are about these days). I have no idea whether or not that’s true but it seems possible. You’d have thought, would you not, that the disastrous consequences of the West’s interference in Libya and Iraq would have taught politicians a little caution? (Libya under Gaddafi was, by all accounts, a much nicer place than it is now.) But, as I keep saying, nothing happens by accident these days. We are heading at speed towards the Great Reset and the conspirators know exactly what they’re doing. Within hours of Lavrov’s comment, Syria had fallen and Israel had invaded parts of it and bombed other bits. The terrorists in charge had, of course, imposed a curfew. The principles of a coup are simple: film a mob pulling down a statue, demonise the previous regime, search for missing people and impose a curfew. Millions of refugees then flee from the terrorists in charge and seek asylum in England.
6. An American House Oversight Committee has allegedly sort of confessed that covid was a leak from a lab. So now we know for absolute certain that covid wasn’t a leak from a lab. The covid that was used as a global weapon was the rebranded annual flu but the authorities want everyone to think it was more deadly than it was so they are happy for people to think it was a lab leak.
7. When I put out our wheelie bin I discovered that a couple of branches of one of our trees had half broken and were half blocking a public footpath. So I fetched a saw and started to cut the branches out of the tree so that walkers wouldn’t be impeded. As I struggled in the dark and cold to manhandle the branches, no less than four youngish men side stepped past taking their evening constitutionals. I have no idea who they were or where they were going but not one stopped to see if they could help. I’m English so I would, of course, have said `no thank you’. But it would have warmed the cockles and muscles of a tired, old heart if one of them had asked. Times they are a changing, eh?
8. Many of the world’s computer chips are apparently made in Taiwan. If (or when) China invades Taiwan, China will own quite a lot of the chips that seem to be needed to make anything more complicated than a comb, and if you want to buy a telephone, computer, car or anything else with a computer chip in it then you’ll probably have to buy a telephone, computer, car or whatever which has been made in China.
9. Is Charlie’s absurd Poundbury development going to be the blueprint for the new 20-minute cities?
10. Are the severe winds battering Britain a result of the geoengineering experiment which everyone knows is happening but which the corporate media continues to deny? If you dim the sun (as is happening) there must be other effects. You can’t mess with nature without consequences. Meanwhile, Storm Darragh has been arrested in Wales for exceeding the 20 mph speed limit.
11. Netanyahu is now officially a war criminal (and Israel is guilty of war crimes including genocide) so everyone who supports Netanyahu must also be a war criminal. That’s the way it works, as many low-level Germans discovered at the end of World War II. (The high-level Nazis were all let off, of course.)
12. Britain is now run by a Government which was largely elected by people who don’t have jobs and don’t pay tax. A growing number weren’t born in the UK and have no allegiance to England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. This is all part of a plan to destroy what is left of democracy and must never happen again. Hands will be raised in horror but here’s a thought worthy of debate: “No one should be allowed to vote unless they pay tax and no one should be allowed to vote if they work for the Government. (It is clearly improper to allow anyone to vote for their employer.).”
13. My thriller ‘Deadline’ still scares me and I wrote it. It starts with this bloke in a café in Paris. His wife goes to the loo and doesn’t come back. When I started writing it that was all the plot I had. (It’s not like any of my other novels by the way.) For more details or to buy a copy just CLICK HERE
14. There were very few restrictions on the press during World War II. How things have changed. Freedom of speech is now a memory. For telling the truth I am banned from all corporate media and all social media and most of the internet. You can be sent to prison in Britain for speaking your mind. And even praying silently can be a crime if you’re Christian.
15. Do you remember people talking about the paperless office? Well, oddly enough there is more paper now than ever before in modern offices.
16. “You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing.” – Thomas Sowell.
17. Please share my video on euthanasia. The more people who watch it, the greater the chance of Parliament’s death bill never becoming law. To see the video just CLICK HERE
18. “I put the dirty washing into the washing machine,” I said, feeling proud of myself. “But don’t you find that those little plastic baskets get in the way? Are they for socks?”
19. A 95-year-old woman who broke her leg was left lying on the pavement in Bournemouth for more than five hours in the freezing cold. A bystander who rang the emergency services was told that the 95-year-old wasn’t a priority. Excuse me for caring, but what is wrong with the people in this bloody country? “Free Suits” Starmer (who took £107,000 worth of freebies but hasn’t paid tax on them) wants the power so he must take the responsibility.
20. Anyone who plans to travel to Spain in the future is insane. Check it out.
21. The Labour Party State Murder Bill (aka the Slaughter of the Innocent Bill) is the most reprehensible piece of Parliamentary legislation ever foisted on the British people. King John would have been proud of it. We must kill the bill.
22. “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill
23. Spreading false news (whether it is labelled misinformation or disinformation) should be a crime. If it were then just about every corporate journalist in the world would be arrested, tried and duly imprisoned for suppressing truths, spreading pseudo-facts and demonising truth-tellers. To find out the extent to which one truth-teller is controlled and abused in the UK please read `Truth Teller-The Price’. For details CLICK HERE
24. Why does the UK change the pictures on its paper currency every twenty minutes while the US never changes its paper currency? The UK’s policy causes chaos and wastage for no good reason.
25. “If printing money could end poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity.” – Javier Milei, Argentinian President.
26. Please remember that if anything “odd” happens to us there has already been one very serious attempt to kill Antoinette and myself. (We and other people have the evidence for this attempt.)
27. Anyone who questions their government is now regarded as a conspirator. Any evidence of malfeasance is dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
28. “Free Suits” Starmer doesn’t understand why there is so much anger about immigration. And he doesn’t understand why so many people don’t want to bother going to work. The result of this ignorance is that Starmer’s tenure will be increasingly unhappy and contentious. Incidentally, it will be impossible to prove that the Government has a depopulation plan. Vast numbers of old people will freeze to death this winter (deprived of their modest heating allowance) but they will be more than replaced by armies of immigrants. The net result will be a rise in population. And the conspirators will be able to sneer at talk of depopulation.
29. Britain under “Free Suits” is borrowing £100 billion to waste on a frivolous and pointless five-year green infrastructure shambles. (You will note that the Labour Party previously said that Britain was so broke that it couldn’t afford to help stop pensioners from freezing to death this winter.)
30. I would like it to be known that although I have never used it, I do have a knighthood. It’s not one of the mouldy British ones which are given out like sweets, but it is a proper knighthood and I am entitled to be called “Sir.” (It was awarded to me via the principal of a University in Sri Lanka where I was a Professor.) I’ve never mastered the protocol, however, and I’m not quite sure whether I should be Sir Dr. Vernon Coleman or Dr. Sir Vernon Coleman. Maybe Sir Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc would solve the problem. (You think I’m kidding. But I’m not.) I think I may still have a Professorship too. But then it gets silly. “Professor Dr Sir Vernon Coleman” looks rather fine, though.
31. There is a big campaign, at the moment, to draw attention to the number of women who are murdered in Britain each year. Quite right too. But let us not forget, please, that 72% of murder victims are male.
32. Why is it that my GP is forever begging to vaccinate me with toxic substances that don’t do what they’re supposed to do, but never wants to check my blood pressure?
33. “For a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” – Sir Winston Churchill.
34. There are dozens of books available for sale in the bookshop on my website. We never sell advertisements on videos or my website and we never accept sponsorship or donations. Our income is through the sale of books.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.